Social Forum Riyadh Celebrates Republic Day 2020

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Social Forum Riyadh Celebrates Republic Day 2020

Riyadh: The celebration of the 71st Republic Day was held on January 26th by the Central Committee of the Indian Social Forum Riyadh at the Ramada Hotel Auditorium in Riyadh. People from different Indian states and different religious backgrounds were present during the event.

The program was inaugurated with the unity song, Saleem Moulavi– Regional committee member India Fraternity Forum/Riyadh inaugurated the program.

Social Forum Central Committee president Janab Harris Mangaluru chaired the program and welcomed the guests. In his presidential speech, he described and uncovered stories of freedom struggle and participants including Indian Muslims for the freedom struggle. He urged everyone to fight against unconstitutional Citizenship Amendment Bill which is passed by the Central government. He said that we will continue our agitation against the Citizenship Amendment Act (CAA) and the NRC and would not relent unless the Union government withdrew the Act.

Indian Social Forum Karnataka State Committee member Mohammed Naveed delivered the Republic Day message. He said that India was formed based on the concept of ‘unity in diversity’ and it becomes every Indians’ responsibility to safeguard it. He expressed concern over CAA, NRC and NPR. Across India, students at other universities are against the Citizenship Amendment Act passed by the Central government. The law offers amnesty to undocumented migrants from three neighbouring Muslim-majority countries but only if they are non-Muslims. Critics say that by excluding Muslims, the law establishes a religious test for Indian citizenship, in violation of the secularism enshrined in India’s constitution. The Indians, irrespective of caste, creed, religion and region have firmly resolved to oppose the draconian laws and fascist moves to debar the poor. Constitution granted to every person and citizen of India who is not ready to put them on a test of the ideology of RSS and programs of BJP to implement the Brahmanist mind-set. He said that the police atrocities against CAA/NRC/NPR protesters had increased only in the BJP-ruled States and there were several loose ends in the police story about the incidents leading to the firing.

Eng Shahul Hameed – Coordinator of Tamil Nadu Islamic Federation, Dr. Jahangeer Ahmed – Assistant professor/King Saud university, Mohammed Rafi – Gen Secretary of India Fraternity Forum Regional Committee, Mr. Abdul jaleel– Vice President of Indian Islahi Center, Mr. Basha –Member of IFT Executive Council , Mr. Ajmal Hussain – Member of Pravasi Forum central Committee, Younus Wallan – President Humanity Forum Riyadh. All delivered the message on the eve.

Basheer Karandur, General Secretary of Social Forum Central Committee, welcomed the gathering and Social Forum Riyadh Tamilnadu State Committee President Jabir presented the vote of thanks. Abdul Basheer was master of ceremony.

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