Patriotism is Sown and Nurtured by Mount Carmel Central School

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Patriotism is Sown and Nurtured by Mount Carmel Central School

“At the stroke of the midnight hour, when the world sleeps, India will awake to life and freedom…….” Jawaharlal Nehru.

Mangaluru: On 15th August, 2017 at 8.15 am Mount Carmel Central School commenced its celebrations of the 71st Independence Day. In the serenity of the early morning hours the sound of the drum beats raised the spirit of every Indian present. The ceremony was compared by Saanvi Mohan and Abdul of Class IX. The school pupil leader Craig Philip D’Souza gave the first command at the arrival of the Chief Guest Lt. Col. Daniel Abraham, Training Officer at the Group Head Quarter in Mangaluru, followed by the PTA vice president Sundeep D’Souza, Administrator Sr. Carissima and Principal Sr. Melissa.

The Chief Guest hoisted the National Flag to awake the melodious sound of the band playing the national anthem. The students of Class IX sang the Jhanda Geet and took the pledge to serve the nation. The students in rhythm to the thudding beat of the drums marched gloriously, displaying national symbols and national leaders on the placards held by their squad leaders. Lt. Col. Daniel Abraham received the salute with pride and honour from the squad leaders.

This was followed by the cultural programme in the auditorium. Beginning with prayer wherein students prayed, especially for the safety and well being of our armed forces on the borders. After welcoming the Chief Guest Lt. Col. Daniel Abraham and the audience, the students presented a flashback of the freedom struggle and current progress of our nation in the significance of the Day. A skit on ‘Unity in Diversity’ focused on religious unity was enacted by the students. The students of Class XI portrayed this very theme through their showcase of traditional clothes, languages, cultures and food of various Indian states, giving a festive look to the celebrations. The students danced to the beat of popular patriotic songs to express their love for the nation.

The formal programme included honoring of the students for the competitions held. The best marching squad was also honoured by the Chief Guest, Lt. Col. Daniel who then delivered his message for the day. In his message he urged students to build their character which will lead to success. Seeing the caliber of the students’ performance he was happy and expressed that India is in safe hands because our youth is young and patriotic enough to hold up and support our mother land that is 71 years independent today.

Thus the day ended with mixed emotions of love and patriotism for our nation that made the words of Balgangadar Tilak resound in our minds, ‘Swaraj is my birthright, and I shall have it’.

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Dr. Cajetan Coelho
6 years ago

Jai Hind.