Blessing of Vehicles the ‘CATHOLIC WAY’ to Mark ‘AYUDHA POOJA’ in ‘Rome of the East’

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Blessing of Vehicles the ‘CATHOLIC WAY’ to Mark ‘AYUDHA POOJA’ in ‘Rome of the East (Mangaluru)’

Mangaluru: There is no question about it, Catholics like blessings. It’s part of our faith and culture. We regularly bless people, places and things – religious things and secular things. But how about the blessings of vehicles to mark the Hindu festival ‘Ayudha Puja’ in a Catholic religious way. Traditionally, Ayudha Puja is celebrated by Hindus to honour all equipment and instruments that aid in their daily work. For Hindus, staying true to the ideology, the site of the Puja itself is a workstation. The custom of removing all evil eyes is performed by smashing a white pumpkin and a coconut.

But gone are the days, when Ayudha Pooja was performed only at Hindu temples or Hindu businesses, factories etc-Not any more, since few years even the Christian/Catholic community have started the tradition in blessing the vehicles/tools/machinery etc at Catholic Churches/Catholic institutions/businesses run by Christian community. Anyways, nothing wrong with it, I guess! The ‘Ayudha Puja’ blessings that took place at the St Anthony’s Ashram Chapel, Jeppu on Tuesday, 24 October after the mass in the parking lot didn’t involve any breaking of pumpkins/coconuts, or tying limes or chillies, instead Rev Fr J B Crasta -the Director of St Anthony’s Charitable Institutions/Ashram along with Fr Gilbert D’Souza the Spiritual Director, Fr Nelson Peris and Fr Avinash Pais,both Assistant Directors joined in the blessing ceremony.

.Fr Crasta went around the vehicles parked in the premises and sprinkled Holy water on them, along with a short prayer. That was simple and fast- Blessing complete! One of the annual features of St Anthony’s Institute is blessing of the vehicles.St Anthony’s has organized blessings during the day time, morning 7.00 am , 10.00 am 1.00 pm and 3.30 pm. The Director invoked protection from the dangers and hurdles from the lord. He said that the Holy Angels from the Lord guide all those who drive and go for journeys.

“: When Jesus was alive he constantly traveled on the boat. Thus he has sanctified the journey of all human beings and blessed all forms of transport. Recalling the Journey of Jesus on this earth today we ask Jesus to bless our journey we take. We believe that Jesus Christ is the authority and lord over our vehicle. We use our vehicle to the glory and honor in Jesus’ name. We also take this opportunity to thank the gift of our vehicle. Tuesday is also the day of devotion to St Anthony we invoke the special protection of Saint” added Fr J B Crasta.

This was something unique that the Catholic churches are doing to mark “Ayudha Pooja”, although blessings of cars/vehicles usually take place on the Feast day of St Christopher. But blessing on Ayudha Pooja is just to respect the tradition of the local Hindu community. Ayudha Puja , a traditional Indian festival where devotees thank their creator for giving them resources and equipment to earn their daily bread. The Church has inculturated this Indian festival and blesses vehicles which help us in our journey to work, business of pleasure. The feast of St. Christopher was on the Universal Calendar on July 25. If you carry a medal of St. Christopher in your car, as millions do, your children will be especially interested in his life.

I had blessed my vehicle at the Ayudha Pooja ceremony held at Infant Jesus Auto Works, Kadri Kambla Road, where Capuchin Priest Fr Wilson Tauro from Infant Jesus Shrine, Bikkaranakatta blessed the vehicles .So, if you have the opportunity to have your car or two-wheeler blessed, by all means, do so. It’s a nice devotional practice and an expression of faith.It’s a nice devotional practice and an expression of faith. But remember, God will be your passenger only as long as you’re safe and careful while on the road!

Ending this column with a prayer of Vehicle Blessing:

Let us pray. Lord God, be well disposed to our prayers, and bless this vehicle with your Holy hand. Appoint your Holy Angels as an escort over it, who will always shield its passengers and keep them safe from accidents. And as once by your deacon, Philip, you bestowed faith and grace upon the Ethiopian seated in his carriage and reading Holy Writ, so also now show the way of salvation to your servants, in order that, strengthened by your grace and ever intent upon good works, they may attain, after all the successes and failures of this life, the certain happiness of everlasting life; through Christ our Lord. All: Amen.

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