DMO to Protest Vilifying Campaign Against Dr Zakir Naik

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District Muslim Organizations to Protest Vilifying Campaign Against Dr Zakir Naik

Mangaluru: Dr Zakir Naik is an Islamic educator and debater whose sole interest is preaching Islamic teachings by peaceful means. He has time and time again condemned all forms of terrorism.

All his speeches are available in the public domain and have tens of thousands of viewers worldwide. It is absurd to hold him responsible for the actions of those who have happened to view his videos or follow him online. Hence the statements made by responsible ministers in central and state governments and by investigation agencies are all ill-motivated.

The intended moves of the government agencies against Dr Zakir Naik amounts to curtailing free speech and religious preaching by minorities. In this matter, Muslim organizations of DK district will hold a protest in front of the DC’s Office on Friday, July 15 at 3 pm.

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Original R.Pai
8 years ago

There you go – now we know how moderate muslims think and who they support. They are the true champions of peace and free speech. They are right – Zakir hussain has nothing to do with terror attacks. In fact, Islam has nothing to do with Islam. Now that we have that out of the way, let’s get back to more important things like hindu-bashing, church attacks and RSS-bashing!!

Mohammed Hanif
8 years ago

Dear Brother Mr. Pai, As a Muslim there are many views of Zakir Naik that i do not agree with. I think the days of blindly believing someone is past us. But to brand him as a terrorist and hate monger is utter non sense. I urge you to watch one full talk of Dr Zakir Naik on Youtube on any subject. Not a news clip of 2-3 mins shown on news channels. You can Judge Dr. Zakir Naik after you listen to his one full talk. The reason i am saying this is i have been listening to some… Read more »

Nelson Lewis
8 years ago

Mr. Hanif, Dr. Zakir Naik is a big fraud who has taken advantage of mostly Muslims from the lower economic strata and institutions by professing to them the superior of Islam over other religions and, in return, enriching himself to become a multi-millionaire., Why is he now afraid to come to India to answer the queries of various agencies, if he has nothing to hide? If you see his Youtubes, at least in one of them he has praised that international terrorist, Osama bin Laden, who spent the last five or fix years of his life in a large mansion… Read more »

Mohammed Hanif
8 years ago

Dear Nelson, Zakir naik has said that the video where he is seen talking about osama is doctered and it was a video of 1998. Zakir naik has the right to preach his religion. Not only him the 1.8 billion muslims feel that islam is supreme. Thats our belief. If the 2 billion christians believe that Christianity is supreme , i should respect it. Its your belief. I am not forcing u to accept my belief. For eg apple says iphone is the best, samsung says samsung is the best. Let the buyers decide which is the best. Like how… Read more »

Original R.Pai
8 years ago

Dear Brother Mohammed Haneef, You started off with humility and presented a very moderated view in your first post. But true colors came out in your response to Nelson’s post! Let me break it down for you. # Zakir Naik is clearly deceiving people when he says his video on Osama was doctored!! There are multiple videos on the same topic and they are all doctored? Why did he take this long to provide a clarification? In fact, yesterday, he posted a video on his official channel and reiterated the same thing!!!! Watch this video – Apparently, he still doesn’t… Read more »

8 years ago

Mohammed Hanif “I am not forcing u to accept my belief, IPhone says they are the best and Samsung says they are the best” – This is not the teachings of Islam, non Muslims are offered 3 choices and all through history people were forced to accept any one of the following. 1. Convert to Islam and pay 2.5% of their savings as Zakat. 2. Do not convert to Islam, and pay 50% of their income (not savings) as Jaziya. 3. Hence, if anyone does not want to convert to Islam and pay the Zakat, or remain a non Muslim… Read more »

Nelson Lewis
8 years ago

Mr. Mohammed Hanif, To you and to some other Muslims, Dr. Zakir Naik is a hero but, for me, he is a fraud and a scoundrel, who has become a multi-millionaire by preaching hate about other religions and superiority of Islam (as if Islam was one of the oldet religions which, in fact, is not). Dr. Naik has taken advantage of the semi-literates, who have no brains and reasoning power. Contrary to what you said, I counter you by saying that many mentions have been made of both Mother Mary in the Bible (New Testament). I cannot tell anything about… Read more »

Nelson Lewis
8 years ago

There are many muslims who disagree with Dr. Zakir Naik (and his disturbing sermons) and one of his sisters is not in favour of what he is doing and, over the years, she has had differences of opinion with him.

Dr. Zakir Naik’s father was a psychiatrist and also had his clinic where, after completing his M.B.B.S. he was practising. He was very much influenced by a foreign Islamic preacher and did not take interest in his medical profession for which he had trained and became a preacher himself.