Mangaluru: Forgotten Hero Bhagat Singh Remembered on Death anniversary

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Mangaluru: The Akhila Bharat Vidhyarthi Parishad organized “Maa Tuje Salaam”, a talk on Bhagat Singh at Sharada Vidhyalaya here on March 23.

The programme began with an invocation. ABVP member Swaraj welcomed the gathering. The programme was inaugurated by Maheshchandra Nayak, Assistant Professor of SDM Law College, along with other dignitaries on the dais.

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ABVP member Chaitra delivered the keynote address. Addressing the gathering Kannada Lecturer of Sri Narayana Guru College, Keshav Bangera said that Bhagat Singh was one of the most influential revolutionaries of the Indian independence movement. “Singh took revenge for the death of Lala Lajpat Rai at the hands of the British police. Singh also killed the British police officer John Saunders and was convicted and sentenced to death at the age of 23. His legacy prompted youth in India to begin fighting for Indian independence. He continues to be a youth idol in modern India as well as an inspiration for the present generation.”

“Bhagat Singh had become the symbol of a new awakening among youth. He was a clean fighter who faced his enemy in the open field. He was like a spark that became a flame in a short time and spread from one end of the country to the other, dispelling the prevailing darkness everywhere. Bhagat also printed some leaflets and threw them in the Central Assembly stating, ‘It is easy to kill individuals but you cannot kill their ideas. Great empires crumbled, while the ideas survived’. Thousands of youth inspired by the death of Bhagat Singh protested against the British in northern India.”

While concluding, Keshav said that bombs and pistols do not make revolution but the sword of revolution is sharpened on the whetting stone of ideas. “The present generation do not know the meaning of sacrifice. We remain silent when there is corruption and injustice happening around us. Recently, an honest and upright IAS officer was killed but stories were created to hide the truth. The government took a very long time to hand over the case to the CBI. Bhagat Singh was killed by the Britishers but the IAS officer was killed by our own. We need many Bhagat Singhs to curb corruption and criminal activities. Youth are the nation’s power and they have to unite and fight against corruption and make this country a better place to live in.”

Maheshchandra Nayak delivered the presidential address. City Secretary Jayesh P K delivered the vote of thanks.

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B. N. Pai
9 years ago

Forgotten Hero Bhagat Singh Remembered on Death anniversary. RSS and the Jana Sangh opposed, “tooth and nail”, the territorial exchange treaty by Nehru with West Pakistan in Panjab intended to get the territory of Hussainiwaal to India, where the Monument to Bhagath Singh, Raj Guru and Sukh Dev are there. They opposed the acquisition of martyr’s samadhi then, but visit it now! THE PRESENT YOUTH DO NOT KNOW THE FACTS AND HISTORY, AND THEY THINK THAT THEY KNOW EVERYTHING. THIS IS THE IRONY WITH WHICH INDIA SHOULD LIVE WITH! THOSE WHO DO NOT KNOW THE HISTORY DECIDE WHAT THE HISTORY… Read more »