Mangaluru: MMA holds Talk on Family and Workplace Management at SDM

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Mangaluru: The Mangalore Management Association (MMA), SDM PG Centre for Management Studies & Research organised “Family & Workplace Management” and launching of the book ‘Everyday Happiness Mantras’ at the SDM-MBA Conference Hall, M G Road, Kodialbail here on May 18.

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The programme began with an invocation by Rama Rao. Vice President of MMA, JHG Anchan delivered the welcome address. Joint Secretary of MMA, K Ramesh Rao introduced the chief guest, Dr Rekha Shetty.

Thereafter, Dr Rekha Shetty gave a talk on her 9th book ‘Every Day Happiness Mantras’, which couldn’t arrive in time for the launch due to some technical drawbacks. “Life is like a block of ice. If you allow a block of ice to remain in your hand, it melts, becomes water. Water flows across boundaries and nothing can stop water. If you boil the water or keep it in sunlight, it becomes vapor/air, and air knows the freedom of the skies. Each of us is like a block of ice, waiting for the sunlight to melt us, change us, make us completely different. Change can happen whenever you decide. If you decide that you want to be happy from this moment onwards, you can do it.”

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“Today, for the first time in the last hundreds of years psychologists, psychiatrists are focusing not on the disease, as earlier when they only saw people who were stark craving mad, but on positive health and feelings and the science of positive happiness. Most of us feel that happiness depends on luck or that it will suddenly descend on us. Some days we will be happy, some days we won’t. We think we have nothing to do with it and it is wrong. Happiness depends on the actions you take for a positive life.”

“You cannot separate the different aspects of your life, which are family, work, social and personal. The personal aspect is the most important part of your reason to be happy, alive and full of energy. A person can magnetize everyone to his/her presence or make them run at their sight. Some people’s presence make us happy and some people make us happy when they leave us. We should decide which category we want to belong to.”

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“When a person dies, he/she does not think of what they did. They rather think of the things that they did not do. Be kind to others, be generous, compassionate and celebrate everyday. Everyday is given to us as a gift. There is no guarantee that we will be alive tomorrow.” She further said that the best high end accessory one can wear is a smile. “And whenever you are angry, do not act any further. Act only after you have cooled down because nothing good comes out of actions done in anger,” she added.

MMA President, M R Vasudeva addressed the gathering and thanked Dr Rekha for sharing wonderful ideas that benefit everybody. R Lohidas, MMA Secretary, delivered the vote of thanks. Later, there was a Q&A session.

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