Karnataka Social Club Bahrain Celebrates Easter

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Karnataka Social Club Bahrain Celebrates Easter

Bahrain: After a gap of nearly five years due to the pandemic situation the world over, the Executive Committee of Karnataka Social Club organized Easter celebrations for its Members and families, sponsored by well-wishers on Thursday, 4th April 2024, from 8.30 pm onwards at the Main Hall of its premises. The program included the distribution of Easter eggs to Members’ children below 12 years and a brief cultural program of dances performed by Members’ children choreographed by Preetham and Sonia and organized by the Ladies Wing of the Club led by Lavina D’Souza. DJ Alwyn entertained the audience spinning the right discs for each session of the program.

The program was graced by Fr Darel Fernandes, OFM Cap., the Assistant Parish priest at Sacred Heart Church Bahrain and the Spiritual Director of the Konkani Community as the Guest of Honor along with Convenor Mr Nelson Menezes.

The program began at 8.30 pm with the Club’s Entertainment Secretary Rajesh Prabhu welcoming the audience and the Guest of Honor, Fr Darel Fernandes, and the Club President Sunil D’Souza addressed the audience/gathering of members’ families, wellwishers, sponsors, and friends – from the stage of the Main Hall in the presence of the Club’s Executive members and the din of applause from the audience.

The opening Prayer Song was performed by Sonia, Adeline, and Freeda followed by two cinematic fusion dances performed by children who literally shook the stage mesmerizing the audience much to their joy and applause with their lively and synchronized dance talents and performance, even somersaulting acrobatically to the musical beats! The audience reverberated with awe and screams in resonance with the dance sequences – a pleasant sight for their eyes to behold.

The first call for the Easter dance session brought in the senior members from the club to the floor waltzing to the tune of slow merry music from DJ Alwyn’s album of vintage Konkani numbers.

Easter eggs were distributed to the joy of about 40 children. Thanks to the Ladies Wing members for organizing the same.

Roshan D’Souza was the faithful Photographer of the program, capturing every bite of the Session – his glimpses speak more than words!

This was followed by the Novelty Dance Session with two valuable prizes sponsored by R&R Trading – thanks to Royston and Rozita for their generosity.

Easter dinner was served buffet style catered by Karavali Restaurant Bahrain. Easter dinner had its added flavor of non-vegetarian delicacy sponsored by Rodney and Janet and prepared by a wonderful team of expert member chefs. Thanks to their culinary skills that added spice to the Easter dinner palate.


There was Line Dancing for the nimble feet and the young teenagers who took to the floor shuffling their moves to the tunes from DJ Alwyn – yes, they made justice to every beat of music. The Masala session added charm to the eventful evening.

To conclude, a Lucky Dip Session was organized and anchored by Arun for the Members with attractive prizes to claim.

Thanks to the Sponsors who made the Easter Celebrations a grand success and all those who worked behind the scenes to make it a day to remember.

The Easter program brought vibrancy to the Club and the Executive Committee has more programs lined up for the month and the future, including an Annual Swimming Pool picnic, Carrom Tournament, and other Sponsored Weekend programs for the month of April.

Prepared by Joe Andrade

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