Husband’s Fingers Get Chopped after Reading Wife’s Mobile

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Husband’s Fingers Get Chopped after Reading Wife’s Mobile Messages

Bengaluru: Are modern gadgets taking a heavy toll on family life and values? Is the obsession for mobiles and the Internet going beyond control?


Although instances like the one reported here are rare, the possibility of their being repeated over and over cannot be ruled out. This scenario can happen in many households in the coming days.

The stressed life of techies also creates rift among the young families. Misunderstanding among couples and family members is steadily growing. The Garden City being the hub of IT has been witnessing many such cases.

Chandraprakash Singh and Sunita Singh, both from Bihar, had married seven years ago and have a child. Both being IT professionals, they lived in an apartment in Kaikondanahalli on Sarjapur Road.

Sunita had recently resigned her job and has been a homemaker since then. On May 4 around 11 pm, the husband returned home after work. He found Sunita sitting and messaging from her mobile.

When he went over to the kitchen to have food, the vessels were empty. When he asked her, she is said to have casually told him that it could be ordered from a restaurant.

As she continued chatting on the mobile, the husband got miffed and scolded her for being busy on the mobile instead of cooking food for him.

He snatched the mobile from her and began reading the messages. The mention of ‘darling’ in many of the them infuriated him.

She in turn got angry for reading messages meant for her and a heated altercation broke out. When he beat her up, she ran to the kitchen to protect herself.

She also picked a knife from there. When he assaulted her, she is said to have held her hand across and his fingers got chopped.

The matter has been reported late. The wife has complained of the assault, while the husband has also sought protection from her wife after she allegedly chopped his fingers.

She claimed it to be accidental in her attempt to protect herself. Maybe there was an attempt to hush up the matter but it did not work out.

It was commented in the media circles if the episode would serve as a warning to husbands against reading the messages in their wives’ mobiles.

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8 years ago

Wife is manipulative and guilty. She is having an affair. Mr Chandraprakash, you are lucky and alive.

8 years ago

Social media is causing lot of harm to families. With then new Apps, it has created a havoc. It only leads to dispute and disturb peace with the family or creates misunderstanding. This is not development anybody would want.

8 years ago

In India, women is always right even she has Affair and caught, Law will support her and if she is Divorced our Legal system will force man to pay her maintenance.