Mangaluru: MBC Felicitates ‘Real Vintage Cyclists’ for their Love towards ‘Cycle and Cycling’

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Mangaluru: Forget Apples! Even if there is a saying that a apple a day, keeps the doctor away – but cycling a day keeps the doctor at bay. Cycling is low-impact exercise that can be enjoyed by people of all ages, from young children to older adults. Regular cycling has many physical and mental health benefits. It is one of the best ways to reduce your risk of health problems such as stroke, heart attack, some cancers, depression, diabetes, obesity and arthritis. To be fit and healthy you need to be physically active. Riding your bicycle regularly is one of the best ways to reduce your risk of health problems associated with a sedentary lifestyle. It is also fun, cheap and good for the environment. Also riding to work or the shops is one of the most time-efficient ways to combine regular exercise with your everyday routine.

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”Life is like riding a bicycle. To keep your balance, you must keep moving.” had said Albert Einstein- and here we present to you nearly 19 middle-aged to senior cyclists who have great passion for cycling and who have enjoyed this hobby by pedaling for fun and glory, and this sport has kept them moving in his life. Whether it’s to boost your fitness, health or bank balance, or as an environmental choice, taking up cycling could be one of the best decisions you ever make. Cycling will get to your destination faster than other vehicles during rush hours in the city; Cycling makes you- Sleep more deeply; Look younger; Boosts your bowels; Increases your brain power; Beats illness; Live longer; Save the planet; Heal your heart; Lose weight in the saddle; Avoid pollution; Enjoy healthy family time etc etc. So, if you’re feeling tired, take a ride!

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We should give our motor vehicles rest for a day and should cycle at least once a week. We not only save fuel but also keep the environment clean and regain our lost health. Young generation who are more interested in cozy lifestyle, should take up cycling once in a while. India, to emerge strong, needs fit and healthy youngsters. If any one desires to be a part of environmental protection and also remain fit, using bicycle for mobility is the best way. Promotion of cycling can mitigate to a large extent India’s woes on surging fuel demand, environmental pollution, traffic snarls and health disorders. There is an urgent need to reduce the use of motor vehicles and it is time bicycle was widely used for commuting. The youth must focus on this issue. Walking and riding a bicycle can keep one fit irrespective of age. As India is going through a phase of increased lifestyle health issues like diabetes, blood pressure, stress disorders etc, and also increased traffic congestion and environmental pollution, there is a need to inculcate the habit among the people, especially the youth and children.

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Mangalore Bicycle Club (MBC) was back again with an unique event – this time it was all about recognizing and rewarding a few hardworking cyclists in Mangaluru, who have been using cycles as the only mode of commutation all their life either for personal or job related tasks. Some of them had worked for the postal department delivering letters, while some are still employed at the post office-some of these cyclists deliver milk, newspapers or do other errands. Members of MBC went around the City and had identified around 20 such cyclists, a few of them who were above the age of 80 .These are the set of people who really deserve applause and appreciation from the entire society for adding zero carbon footprints till date.


Club members and other cyclists assembled on Sunday,January 3, 2016 at 7 am at Prakash Beedi Compound-Kodialbail, to felicitate these cyclists. Prior to this programme, MBC members had taken a 20 km fun ride in and around the city. These real cyclists were felicitated with a framed certificate and cash award by chief guest Rammohan Pai Maroor-president of Kanara Chamber of Commerce and Industry (KCCI) along with the members of MBC. The event concluded with interaction and breakfast with these cyclists. Speaking to, Ganesh Nayak-President of MBC said, ” People like us give all excuses when someone forces us to use cycle even for a day. A few of these cyclists who are 80 plus years of age use their bicycles for commuting even today. This is inspiring and Mangalore Bicycle Club want to share these encouraging and inspiring stories to all. I request people to take up cycling for the betterment of the pollution free city and also for their good health”.

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83 year old Marthappa Bhandarkar speaking to said, “I have been riding this Raleigh Robinhood for the last 64 years, and it’s still running perfect. I get up early in the morning, ride my bicycle and do all my errands. Cycling has kept me fit and healthy. These days people use more of motorized vehicles, which not only create lots of pollution, it also makes you lazy. I urge the citizens of Mangaluru, especially the youth to start riding the bicycle which will keep them healthy, and also prevent the city from getting polluted with CO2”. 86-year-old Doganna Moolya who has been riding the bicycle throughout his life says that cycling has kept him young and healthy, without any health problems. “I still ride this vintage bicycle, and I didn’t had any problems with it, other than tire puncture few times. Start riding bicycle because it’s fun, and good for your physique and health”.

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The cyclists who were felicitated today were-Shekara, Mohan Shenoy, Jagadish Moily, Pushparaj, Ravi Kumar V S, Lokesh Rai, K Somappa Poojary, Marthappa Bhandarkar, S Apparaya Nayak, Koragappa, Krishna Acharya, Anil Nayak, Doganna, Romal Sequera, M Madhava naya, Kunjiraman and Gopal Prabhu. Long live these “Real Vintage Cyclists”!

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dony menezes
8 years ago

great work by MBC, hoping more to come by MBC. jai ho. good coverage by