Despite losing Right Leg in Train Accident 18 yr-old Girl Writes II PUC Exam with Courage

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Despite losing Right Leg in Train Accident 18 yr-old Girl Writes II PUC Exam with Courage

Despite losing Right Leg in Train Accident 18 yr-old Girl Fathima Suzna of St Agnes PU College Writes II PUC Exam at St Aloysius PUC with Courage & Determination

Mangaluru: This story about a young girl’s freak train accident in which she lost her right leg will leave you inspired. What happens when the thing you want most, is the one thing you can’t have. Most of us will be heartbroken or get depressed. But not 18-year-old Fathima Suzna, an IInd PUC student at St Agnes Pre University College, Mangaluru, who among the hundreds of students appeared for the II PUC Exams at St Aloysius PUC, wrote her economics paper today, all by herself in a separate room. If there is any living example of the idiom, ‘Where there is a will, there is a way’, it can be seen in Fathima who didn’t give up her studies even after losing her leg.

For thousands of nervous students frowned over dog-eared textbooks minutes prior to the state board’s PUC II Year exam, but for Fathima there was a bigger test to pass-she with determination, courage and strong will wrote her economics paper despite losing one of her legs. She did it through sheer force of will and determination, and she finished her paper in time without quiting. No doubt that Fathima is a role model and inspiration to other students that in spite of her disability she was very much determined and committed to answer her exams. But even after the freak train accident Fathima has never given up hopes, she is always smiling and looking forward for better days to come in her life- and she is confident that Allah will always be on her side and protect her, along with her loving parents.

It was one fine morning on 29 October 2018, as usual Fathima was on her way to her college, while she was crossing the railway tracks near her residence in Jeppu, Mangaluru she slipped and fell on the railway tracks. Unfortunately a moving train ran over her right leg, even though Fathima managed to adjust herself lying down firmly below the moving train, and woke up after the train passed. Quickly her screams for help brought the nearby people, who rushed her to A J Hospital, but the doctors couldn’t save her right leg since it was totally damaged. Apart from losing her leg, she hurt her hips, and bruises on back and arms.

After returning back from the hospital, Fathima never went back to college due to her disability, but continued her studies right from home, with a help of a tutor. The college management cooperated with her, and gave all the assistance that she needed in pursuing her studies. And today, even though she was sad and depressed in her heart, she was beaming with pride that she managed to appear for her II PUC exams, and will appear for rest of the subjects in the preceding exam dates. While many students use the excuse of poor results to drop out of college and abandon academic pursuits altogether, Fathima was totally determined and committed that she would continue further with her studies in spite of her freak train accident which took away her precious right leg.

Her unflagging determination to pursue a career in Commerce spurred her on as she began preparations for her exams, and here she was today, carried and brought to the examination hall by her father, Samad Suzna, an automobile dealer, also escorted by her mother, Ramalath, a housewife. Fr Melwin Mendonca SJ-Principal of St Aloysius PUC speaking to Team Mangalorean said “I am very proud to hear about Fathima, who is appearing for her papers despite her tragic accident. Even though of her disability, she has not giving up easily. We have seen many students who skip studies or do not appear for exams giving false reasons/excuses. But here is a courageous and determined girl who never gave up her studies despite her accident, and has appeared for the exams. She is an inspiration to others.”

Speaking to Team Mangalorean, Fathima said, “It felt like life was over on the freak accident day. Those who came to see me later also expressed concern about things like how will I cope up with life, how I will only become a burden on my parents etc, But my mother inspired me not just move on after her accident, but aim higher and fulfill my dream what I want to become in my life. I remember her words, where she said-‘Ignore what people are saying now. Few years later when you have achieved something great, they will all eat their words. My aim is to make my mother’s words come true. She is my support throughout, and she is like my shadow. She makes sure that nobody hurts me in any way. she never treated me differently at all. It is her positive spirit that has made me who I am today. My dad also is very much caring and supports me in all my activities. Also, the people around me made this possible — my friends, my family, and others”.

“Initially, I used to feel bad when people stared at me. It made me very uncomfortable, but now it does not matter. I know who I am. I have become more strong-hearted, what they feel or how they see me does not affect me anymore. When I think about how my life has turned out to be, I think it is fine, whatever happened. I feel I am blessed because I know that something very horrible happened and even now it is not like I am 100 per cent all right. I can’t just run around and do everything on my own. But a lot of good has come my way. I am confident I can do something meaningful with this life. I don’t have any regrets. I think life is all about making the best with what you have. There is a lot to look forward to in life rather than just sitting around thinking of what could have been. Thanks to everyone, including my parents, teachers at St Agnes College, relatives and friends who have stood beside me during my hard times” added Fathima.

To young Fathima Suzna, a girl with Determination, Courage, Commitment and Strong Will, Team Mangalorean says “Keep up the good work and spirit that you are entrusted with, and may God bless you. You Go Girl!”

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5 years ago

Maybe they need financial help
Better try to help her