28.5 C
Thursday, April 25, 2024

Dealing with Interviews

Points to remember when you are at the interview : 1. You are at the interview because the employer wants you there. It?s not goodwill,...

Healthy and beautiful skin and hair

For healthy and beautiful skin and hair:Vitamin A: It plays a vital role in clearing the skin and promoting healthy hair. The sources are...

Are you getting enough sleep?

Are you getting enough sleep? Research has indicated that insomnia makes people age 65 and older much more likely to suffer from significant cognitive...

Why Calcium ?

Calcium is a mineral that helps keep bones and teeth strong, and also helps muscles contract and is involved in your heart?s beating. Osteoporosis...

Cold Sore? Get some relief

Cold sores are a real problem to many people. I am sure that many of us have devised our own personal way to deal...

10 Steps To Better Decision Making

10 Steps To Better Decision Making Considering The Possibilities 1. Making a difficult choice can seem harrowing when you feel you're working alone. Involve others...

Could you have High Blood pressure?

About 25% of adults  have hypertension (high BP). A third don?t know it. Be watchful of your blood pressure if you are: Over 55. BP...

On the Shy Side: When Social fears become disabling..

Ever felt shy before giving a speech or entering a roomful of strangers? Most of us have experienced shyness ? a temporary fear of...

Does Exercise Prevent Diabetes?

Type 2 diabetes is a lifelong disease that develops when the pancreas cannot produce enough insulin or when the body tissues become resistant to...

Colon Health:

The colon is the final staging area for digestion ? and the third most common site of cancer for Americans. Yet we could...

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