Gaurakshaks are skinning Dalits and eating their flesh – Motamma

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Gaurakshaks are skinning Dalits and eating their flesh – Motamma

Mangaluru: Congress party workers from the South Constituency staged a protest against the atrocities on Dalits, in front of the DC office here on August 8.


Prior to the protest, there was a rally from the Town hall premises which culminated in front of the DC office. The rally was inaugurated by former MLA Motamma and MLA J R Lobo by garlanding the statue of Dr Ambedkar.

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Addressing the protesters MLA J R Lobo said that atrocities on Dalits have greatly increased and their rights are being snatched. Four of the Dalit youth were brutally thrashed in Una, Gujarat for skinning a dead cow for leather. They were alleged of killing the cow and severely beaten for three hours. The Dalits even do not have the right to eat the food of their choice. The Congress government is working for the welfare of the Dalits, backward class and the poor whereas the BJP and the Sangh Parivar is trying to snatch the rights of the Dalits. The Congress strongly condemns the atrocities on Dalits and will fight for their safety.

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Lobo also urged the congress party workers to go to every village and panchayat and visit the Dalits and work for their welfare. Whenever the Dalits have been assaulted or harassed we have to be their voice and fight for their rights.

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Addressing the protesters Motamma said, “I am really proud to see a lot of people from Mangaluru join the protest to fight against the atrocities committed on Dalits. In the name of Gorakshak, they are skinning the Dalits and eating their flesh. Giving false hopes and blaming the Congress government, BJP came to power, but they forgot that the people who are living in this country are one and they have to be treated equally. In the name of religion, the so-called Gorakshak’s are killing the Dalits, they are raping and murdering Dalit girls. Who gave the power to the Sangh Parivar to take the law into their hands.

Recalling the bold statement of Modi, ‘If you want to attack, attack me, not the dalits. If you want to shoot, shoot me”. In another programme Townhall programme Modi said, “I feel angry when people, in the name of cow protection, do business”. Motamma congratulated the prime minister for lately understanding the hidden agenda of Gorakshaks.

image016congress-protest-20160808-016 She further said that people want leather shoes, leather Jacket and leather sofas. From where will the leather come? In Chikkmagaluru, Shanthipur, there were only 6 slaughter houses. But now under CT Ravi’s leadership there are 28 slaughter houses. We now understand the fake face of VHP and Sangh Parivar. Whoever wants to eat, they will eat whatever they want. Why then the double standards?

She also said that why did Modi not raise his voice when there were atrocities on Dalit youth? Why did he not raise his voice when Mayavati was compared to a prostitute. Why Modi was silent when two Dalit girls were raped and burnt alive in Ludhiana. Why is he today saying to list out the names of the Gaurakshaks? If atrocities on Dalits will continue the BJP will surely be wiped out.

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Modi is travelling to foreign countries and giving talks on Swacch Bharat, are the VHP and BD cleaning the roads, footpaths etc? Now people leave dead cows on the streets saying that they will not do any work related to the cow. If a dog dies there are people from ACT, who bury the dog with dignity but how many dead cows these Gaurakshaks have buried? What kind of love is this towards the cows? They do not love cows, they have a different agenda! By visiting foreign countries and talking about Swacch Bharat and economic policies the country will not develop. Being the PM, Modi should go and challenge the world that he will eradicate poverty, eliminate corruption and bring equality among the citizens and not talk about Swacch Bharat.


Addressing the protesters P V Mohan said, “We believe in our constitution and our constitution teaches us Brotherhood, equality and freedom which the Dalits have been deprived. 20% of the Dalits are harassed. When there were atrocities on Dalits, Modi took 22 days to react to it because of the vote bank. For the BJP and Sangh Parivar 22% of the votes in UP, Gujarat and other states are from the Dalits. Modi is not concerned about the Dalits, he is concerned only about their votes. In Karnataka there are more than 2 crore Dalits, Dalits are in every corner of our country. Dalits do all kinds of work, but how are they treated. The Dalits main occupation is preparing leather products, but they have been oppressed. Isn’t Lord Shiva wearing leather? Why are some Mathadipathies wearing leather products?

Mohan further said, “The BJP and Sangh Parivar, in the name of Love Jihad tried to divide the people of the country but failed in their attempt. Later came the ‘Bharat Matha ki Jai’ and ‘Desha Prema’ but they couldn’t succeed. Now they are making playing politics through the calf.


Modi said, “Gaurakshaks are not cow protectors, they are criminals, action should be taken against them”. We the Congress people congratulate Modi for his bold statement about the Gaurakshaks. The Police should arrest all the Gaurakshaks because they are criminals. If the police do not have the list of Gaurakshaks we will provide a list of the Gaurakshaks and Gau bhakshaks. While concluding Mohan urged all to join hands with the Dalits and fight for their rights.

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Chief Whip Ivan D’Souza and Mithun Rai also spoke on the occasion. Mayor harinath, MUDA Chairman Kodijal Ibrahim, Former Mayor Shashidhar Hegde, Suresh Ballal, Arun Coelho, NSUI president Ashwith Pereira and others were also present.

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