Saare Jahan Se Achcha, Hindustan Hamara! Women Activists Stage Satyagraha to ‘Save Our Constitution’

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Saare Jahan Se Achcha, Hindustan Hamara! Women Activists Stage Satyagraha to ‘Save Our Constitution’

 Saare Jahan Se Achcha, Hindustan Hamara! ‘We The People’ Group of Women Activists Stage Satyagraha to ‘Save Our Constitution’

Mangaluru: Singing the patriotic song “Saare Jahan Se Achcha, Hindustan Hamara’ and also carrying a bunch of placards, were some of them read, “Save Our Constitution . Save Our India”; “Hindustan Hamara Hai”; “Make A Difference Stop The Violence”; “Satyagraha has Power to put the Powerful People to Shame”; ; “Savidhana Ulisi Desha Rakshisi”; “Non-Violence is the Article of Faith”; among many others, a large group of Women activists from various organizations joined the newly formed “We The People” Group of Women Activists in staging a satyagraha in front of DC’s office on Thursday, 30 January from 10 am till 4.30 p-m .

Senior citizen women were joined by adult women and young women, who also brought along with little ones, who wanted to bring awareness about the Constitution, which is totally abused by the Netas and government. On the 72 nd anniversary of the martyrdom of Mahatma Gandhi, The Women of Mangaluru sat on a day long Satyagraha for “Our Constitution” . Social activist Vidya Dinker, Ms Gulobi Fernandes, a retired teacher; Sajida Mumin, sub editor of Anupama monthly magazine; Shahida Aslam of NWF; Umaira Banu of GIO, Suhasini Babbukatte, retired teacher and social worker; Dorothy Vas, social worker and member of Citizens Forum for Mangalore Development, Mariamma Thomas, former Corporator, Rupin, Manjula Sunil and Samina Afshan, JIH women’s wing , among many other young and older women were all a part of this day long Satyagraha to “Save Our Constitution” and in turn “Save India”.

These Women took part on this day Satyagraha with full enthusiasm – singing songs; writing poetry; shouting slogans of peace, fraternity and constitutional values and writing creative slogans on paper to pin up on their clothes, all through the hot morning. The afternoon was spent by composing of songs in Kannada and practising the new lyrics and all singing in unison. A few nuns led the Satyagrahis in song with actions that was enjoyable for all. In the evening the Satyagrahis had a fabulous mime performance by girls (students) of Mangaluru depicting from British times to today’s on going reality, the theme being “Divide and Rule” .

At 5 pm all the women after a long and hectic day spent on Satyagraha, walked from DC’s front gate to RTO and formed a long Human Chain for love and non-violence, through Hampankatta, till Wenlock Hospital as part of a nationwide call for an Inclusive India. The Citizens of Mangaluru holding hands then collectively renewed their pledge of love and unity by singing the national anthem at 5:17 pm, the exact time when Gandhiji was assassinated. A bunch of men also joined in Human Chain for a good cause.

Speaking to Team Mangalorean, social activist Vidya Dinker said, “We should know that Mahatma Gandhi was the soul of the Indian Independence struggle. He devoted most of his life for his country and hence, he received the title of Mahatma (the Great Soul). Such profound love and respect did his country women have towards him that when he was assassinated in 1948, not a single Indian came out openly in support of his assassin, Nathuram Godse. Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar became the first Law Minister of independent India during Gandhiji’s lifetime, as also the chairman of the Constitution Drafting Committee, and with his team gave us the Constitution with such high values”.

“Unfortunately, it is the same India of Gandhiji that later also started developing some sort of affinity for Godse, the assassin. Time and again, the Constitution given to us by Dr. Ambedkar is questioned and is under great threat. Today 72 years after the assassination of Gandhiji, it is very disheartening to see the pathetic condition of the values that the Mahatma and Dr. Ambedkar had imparted to us that are enshrined in our Constitution”.

“It is equally shocking and distressing to see Godse’s admirers being elected as our representatives. The fundamental rights given by our constitution are under attack. It has been six decades since the death of Dr. Ambedkar and seven decades since the assassination of Gandhiji, and India has changed drastically. This is a matter of very serious concern and should be discussed and debated publicly. We believe the current generation should be educated on the values of Gandhiji and the contents of our Constitution. It is in this light that we wanted to make 30th January 2020, the day that commemorates the martyrdom of Mahatma Gandhi, a meaningful and memorable one, and I am happy to note a large number of women took part in this day-long peaceful ‘Satyagraha to safeguard our Constitution’ added Vidya Dinker.

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