E-way of Giving a Lasting Gift to Your Grandchild! ELC & CFAL to organize ‘Gift A Story’ Contest

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E-way of Giving a Lasting Gift to Your Grandchild! ELC & CFAL to organize ‘Gift A Story’ Contest


Mangaluru: ELC (Early Learning Centre) Kindergarten in association with CFAL (Centre for Advanced Learning) in Bejai-Kapikad, Mangalore, has taken on a unique initiative of reviving the age-old tradition of grandparents narrating stories to their grandchildren.

The “Gift a story!” contest organised by ELC/CFAL provides a platform for grandparents and anyone above the age of 60 from all over the world to record their stories. The stories can be narrated in any language and will be uploaded on YouTube for their grandchildren as well as children from all over the world to enjoy. Teachers at ELC highlighted the need to reintroduce storytelling as a strong learning aid and libraries for pre-schoolers to build a love for reading at a young age. Their opinion is that children learn a lot through observation, exploration and self-learning, and that excessive focus on textbooks and notebooks must be reduced – especially in early education.

Vijay Moras, Program Coordinator at CFAL said, “Anyone might have a good story to share. We are naturally wired to learn through stories and many local stories are kept alive through folklore. I have fond memories of listening to lots of stories as a child and it would be sad to see this beautiful art disappear in our modern lives.”

The stories for this contest could be original or local folk tales and the time limit is 5 minutes. Any language, prop or puppet can be used. Voice modulation or simple narration can be employed. Stories can be recorded using phone, camera or at the recording studio at ELC.

These stories will be shown during the celebration of Grandparents’ Day and Carnival at ELC/ CFAL and will also be uploaded on YouTube.

The prize categories are as follows:

BEST ORIGINAL STORY – A story that was made up by you or someone in your family and has not been published anywhere.

BEST TRADITIONAL STORY- A story that has been told and retold, possibly a folk tale and may be published elsewhere.

MOST POPULAR STORY- Most likes on your social media page

BEST EDITING- Most creative props, voice modulation etc.

BEST CINEMATOGRAPHY- Most creative use of filming technology

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