Rural slush sports find revival at Kesardonji Dina’ for Alevoor Villagers

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Rural slush sports find revival at Kesardonji Dina’ for Alevoor Villagers

Udupi: The annual ‘Kesardonji Dina’ conducted by Alevoor Ganeshotsava Samiti in association with sports and youth services department, Udupi Zilla Panchayat received enthusiastic participation of the local people on Sunday, July 7 at the Alveoor V4 fields.

A number of people including women and children actively participated in various traditional games in the slushy fields at Alevoor. The competitions showcased rural sports of the region in its glory and splendour.

Competitions such as running race, tug-of-war, volleyball and running backward, Mooru Kalin Oota, Pot breaking, Girgit Oota and Goni Chila Oota were held. The games enthralled the villagers and explored the real spirit of rural life.

Competitions were held separately for men, women, girls and boys. The competitions were inaugurated by Dinakar Babu president, Udupi Zilla Panchayat.

It was a visual treat to view the contestants trying their best to reach the victory point in the running race competition. Villagers were seen trying to cheer their teams. Children and youth were seen enjoying in the field.

Besides people from nearby villages, some people had come from cities such as Chennai, Bengaluru and Mumbai just to participate in the event.

The participants were treated to a rural meal of ganji, pickles, chutney and huruli saaru. After having exhausted all their energy in the field, people enjoyed the simple but delicious meal.

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