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 Mangaluru: Every Sunday morning I look forward to visit our farm in Pilikula which is 10 kms away from our house. It is a huge land surrounded by lush greenery. Fruit trees such as mango, cashew, rose apples, pear, pomelo and rambutan are found. Our farm is a home for many pet animals such as goat, chicken, dog, turtle and birds. Plants such as Kale, Bok Choy and Palak are grown in the hydro-phonic system. The green color of the crop is always a welcoming sign to our eyes.

I pack my bag a day before with essentials such as a pair of clothes, water, art and craft, snacks and cards to play with my grandma. My mother packs lunch while my brother is ready with his football. I am always eager and enthusiastic to reach our picnic spot.
Drawing of the FARM by Miss Gail Rebecca Rodrigues

Wagging his little tail, Chickoo -the dog which is 3 months old is happy to see and greet us. So are my friends from the neighbourhood. I play cricket with them. There is also a swing tied to a strong branch of the mango tree and I love to play on the swing. Away from the four concrete walls to which one is confined in these pandemic times, it is exciting and energizing to be in the midst of nature.

Post lunch, I spend my time drawing and making crafts. In that silent afternoon, the delightful sound of the birds chirping is extremely soothing. At four in the evening, it’s time once again to go out to play football, hide and seek, and other games with my neighbours. Also, we all sit together and eat snacks and share stories. Late evening, as it gets dark it’s time to pack my bags and bid goodbye to all my friends and pets. Trip to the farm makes me feel relaxed, refreshed and rejuvenates me to start my week with vigour.

About Author:

Miss Gail Rebecca Rodrigues, is 13 years old, studying in Grade 8 at Cambridge School, Mangaluru. Her hobbies are painting, writing, drawing, craft-making, playing cricket, among many other fun activities.


ARTICLE SENT BY MISS GAIL RODRIGUES IN REFERENCE TO Calling All Young Students! Write Meaningful Stories Connected to Pandemic or Hobbies


Excerpts from Gangamma’s Diary…..a Story on Covid-19 Experience!


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3 years ago

Very nicely written Gail. Keep writing.