Mangaluru: Ivan D’Souza Celebrates Anniversary as MLC with Inmates of Prashanth Nivas

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Mangaluru: MLC Ivan D’Souza held a press meet at his office in the MCC premises, Lalbagh here, on June 27.

Addressing the mediapersons, Ivan said, “On the occasion of completing one year in the Karnataka Legislative Council, I am Humbly releasing this booklet containing a list of my achievements for the information and understanding of the public. No matter how dedicated, honest and enthusiastic politicians are, they are always burdened with the challenge of facing cynicism, ridicule and false impression. Hence, I am here, submitting this report of my track record of service for critical review.”

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He further said that it is not possible to project a year’s achievements as one’s life achievement. “I am not new to politics. I have been continuously engaged in different social struggles right from my days as a student. It is quite common in politics for one to be put to severe tests. I am confident that I have successfully dealt with all challenges that have come in my way. I do not claim that whatever I have done as a legislator is the work of one man. Behind each success, there are many people and various systems at work. The Congress party has recognized and encouraged me. Party leaders, ministers, legislators and my friends in the party as well as others have appreciated my dedication. Media and newspapers have encouraged me by spreading word of my achievements to the people.”

Ivan also briefed on his achievements and said, “I opposed the Government order that had restrained post graduates with BBM degree and M Com qualification from applying for the post of lecturers, and have succeeded in helping candidates to appear for the tests. I have proposed and succeeded in bringing special grants from the Chief Minister and the Central Government for the Konkani Study Chair. I have been striving hard to ensure communal harmony in Mangaluru. For this purpose, I was regularly interacting with the members of different communities and strived to sensitize them on various issues. After the demands proposed by auto-rickshaw operators, I have been successful in providing them with auto-rickshaw stands and other facilities.”

He continued and said that he had also persuaded the government to continue supplying diesel to fishermen at subsided rates. “I have even played a key role in getting a Rs 100 crore grant for the Christian Development Council, have continuously exerted pressure on the government to sort out issues related to the Thumbe vented dam, Shiradi Ghat road development and have been successful in bringing the ‘Moolgeni’ right holders under the ambit of the Land Reforms Act.”

Speaking about the beneficiaries, Ivan said, “Through my purposeful effort and involvement, I have been successful in facilitating a sanction of financial assistance from the Chief Minister’s Relief Fund to people belonging to economically weaker stratas of society. Around 140 people have been assigned a financial aid of Rs 1,28,55,000 under this fund.”

To mark the completion of one year as an MLC, Ivan D’Souza celebrated the day with the children of Prashanth Nivas and served food to 400 children.

Mayor Jacintha Alfred, Shashidhar Hegde, Praveenchandra Alva and others were also present.

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Adrian Gomes
9 years ago

Congratulation Mr. Ivan D’souza on the completion of 1 year being a member of Karnataka Legislative Council.
Indeed its a great gesture to celebrate your anniversary with the inmates of Prashanth Nivas.
As I know even before you could take up the present post, You have always been helpful to all categories of people who have approached you and when ever there was a need.
We wish you all the very best for the future to continue your tenure as MLC and to take up higher posts.

Original R.Pai
9 years ago

“I am humbly releasing this booklet containing a list of achievements…” – Report quoting very humble Ivan D’Souza.

I totally agree – this has to be the second most important book/publication following Maraathi translation of Michael Jackson’s life achievement.