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Mangaluru: Travelling is my passion, as it makes me feel on top of the world. My family and I visited the United States Of America. It was a fantastic place as it was very clean and had a fresh environment. The most fabulous part which I loved in America was the Disney World- there were roller coasters and water slides and we enjoyed the whole day.

Me and my family have even visited Thailand, there were many zoo’s and in the zoo’s there were tigers,lions,and many other animals. We went on an elephant ride and we enjoyed it. But one thing that we realized was that the elephants were treated very cruelly. The trainers were poking the elephants head, and can you imagine the elephants were trained to collect money from the audience . From that day, we realized that we will never sit on an elephant.

We were allowed to play with the tigers. Me and my brother played with the baby tiger, and we even fed milk to it. We took a photo with the cub. When we used to live in Kuwait earlier, we used to visit the beach every year with my aunties Nishel (Nishu) , Renuka and uncles Preetham and Neethan along with my parents and naughty brother. We even used to visit a place named ‘Chale’ with my family and friends. There was a beach and swimming pool in which we used to play in the evening, and we even used to build sand castles.

Every summer we used to travel to some resorts, and until now we have visited almost four resorts. Of course they made us feel relaxed and at the end of the day we were very tired and sleepy. The first resort which we visited was the ‘Oyster Opera resort ‘, which is famous for their food as they cooked oysters, crabs, and many more seafood dishes. The second time we went to a water park named “Angali” water park, which had amazing water slides and we spent the whole day in the place.

We even went to Tinton Resort , a luxurious hotel with water slides and fitness toys, and I loved that place too. We went to a park in Bramhavar. There were beautiful flowers and there was a fantastic sunset scenery. We even saw many dogs, and can you imagine there was a monkey. We went with my uncle and aunt Nishel and Preetham.

We all must travel and see how beautiful God has created this world and the beauty of nature. We must even start growing plants and avoid cutting trees as there may be no more trees left . Me and my family also used to visit the malls (shopping malls) every week. We used to play with our cousins and friends. The best memory which is still in my mind is every week after the Sunday mass my brother and my cousins namely Nino, Haniel, Elisha and two of our best friends Sweedal and Shaun used to gather and play.

I am very proud of my parents and thankful to them as they have taken me to so many places ,which many people might have not got the chance to visit places like me. I especially thank God for giving me so many talents , and I even thank all the people who are guiding and supporting me, especially my mother, father, brother and all my uncles,aunts and cousins.

I am even grateful to Uncle Alfie of Mangalorean who is supporting me by publishing my articles and for giving me the Ideals Ice Cream coupons (as I love ice-cream) . My next article is about my seven months twin cousin brothers, Nicholas and Nisham. So if you all loved my article please like and leave a comment in the blog.

About Author:

Miss Shinelle D’silva, aged 13 years, a VIII th standard student at Mount Carmel Central School, Mary Hill, Mangaluru. She is the daughter of Roshan D’silva, employed in Kuwait, and Mrs Nirmala, who owns a cosmetic shop in Mangaluru. She has a younger brother, Elric studying in 4th standard, also at Mount Carmel, Central School. Shinelle’s hobbies are Music, Singing, Reading Books and Travelling.

ARTICLE SENT BY IN REFERENCE TO: Calling All Young Students! Write Meaningful Stories Connected to Pandemic or Hobbies



Excerpts from Gangamma’s Diary…..a Story on Covid-19 Experience!


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3 years ago

Dear shinelle,
So happy to be a part of your articles.. I really miss u n elric here and all our weekend trips.. very well written.. keep writing and growing.. I’m eagerly waiting for your next article..
Love always.. ??

Roshan Dsilva
3 years ago

Well written darling. Keep up the good work going.