Mafia or Mahatma

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Mafia or Mahatma

Mafia means swagger swank strut originated in Sicily
Gambling, loan sharking, drug-trafficking, prostitution, and fraud
The prime crime breach scandal violation fill fear in human world
Smash Raze quell death crime murder felony lynch slay slaughter
Diverse distinct brand variety debut occur stigma scar hi tech star
World cheat demeanour dupe delude deceive mislead swindle hoax
Silent spike spit and stick slash to slain innocent silenced beeswax
Restless restive ruthless society builds palace malign melancholic
Am I mafia to break and crack the planet? Or mahatma to behold the atma

Mafia schematized against facet and form of human life
Building medicine career political religious stone sand every entry
Poor penniless destitute strapped none care & share woe tragedy
Use and throw mild and timid pitch and push God lone god father
World today moves makes distinct diverse distant direction walker
Political pundits keep illiterate under their feet never allow lift head
Builders owners suck energy poor labourers disown discard the end
Religious leaders grab sheep to keep ignorant naïve under mighty fist
Am I mafia to break and crack the planet? Or mahatma to behold the atma

Poor labourers simple humans daily walking miles for life
Education no more mission but commission dupes the people to core
Sand mine mafias pervert desecrate rape mother earth ditch her shore
Legal system totally adapt geared in favour promote rich wealthy people
People dazed if they criticized branded criminal antinational to the jail
Democracy destroyed dictatorship boom ego roar greed avarice prevail
People become deadliest snakes vipers mamba taipan cobra blue krait
Sincere people good samaritan slog and toil build the bridge humanity
Am I mafia to break and crack the planet? Or mahatma to behold the atma

Humanity first Rules next serve food to eat hitting the stomach a curse
Voracious lions ravenous vulture rapacious eagle bounce poor pitiful
Humanity angelic sacred spiritual holy wonderful bow head respectful
Remember fondly the front line soldiers’ yeoman service salute solitude

   Am I mafia to break and crack the planet ‘amma’?
Or ‘mahatma’ to behold the ‘atma’

   Fr Joachim D’Souza Capuchin

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4 years ago

It should be definately an eye opener to us and may God interview and heal the hearts of the troubled.