Honey Dew Swan

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After the winter break, ‘Spring Time’ is the most delightful season. The trees with their outstretched branches are filled with green leaves and seem to herald the onset of a new season.  It is also the season when almost all birds breed.

Thus in keeping with the spring time theme, I have carved out a Swan out of a Honey Dew Melon.  The smooth whitish rind and green flesh of the Honey Dew or the winter melon makes for easy carving.

The Method:

First carve the neck and head part of the swan.
Carve the beak.
Carve the  wings on each side of the Melon.
Place the Honey Dew Melon seed as eye.
Remove the flesh from the head side as well as the wing side from the back.
Finally fill the empty pouch with strawberries and grapes.

The ‘Swan’ is an attractive centre piece for your dining table. When filled with an array of fruits it serves as a centre piece for the salad or dessert table also.

Author: Rosanne DSouza- USA

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