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Tuesday, June 4, 2024

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  • From john on Bengaluru: Festival of Pentecost Celebrated

    Please pray for Gracy who is suffering from acute bronchitis,asthma,allergy for the past few days which is not receding how much ever prayers we do or medicines we take. For the past 2 nights we have spent sleepless nights in fear/anxiety over her condition. Please pray for her healing and for the destruction of every evil forces of sorcery,witchcraft,black magic or others practised against her and the family members.
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    2015/08/28 at 3:40 pm
  • From Veena on Mangaluru: Shakir Assault Case Portrays DK District in Bad Light - MLC Ivan

    Is this the first incidence? Please take concrete steps. The action taken should discourage anyone to repeat such incidents. Arrest release on bail, few press meets….protests…what next? Let this be the last incident. We need to be united irrespective of party, caste, sex for a just society. Let us all join hands.
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    2015/08/27 at 8:26 pm
  • From Rita Lasrado on Mangaluru: Harassment from In-laws, 30-year-old Woman Dies after Consuming Poison

    so sorry to hear she took poison because her in law and husband were harassing her.But I find she should have think of her Baby who is only a one and a half year old.who will look after him.If she had decided to leave her husbands house ,do it but with Baby was far better.and whydid she take poison when brother was called to take her with?she was may be more instabile.Why inlaws and husband should torture when she is talking in mobile.was she talking too Long on mobile?some Forget time when on mobile.neglecting Baby?she should have talked when husband and in law were not watching.sometimes should be bit careful in such Situation.somehow Baby is the one who looser.have to grow up without mother.and her parents .Heartfelt sympathys to the Family.
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    2015/08/27 at 7:07 pm
  • From Vinayak on A Simple Man and a Real Bharat Ratna! Dr Abdul Kalam Owned Almost None

    Our Late. former president APJ cannot be matched with any person. He lived a down to earth life and never craved for any money or property. This shows his simplicity. This “Missile Man” shall always be remembered for ages together and never shall be forgotten. We may forget to tell our kids when did india get independence, but shall never forget to talk about APJ and narrate this person. His vision was very clear and he dedicated all his life towards better india. Long live APJ and may his soul rest in peace.
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    2015/08/27 at 11:11 am
  • From Veena on Mangaluru: Bajrang Dal did not Strip Shakir, they Stripped MLAs and Ministers of DK - SDPI Haneef Khan

    Well spoken Fr Martis. We need to grow beyond religion, community feelings. People need to elect the right candidate who is people concerned but not party concerned. Bold statements! Good analysis.
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    2015/08/27 at 10:00 am
  • From joe Gonsalves on Mangaluru: NABH Grants Accreditation for Father Muller Medical College Hospital

    Father Muller’s Charitable Institutions have a long history. The seed that was sown by Father Muller over one hundred and thirty-five ago has indeed blossomed and grown into a mighty tree. Indeed this Jesuit Priest who made a small beginning by dispensing homeopathy medications perhaps did not dream that his work would flourish and that it would what it is today. As the legend goes…. PEOPLE HAD SO MUCH CONFIDENCE IN FATHER MULLER THAT THEY FLOCKED AROUND HIM. IT IS EVEN SAID THAT SOME HYPOCHONDRIACS WHO USED TO IMAGINE AILMENTS WERE SOMETIMES TREATED BY HIM WITH MERE SUGAR PILLS AND THE PATIENTS PROFESSED THAT THEY WERE ALRIGHT. SUCH WAS THE FAITH IN FATHER MULLER. SEVERAL JESUITS CONTINUED THE MISSION DURING THE YEARS TO FOLLOW. Some decades ago the mission was taken over by The Mangalore Diocese and the contingent of secular priests are continuing the tradition build by their predecessors. Therefor it is not surprising at all that NABH has granted accreditation to F.M.C.I. The present management under the direction of Father Patrick Rodrigues is in the process of taking THIS GREAT INSTITUTION TO GREATER HEIGHTS.
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    2015/08/27 at 8:29 am
  • From SANTOSH on Mangaluru: I have threat to my life, Anwar should be arrested - Komal

    If the girl is being threatened by groups and made to say that so and so, she will say that.
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    2015/08/26 at 11:24 pm
  • From Philomena on Mangaluru: Bajrang Dal did not Strip Shakir, they Stripped MLAs and Ministers of DK - SDPI Haneef Khan

    Interrogate these girls thoroughly. They seem to be the main culprits. why should any girl ask or accept money from men. Only characterless girls will do so. Because of them other women have to suffer in the hands of such bajrangi goons.
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    2015/08/26 at 11:04 pm
  • From joe Gonsalves on Mangaluru: 27-year-old Man Dies in Bike Collision

    Traffic accident and deaths are daily occurrences. Mangalore City roads which were built a hundred years ago are no more suitable to the growing traffic. Thanks to The Politicians every attempt is made to widen and concrete the roads but the width of the roads is a constraint. The Police are trying their best and it is hoped that with an additional contingent of lay people to help the police force the situation should ease.
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    2015/08/26 at 5:26 pm
  • From Rita Lasrado on Mangaluru: 25-year-old Woman Dies in Govt Hospital - Husband Files Complaint Against Doctor

    very sad.looks like she was not really treated or not diadnosed at right time.Poor child has to grow up without mother.When she had legpain after caeserean ,may be she developed Thrombose and leg was swollen.why did they neglected this?she was lying all the time after delivery?or had previously blood pressure?she remained in Hospital for Long.what does These People do there?such a huge Group?why are they shouting without knowing anything about her?Heartfelt sympathy to her Family.
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    2015/08/26 at 4:47 am
  • From Rita Lasrado on Mangaluru: 25-year-old Woman Dies in Govt Hospital - Husband Files Complaint Against Doctor

    So sad that a Young woman died soon after the delivery.poor child has to grow up without mother.may her Soul rest in peace.It Looks bit not normal she died.may be she had high blood pressure previously?legs were swollen?and pain in legs?looks like she developed Thrombose?why she was there for so Long in Hospital?she was healthy after delivery(caeserean)she was not wearing anti Thrombose strumpfs?and she should have getting Heparin injection for her legpain and swollen legs.I cant say here anything without knowing the reason.but sicher is she had Problems,and noone helped her in time.Heartfelt sympathys to her Family.
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    2015/08/26 at 4:37 am
  • From drona on Udupi: District BJP Celebrates Victory in BBMP Polls

    Where next? Mangalore??/
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    2015/08/26 at 2:43 am
  • From Apple on Mangaluru: I have threat to my life, Anwar should be arrested - Komal

    Its all game of Chaddis.
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    2015/08/25 at 10:19 pm
  • From Max and Jessie Rasquinha on A Great Priest has Gone to the Lord! Fr Ronnie Prabhu Remembered at Condolence Meet

    Fr. Ronnie Prabhu was a cheerful personality. There was lot to learn and enjoy by being with him, for whatever time that was available. We remembher, few years ago, we attended the Xmas mid night Mass at Fatima Retreat House and Fr. Ronnie was the main celebrant. He had come all the way from Bangalore for the occasion. When we went to wish him after the Mass he said that he would like to spend some more time with us, but he was leaving shortly for Bangalore on the night bus. We therefore volunteered to take him from Fatima Retreat House to the KSRTC bus station at Bijey. That gave nus additional 90 minutes together, until the bus left for Bangalore. There was so much to talk and share. It was all happiness of being good friends, good class friends and a day of Celebration.
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    2015/08/25 at 9:32 pm
  • From Mango Man on Mangaluru: I have threat to my life, Anwar should be arrested - Komal

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    2015/08/25 at 5:49 pm
  • From Pal on Mangaluru: Youth Thrashed by Hindu Activists for Accompanying Girl in Car

    Dear Hindu Sena, you are required to protect the innocent at the border with China and Pakistan. Join the army and serve the Nation do not show your manhood on innocent citizens
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    2015/08/25 at 2:49 pm
    • From B. N. Pai on Mangaluru: Youth Thrashed by Hindu Activists for Accompanying Girl in Car

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      2015/08/26 at 8:49 am
  • From Stella on Mangaluru: 'Kids Safety, Our Priority'! Parents Control Traffic, Kids near St Theresa School Zone

    Schools have brought forth and continue to bring forth so many responsible and efficient doctors, teachers, politicians, police officials, writers and many others who provide their valuable services. Their services are not restricted to the school where they studied but extend to the entire society. A child studying in any school is indirectly our responsibility too. As citizens we could acknowledge the past, present and future efforts of so many who improve our lives and do our part. Few of tiny steps we could take could be to drive slowly in school zones, not to sound the horn unnecessarily, respect the signals and the officials placed there for our safety
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    2015/08/25 at 1:18 pm
  • From Nagem on Megan Fox files for divorce

    Megan is expected to pay some kind of spousal support to Brian, due to the difference in their incomes and also due to his reported medical issues.
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    2015/08/25 at 2:22 am
  • From B. Dinesh on Mangaluru: Youth Thrashed by Hindu Activists for Accompanying Girl in Car

    It is a case of gross violation of the civil and constitutional rights of the 2 people who were traveling in the taxi. What difference, if any, that exists now between Taliban and these religious extremists? These extremists must be sent to Pakistan or Afghanistan to get a taste of their own medicine. Shame that this is happening in a democratic country! The culprits should be punished to the full extent of the law and their case should be well publicised so that others do not carry out such attacks.
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    2015/08/24 at 9:27 pm
    • From B. N. Pai on Mangaluru: Youth Thrashed by Hindu Activists for Accompanying Girl in Car

      Dear B. Dinesh asks, “What difference, if any, that exists now between Taliban and these religious extremists?” Sir, the only difference is that these Indian Talibans were not allowed to be armed with A. K. 47’s or Stinger missiles, etc by the Congress regime. But Indian Taliban is of the worst form!
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      2015/08/25 at 9:10 am
  • From Max and Jessie Rasquinha on Mangaluru: Jagotik Konkani Songhotton holds 2nd Global Conclave

    Great effort to gather many distinguished sources from neighboring areas for the Conclave. Great job in creating such an occasion periodically in order to solidify not only the Konkany culture but also other Konkiany groups and brainstorm various new ideas and opinions. This is the best way to motivate neighbors and friends and side by side enrich the culture.
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    2015/08/24 at 9:03 pm
  • From Farheen Khan on Mangaluru: Kin and Others Protest at Hospital over Youth's Death, Allege Negligence

    Firstly, according to Dr Nawaz the patient was on treatment since one year, how is this possible when he arrived here two and a half months ago, from the gulf. He left mangalore on July 18, 2014 for his job in saudi arabia. And he returmed on May 28, 2015 and was admitted to the hospital on this date itself for his treatment. Secondly, no financial support was given from the doctors. We paid all the hospital bills how others pay and are supposed to pay. Dr Nawaz should stop misguiding people. I urge you to first get your facts correct, before posting such comments socially. The docotor did not infuse a single bottle of blood into the patient. His body was shivering all day after his AV fistula burst. Dr Santosh wrote to his assistant Dr Roshan, to provide him with 2 bottles of blood. But Dr Roshan did not do what was told despite of frequent reminders from the patient’s family. If CCTV shows we were violent and we created chaos in the MICU, then the footage should also show whether the patient was given blood or not. We want the proof of what the hospital claims. People survive on dialysis for years, then why did faisal only could make it to two and a half months? It was solely due to irresponsibility of the doctors and staff.
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    2015/08/24 at 7:20 pm
  • From Wilfred Monteiro on Bengaluru: Fr Ronnie Prabhu SJ (75) Passes Away

    Fr Ronnie Prabhu was a model priest who worked tirelessly for the service of the Church and society at large. His last and favourite project on inter-religous dialogue was a big success. Fr Ronnie could inspire with both his knowledge and good example of a Christian Missionary to all who knew him
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    2015/08/24 at 4:30 pm
  • From ruchir agarwal on Mangaluru: Got Books! Reading,Browsing,Playing and Much More at City Central Library for All Ages

    I too used to visit the city central library in my college days and still have the card lying somewhere!! But alas the present day students hardly read books and novels.
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    2015/08/24 at 1:00 pm
  • From Dr. Ben Rebello on The Thannirhalla Ghost

    Dear readers of Mangalorean who read and commented on my story, The story is a fiction but inspired by certain true incidents. The names of places are real. I personally dont believe in ghosts. But sometmes the circumstances and incidents that take place particularly at lonely and haunted places in darkness of nights added on top by misty and rainy weather can cause hallucinations like it happened to me and what i saw was suggested to my wife who was in half sleep and then she sees the same. on top, her imagination goes a step further to identify the ex wife of my friend as the ghost in question as the background of that woman dying in a mysterious accident may be at the back of her mind. as per diseased Police Inspector Hireguthys case even today people of the locality swear that they have seen him in the night. I read somewhere that souls who depart untimely like after unexpected accidents etc leaving behind their dear ones helpless dont find rest and roam around the places settling scores !!!
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    2015/08/24 at 11:03 am
  • From JoeGonsalves on Mangaluru: Fr Ronnie Prabhu SJ, a Priest most Humble, Always Smiling and Friend of All -Sadly Missed

    Father Ronnie – Indeed a great man – a peoples’ man – a man who lived for others. His passing away has left a void in the hearts of many. A philosopher that Father Ronnie was he devoted his life to help the poor and needy. He had time for every one and any one had easy access to him. During his lifetime has helped hundreds of people in different ways. A Holy Man that he was … WE SHOULD NOT PRAY FOR HIS SOUL BUT WE SHOULD PRAY TO HIM IN ALL OUR NEEDS. He is now a powerful advocate in Heaven for all his friends. HE ACCOMPLISHED GREAT THINGS IN HIS LIFETIME. While Father Ronnie was an extraordinary public service oriented person who lived to make other peoples’ lives happy. LONG LIVE FATHER RONNIE IN THE HEARTS OF ALL WHO LOVED HIM.
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    2015/08/24 at 7:35 am
  • From Roy on UAE: World Goa Day Celebrated in Hilton Abu Dhabi

    People need to speak honestly about Nehru and Krishna Menon’s military actions in Goa. It was an invasion and illegal under international law. The Goan people’s views were not considered before Goa was annexed by India. Goans were not given a vote on whether they wanted to be independent, become a part of India or remain with Portugal.
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    2015/08/24 at 12:50 am
  • From Original R.Pai on Bengaluru: 46 percent voting in BBMP poll

    46% ? that’s it? This shows how most of the non-kannadiga population didn’t even bother to vote in these elections. You would expect something better from urban, educated folks. I guess they can’t complain about corruption and poor infrastructure since they prefer sitting at home than participating in elections.
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    2015/08/23 at 10:24 pm
    • From B. N. Pai on Bengaluru: 46 percent voting in BBMP poll

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      2015/08/27 at 10:47 am
  • From Original R.Pai on Mangaluru: Main Accused in Sundar Malekudiya Assault case Arrested

    Who is the ‘arrested’ person? The guy in white shirt? I can hardly tell by looking at how free and confident he is!! I have to say – our police are very unique in handling suspects and criminals!!! LOL LOL
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    2015/08/23 at 10:20 pm
  • From Original R.Pai on Udupi: Police Arrest Two on Charges of Cattle Trafficking

    “The accused allegedly stole the cows from the cattle shed of a house in Kolalgiri” – Report. ‘Naalige chapala’ crowd should make a note of this. Why is it that one community is overwhelmingly involved in illegal activities from Mangaluru vimaana nildaana to a cattle shed in kolagiri? Well, this is the question any self-respecting, honest, intelligent person should ask without a fear of any backlash. Don’t expect it to come from our self-declared secular crowd as they lack all these three virtues. Look at the age of one of these criminals – At the age of 17, he is not worried about getting into one of the elite Engineering or medical colleges. Instead, he is stealing cows!! How depressing!! Fake secular values mixed with religious bigotry have failed minorities in India. Really sad.
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    2015/08/23 at 10:04 pm
    • From B. N. Pai on Udupi: Police Arrest Two on Charges of Cattle Trafficking

      Dear Original R.Paimaam of USA, stop shedding crocodile tears for “Sanatana Dharma”. Tell us, if the Sanathana Sarathi PM Modi’s Honourable Foreign Minister and Honourable adopted mother of Mining Mafia Reddy brothers, Sushma Swaraj, would come to Bellary to perform Varamahalaxmi Vrath this time, now that Reddies are out of jail on bail! I ask this to you, for since the Reddies were put behind the bars, she had stopped performing Varamahalaxmi Vrath!!!
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      2015/08/27 at 11:00 am
  • From Max and Jessie Rasquinha on Mangaluru: Leadership an Infectious Disease Society Badly Needs Today - Rajat Shetty

    Leadership is not an “Infectious disease”, but it is “INFECTIOUS” – period. Leadership can spread everywhere if each us wish to help many others to be leaders along with us. Leadership goes hand in hand with Mentorship. Leadership allows us to communicate with others and interact with each other in order to learn from each other. Leadership allows us to distinguish ourselves from others in order to make this world a better place. A country such as India we have many leaders everywhere but for the growing population of India we have more followers in India than the leaders themselves. Leadership is friendship. Leadership is a virtue that can be transferred without any strings attached. Leadership is a gift. Keep of Roshni Nilaya – you are on the right track. Sr. Jacinta and Sr. Sophia are “LEADERS OF A KIND”
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    2015/08/23 at 9:59 pm
  • From Max and Jessie Rasquinha on UAE: World Goa Day Celebrated in Hilton Abu Dhabi

    How proud to hear that “World Goa Day” has been celebrated in Abu Dhabi. It has always been a pride for us to witness the progress of Goa from the time Pundit Nehru and Krishna Menon liberated the unique place on earth and made Goa has an integral part of India. Goa has been always treated and treasured separately because Goa is unique. When we visited Lisbon and Rio de Janeiro everyone said that “we are from Goa”, and we gladly and proudly said “YES”. Goa has a good name everywhere because the people of Goa are special, they are happy and they are God blessed. Keep it up Goa.
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    2015/08/23 at 9:51 pm
  • From Krupanandh on Dubai: Kannadigaru UAE Holds Kannada music with Humour 'Sangeetha Hasya Sourabha'

    Dear Sir/Madam, We have an event conducted in Abu Dhabi at a 5 star hotel were 4000 families will be attending get together in October 2015 (Students from Bhatkal Engineering College) Our requirement is that M D Pallavi sing for this event, we will arrange accommodation, transport, airfare, food and will be paying a limited fee as well. We request you to confirm this would be possible. warm regards Krupanandh
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    2015/08/23 at 1:51 pm
  • From Arthur Ronald Dsouza on Udupi: Third leg of preparation for Paryaya, Pejawar Math performs Kattige Muhurtha

    Requesting everyone to participate as your own festival and every religions heads to give full support for the successful completion of the festival.
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    2015/08/23 at 12:24 pm
  • From Vitus on Mangaluru: Extreme Makeover! Women Inmates of White Doves get a 'Hairdo' from Ladies Beauty Association

    What you do to the least of my brothers you have done it to me.
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    2015/08/23 at 6:59 am
  • From Avin Roche on Mangaluru: 'Kids Safety, Our Priority'! Parents Control Traffic, Kids near St Theresa School Zone

    Sound guidelines provided by the parents association. Following it will surely help ease traffic congestion and most importantly ensure safety of the students. There is a definite need for traffic authorities to be placed at this busy junction, as a lot of children find it difficult to cross the road. Hope action is taken soon.
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    2015/08/22 at 10:45 pm
  • From Original R.Pai on More married people end lives than singles

    This ‘Dr.Abhay Jain’ needs to be sent back to high school so he can understand how to read data and reports!! As per the data, nearly 50% of our population is never married. Remember – this includes children also. Almost, 35-36% of this ‘never married’ population are minors!! The suicide rate is higher with older population than minors for many reasons including bad health and financial obstacles. Apparently, this ‘Dr.Abhaya Jain’ seems to sensationalize the report by twisting figures. Thank god, he didn’t blame higher suicide rate by married people on sex!! LOL On a side note, I had a good laugh reading last line on mangal’s post on how marriages are more peaceful when you have lesser energy for daily battles!! Good one! LOL
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    2015/08/22 at 9:23 pm
  • From Max and Jessie Rasquinha on Mangaluru: India a force for stability and good in the world - Prof Tankel

    Dear Lawrence, Thank you so much for your kind msg. There is an active group called TIPCA in Houston, and GEMS OF TEXAS in Dallas. Both the groups are very active in various community affairs, including periodic picnics, church gatherings and much more. I feel guilty that although I am a member of both the groups, due to my various commitments of travel and business I am hardly able to make any justice to these groups. However, you see whether they have any web sites available so that you can inform them of your coming to Texas during September. If you have nothing else to do you can always reach me so that if I am free with my wife you can always join in our simple “rice and curry”.
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    2015/08/22 at 2:59 pm
  • From Melwyn Pinto on Mangaluru: Fr Ronnie Prabhu SJ, a Priest most Humble, Always Smiling and Friend of All -Sadly Missed

    Excellent tribute paid to a mentor by a former student of St Aloysius College- very sentimental words and thoughtful gesture penned down on this beautiful tribute article-great job, Mr Alfy D’Souza. thanks mangalorean.com for sharing the contents to the world. May Rev Fr Ronnie Prabhu’s Soul Rest in Peace
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    2015/08/22 at 2:11 pm
  • From ruchir agarwal on Mangaluru: Prestigious Membership of the Royal College-UK Conferred on Dr US Krishna Nayak

    Congratulations Dr.Krishna Nayak. We have been your childhood buddy past several decades and found you to be a wonderfull person and a v skilled doctor.
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    2015/08/22 at 1:05 pm
  • From Prabhu on Mangaluru: 'Kids Safety, Our Priority'! Parents Control Traffic, Kids near St Theresa School Zone

    Stan Ask first if the nuns have done their duty. School built on road by offering seats to officials children. Just because you have 10 or 20 cents land it does not mean you start a school upto xth std. And keep raising the building. It is only a matter of money. Is the school prepared to give half inch land for road or development.?
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    2015/08/22 at 9:53 am
  • From Max and Jessie Rasquinha on Mangaluru: India a force for stability and good in the world - Prof Tankel

    India’s role in the fast changing world is imminent. India’s role in global politics, specially in the neighboring region such as Pakistan, the Middle East, Afghanistan, Yemen, Iran, Syria and the rest of the Arab World is crucial. India’s democracy in the light of so many International turmoil is extremely noteworthy. Narendra Modi’s recent visit to Israel and the U.A.E., is a praiseworthy and timely contribution for the Arabs and the Jews realize that India strives for peace and harmony in all our daily deliberations. India is the birth place for Hinduism, Jainism, Bhuddism and Sikhism. India was gifted with the arrival of St. Thomas as the Ambassador of Jesus 2000 years ago. India was also blessed with the presence of St.Francis Xavier. Last but not the least India was privileged to have Mahatma Gandhi as well as Mother Theresa to teach us the value of love, charity and much more. We must make use of all the above benefits for the common good of mankind.
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    2015/08/22 at 4:31 am
  • From Max and Jessie Rasquinha on Mangaluru: Extreme Makeover! Women Inmates of White Doves get a 'Hairdo' from Ladies Beauty Association

    Great job on the part of White Doves to be able to reach out the lady inmates and provide them the hairdo. Also great achievement to be able to publicize in the web sites. This is a great achievement. If there are enough ladies that are able to speak reasonable English why can’t we start a Toastmasters Club behind the bars for the lady inmates? Please find out discretely and let us know. If the authorities are favorable then we shall provide you with all the literatures and manuals, and then we come down to Mangalore next we can hold a demo meeting and get the project started in full swing. Please let us know.
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    2015/08/22 at 4:21 am
  • From Mangal on More married people end lives than singles

    “Marriages can stay successful for longer when the husband and wife give equal importance to each other’s contribution and freely communicate and discuss their problems,” Jain said. But, unfortunately, he did not support his opinion with evidence. If he had provided some statistics to prove that better communication led to no or fewer suicides, the statement could have been more credible. Regardless, individual cases in the past have highlighted how depressed people are prone to commit suicide. Although I do not have the numbers to support, it has been generally observed that those who marry late (late 30s, 40s), are least stressful, translating into more peaceful marriages. Maybe they have lesser energy to initiate new battles daily.
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    2015/08/22 at 3:48 am
  • From Kiran Fernandes on Mangaluru: 'Kids Safety, Our Priority'! Parents Control Traffic, Kids near St Theresa School Zone

    Simple, why cant the School Purchase land and provide a parking place!!??. it will be convenient and safer for everyone. Make best use of “Donations”
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    2015/08/21 at 11:01 pm
  • From Horny Manatee on More married people end lives than singles

    Everyone who ate carrots eventually died. Therefore it is safe to surmise that carrot is the reason people die.
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    2015/08/21 at 10:48 pm
  • From sujith noronha on Mangaluru: 'Kids Safety, Our Priority'! Parents Control Traffic, Kids near St Theresa School Zone

    Thanks Alfie for the excellent article. You have helped our St. Theresa School – PTA Executive Committee reach out to the parents and general public on the traffic awareness activity KIDS SAFETY – MY PRIORITY . A mango Tree gives lots of Mangoes ….. we just mention that it is a Mango from that Tree.. let it come from top or from middle or lower part all mangoes which grows are from one Mango Tree. Request all parents and transport owners to support our school and make our kids safe.
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    2015/08/21 at 9:24 pm
  • From B. Dinesh on Puttur: 2 Girl Students of Subrahmanya College Not Debarred, Asst Commissioner Clarifies

    Roy stated “This is not a case of constitutional rights. College students sign a code of conduct when they are admitted to university. They represent the school to which they are admitted and are expected to show the college in the best light.” Roy – It sure is a case of constitutional rights. One cannot have the students sign a code of conduct that violates their fundamental rights. The Asst. Commissioner of the temple has clarified the situation and clearly stated that the students were not debarred. Moreover, the alleged pictures were over 2 years old!!!!!! Someone must have set up these students for embarrassment on social media. Rarely does someone in India takes the government or other institutions to court when the fundamental rights are violated! The government has every right to prosecute them if and when they are caught drinking while they were not old enough to drink under the law. The school has every right to dismiss them if they came drunk to the school or were drinking while on school premises. Outside of school (if they are old enough to drink), it is no one’s business.
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    2015/08/21 at 9:21 pm
  • From Stany Monteiro on Mangaluru: 'Kids Safety, Our Priority'! Parents Control Traffic, Kids near St Theresa School Zone

    When cops don’t do their duties, it’s nice to note that PTA members have taken the initiative in controlling the traffic and also look into the safety of kids. Wish you all success in your campaign.
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    2015/08/21 at 6:15 pm
  • From Malini on Mangaluru: Fr Ronnie Prabhu SJ, a Priest most Humble, Always Smiling and Friend of All -Sadly Missed

    Thanks for sharing. While it’s not easy to capture all about Father Ronnie, this gives an essence of the person he was and all that he stood for. Continues to inspire in his presence n absence alike.. -Ashirvad member
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    2015/08/20 at 12:39 pm
  • From drona on Udupi: Cynthia Fernandes Palliative Care Prepares Cancer Patients for The Final Journey

    Zindagi ka safar, hai yeh kaisa safar. Koyi samja nahin, koyi jaana nahin. Salute tto Leslie Fernandes and the devoted sisters who are giving care to the dying in their last days. One of the fears the dying have is of abandonment and loneliness. This can be as painful as the physical pain. The families may not be able to provide care and even time as we see. A god life and a good death as dame Cicely Saunders said way back in 1967. Some times the closure with the family and friends gives peace to the dying. It is important to the close family and friends to realise this and find some time to visit and at least hold hands with the dying. I am glad to hear about such a facility in Udipi. Thanks for publishing this article.
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    2015/08/20 at 12:16 pm
  • From Max and Jessie Rasuinha on Mangaluru: Fr Ronnie Prabhu SJ, a Priest most Humble, Always Smiling and Friend of All -Sadly Missed

    Thank you, Alfie, for your wonderful write-up on late Fr. Ronnie. He was a great scholar yet a humble person with lively and cheerful natures. One time he was the main celebrant for the Xmas midnight mass at Fatima Retreat House He had come specially from Bangalore and was returning to Bangalore same night luxury bus. I went to greet him after mass. He was very pleased to see me. He wanted to spend some time with me. He wanted me to accompany him after mass to KSRTC bus station at Bijey and I did. It was a long nice chat for one hour. When the luxury bus left for Bangalore I came home. I shall invite you for the Trophy presentation in the absence of Fr. Ronnie.
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    2015/08/19 at 8:38 pm
  • From Poornima janardhan on Udupi: UPPA ‘Chaya Spoorthi’ Award presented to Raghav Padmashali

    super program
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    2015/08/19 at 7:22 pm
  • From Original R.Pai on Puttur: 2 Girl Students of Subrahmanya College Not Debarred, Asst Commissioner Clarifies

    I don’t care what community these girls belong to. This is all about individual freedom. If these girls are old enough (legally) to consume alcohol, they should be able to do so. College has no business telling individuals what they should or shouldn’t in their private life. However, there are some questions worth looking into. – Were they legally old enough to consume Alcohol at the time of incident? – Is it legal to consume alcohol in public places/ parks like Raaja Seat? Anyway, I am glad to see a push back by media and social networks supporting individual freedom. However, how come the same media outlets are very silent on cartoon controversy? Or, I haven’t seen a single journalist with enough courage to dig deeper into gold smuggling at MIA and the community behind all those incidents? Apparently India has self-imposed sharia laws!! Nice!! smiles…
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    2015/08/19 at 6:35 pm
  • From Dr. Cajetan Coelho on Kundapur: A Salute to Integrity - Auto Driver Ensures Safe Return of Purse with Cash, Documents

    Mr. Kedur Dinesh Kamath is a true gentleman.
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    2015/08/19 at 6:26 pm
  • From Original R.Pai on Karkala: Cattle Trafficking, Two Arrested, 30 Buffaloes Seized

    “Ibrahim (45) and Elias (40)….” – Report Irrespective your views on meat consumption, one has to wonder why is that there is only one group hell-bent on continuing this trade even when majority community seriously opposes it on religious grounds? Why is it that they expect everyone to respect their religious sentiments while they openly disrespect others? More importantly, how come our secular groups, rationalists, media and journalists fail to expose the double-standards of this peaceful community? They all seem to be very happy living under self-imposed sharia laws and avoid any discussions on cartoon controversy or gold smuggling incidents at MIA!!! Is this the new definition of tolerance in the eyes of fake-secular groups and failed media? How sad and pathetic!! RIP Indian Democracy!
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    2015/08/19 at 6:23 pm
    • From B. N. Pai on Karkala: Cattle Trafficking, Two Arrested, 30 Buffaloes Seized

      Is this the new definition of tolerance in the eyes of fake-secular groups and failed media? How sad and pathetic!! RIP Indian Democracy! Original RSS has constructed the tomb of “indian Democracy” and solemnly says RIP to it! Yes Paimaam, I agree with your definition of democracy. According to you, democracy is to be redefined as the system of governance, where the majority HAS AN ABSOLUTE RIGHT to impose their religion and religious practices on the religious minority. For, democracy is only the absolute dictates by the numerical strength in the Parliament, as imposed by the dictatorial streaks of the rabidly brute manifestations of the fascist organisation, which propped up the majority. SO, DEMOCRACY IS “OF THE DICTATOR, BY THE DICTATOR AND FOR THE DICTATOR” AS PER THE NAGPUR ADDRESS BY MOHAN BHAGWAT AS IMPLEMENTED THROUGH HIS —— IN POWER.
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      2015/08/20 at 8:39 am
    • From B. N. Pai. on Karkala: Cattle Trafficking, Two Arrested, 30 Buffaloes Seized

      Original R.Pai – “More importantly, how come our secular groups, rationalists, media and journalists fail to expose the double-standards of this peaceful community?” Of all the people, Oh dear Paimaam, what is the rationale you talk about? You talk about double-standards of media and journalists. What about you, who always oppose practices of the non-Hindus on the ground that it is opposed to Hindu religious practices and faith? And, at the same time, you impose the Hindu religious belief and practices on others! YOUR PREACHINGS OPPOSE YOUR PRACTICES. SHAME, SIR.
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      2015/08/19 at 10:22 pm
  • From Dr. Cajetan Coelho on Bengaluru: Don Bosco Church Celebrates Feast with Grandeur and Gaiety

    Saint John Bosco – Pray for us.
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    2015/08/19 at 6:21 pm
  • From Dr. Cajetan Coelho on Mangaluru: Fr Ronnie Prabhu SJ, a Priest most Humble, Always Smiling and Friend of All -Sadly Missed

    Respectful farewell to Fr Ronnie Prabhu.
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    2015/08/19 at 6:19 pm
  • From Lissy Chacko on Bengaluru: Fr Ronnie Prabhu SJ (75) Passes Away

    RIP. You will remain in our hearts and thoughts for the towering personality, yet humane jesuit with ever charming smile and full of energy. you have guided us (students) always. Peace be with you.
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    2015/08/19 at 6:08 pm
  • From Punarsheel on Bengaluru: Fr Ronnie Prabhu SJ (75) Passes Away

    I’ll miss Fr. Ronnie Prabhu. He was always supportive when we were kids in school. Wish him the very best in the after life.
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    2015/08/19 at 9:13 am
  • From Sreedevi Murthy on Bengaluru: Fr Ronnie Prabhu SJ (75) Passes Away

    May his soul rest in peace.
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    2015/08/19 at 7:00 am
  • From Sreedevi Murthy on Bengaluru: Fr Ronnie Prabhu SJ (75) Passes Away

    Shocking news. God always has a purpose and sent his ambassador to us for only so long. But His blessings will guide us now. My sincere sympathy to the family and Community.
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    2015/08/19 at 6:58 am
  • From Roy on Subrahmanya: Pics of Smoking, Drinking on Social Media - Two College Girls Debarred

    This is not a case of constitutional rights. College students sign a code of conduct when they are admitted to university. They represent the school to which they are admitted and are expected to show the college in the best light.
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    2015/08/19 at 6:50 am
  • From Ajay on Bengaluru: Fr Ronnie Prabhu SJ (75) Passes Away

    Sad to know Fr Ronnie Prabhu is no more, I met him on my last visit to India. Of all the many things in which he helped us , I am reminded of one of the Bajans he taught us in high school – ‘Hey Prabhu bolo ab tu, sun aaha hey daas thera …’ Very wise and intelligent man, never idling for a moment in his service as a priest. RIP
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    2015/08/19 at 1:34 am
  • From Sai Prakash on Bengaluru: Fr Ronnie Prabhu SJ (75) Passes Away

    Rev Father Ronnie has not passed way- he has merged with the Lord and his Spirit will continue to guide us till we are called to the Lord. In the human body he was a source of inspiration to tens of thousands of people. For those of us from the Inter Religious Harmony Movement in Bangalore, he was always our beacon. I met Ronnie foe the first time in the then Dhyanashram Campus way ahead of Mt St Joseph, almost near Bannerghatta. He was such an impressive personality, I remember his sessions to this day, after over four decades. I met him two weeks ago in his room. He was just going to rest in his bed. He was full of spirit and asked me to cover his kegs with the blanket. I went back to the room from the door once again, an touched him in the face. that feeling of love was so very evident in his eyes as he smiled as usual. Hindus have lost a great friend amongst our Christian brethern. Let us all for different faiths work to keep his ideals od spiritual harmony alive
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    2015/08/19 at 1:27 am
  • From B. Dinesh on Subrahmanya: Pics of Smoking, Drinking on Social Media - Two College Girls Debarred

    This is clearly a case of violation of the constitutional rights of the students? Why is someone not questioning the college authorities? So long as the students have not been a menace on school property or have come intoxicated to the college, it should not matter to the college what the students did out side of the college. Are they arresting the male students for being involved in any activities that they are ‘immoral’?
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    2015/08/18 at 9:27 pm
  • From B. Dinesh on Udupi: Bannanje Raja brought to city for further investigation

    Why is this man not handcuffed? Based on the number of charges he is facing, he should have been in hand and leg shackles. How can the police overlook this simple required procedure for serious criminals? Why is he held above the law? Even when they arrest for other minor offenses one can notice that they are at the least handcuffed! The police and state government must have spent millions to locate, arrest, extradite, and bring him back. If they don’t secure this criminal how long will it take for a few well equipped gang members to over power the police and help him escape? And why is he not wearing some form ‘prisoner’ uniform?
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    2015/08/18 at 9:21 pm
  • From Dr Sheikh Nawaz on Mangaluru: Kin and Others Protest at Hospital over Youth's Death, Allege Negligence

    The patient suffered from a condition called chronic Kidney disease , he also suffered from acute Pancreatitis and septicemia.He has been explained that he has 90% mortality risk in a year, The patient party has signed all the informed consent on the case sheet. He was on dialysis since 1 year through a AV fistula which burst yesterday. The patient was irregular on dialysis and not following his recommended plan of 3 dialysis per week.. Hence was going bad, the patient party who claimed had no money , was given financial support from the hospital. For the last two days he has been advised that requires urgent dialysis and ICU care but his mother was violently protesting against this idea. He was prepared for urgent dialysis through a femoral catheter , but before it could begin he developed complications in the dialysis room and was shifted to the ICU , the patient party refused to allow him to be shifted to the ICU , when the duty Specialist doctor was doing his work the party hindered shifting to the ICU and hence the doctor shifted him to the ICU in the best interest of patient. The patient party who got angry because he was shifted to the ICU , they were violent and CCTV footage has showed all clear evidence how they jeopardized other critically ill people in the ICU and also assaulted two doctors and 1 nurse. Unfortunately the hardworking keenly interested doctor simply suffered for doing his work in best interest of the patient. The resident doctor actually pays a hefty fees and works 18 hours a day for 7 days a week and sees about 50 patients under him . The hospital management chickened out on this whole issue because of ulterior motives. The hospital is a medical college hospital which runs on minimal basic charges with no benefit to the resident doctor nor professor. They work on a fixed salary. We the resident doctors are extremely unhappy, sad and disappointed about the uncultured attitude of these people who receive treatment out of our own money and beat us back.
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    2015/08/18 at 8:45 pm
    • From drona on Mangaluru: Kin and Others Protest at Hospital over Youth's Death, Allege Negligence

      Dear Dr Nawaz, I have read your post regarding the unfortunate incident which resulted in anger of the client family towards the care givers. The obvious reason for the rude behaviour of the family was because of lack of effective communication between them and the family. The family did not accept the loss of a loved one and reacted the way they did. If good and skilled social workers were present, they would have helped the family to mediate with the treating team and get essential information from them which they would have explained to the family in a manner that would have been acceptable to them. More often than not the families accept the loss as inevitable especially when they have seen the client suffering for some time. How to break bad news is a subject which every doctor may not be familiar with. I do not think a very junior doctor, however good he may be in his subject knowledge has with him, the skills of communicating bad news. Empathy to family members is the most important thing. Body language and the language used in communication should convey that. The client probably had multi organ failure. The client belonged to a community which is generally very innocent and are big believers of almighty. They know that it is God’s wish. Give them time to accept it. It will be accepted. Your management has not chickened out let me tell you. They are smart people who know that the family grief and anger will cool down given some time. I feel sorry for the doctor who took the direct brunt of the anger. I understand such incidences are on the rise. Medical fraternity is responsible to some extent for the state of affairs. Put yourself in a patient’s shoe to know what they go through.God has given you all the opportunity to serve the people. Every one does not get this chance. May he continue to bless and guide you all.
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      2015/08/19 at 6:46 am
  • From Max and Jessie Rasquinha on Bengaluru: Fr Ronnie Prabhu SJ (75) Passes Away

    What a shocking message. What a sad message. What an unexpected message. Just three days ago we took the privilege in conferring upon Fr. Ronnie Prabhu the Award as an “Outstanding Community Leader” for the year 2014/2015. Just yesterday having enquired with Fr. Denzil the email address of Fr. Ronnie Prabhu and meanwhile I bought a nice “Get Well” card to be sent to him with a nice letter about the Award. God has His own plans in this world. God knows the best for each one of us. Fr. Ronnie was a great leader, a great scholar and also a great friend. May Fr. Ronnie rest in peace.
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    2015/08/18 at 8:20 pm
  • From George A. Borromeo on The Thannirhalla Ghost

    Some how I am attracted towards Ghost stories, off which ends with very thrilling experience. However this story was good, but a rider that it saved his LIFE. Was it real story or it is a fiction????
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    2015/08/18 at 5:05 pm
  • From Karkala Yogish Prabhu,Abu Dhabi on CA Exam Planning and Tips

    Dear Srikala Prabhu, first of all I appreciate your achievement and congratulating you and wishing you the best in your future endeavors. You have achieved a great success and your serious efforts have paid off and you deserve every bit of it. I bless you with my best wishes. Your exam planning and tips are very useful to the pupils who are taking the examination and as well as it is a good knowledge to the community from one of the young talent. My regards to proud parents Sri.Mahesh Prabhu and Mrs.Vandana Prabhu. May God always take your care.
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    2015/08/18 at 4:02 pm
  • From KARKALA YOGISH PRABHU,ABU DHABI on UAE: Srikala Prabhu from Dubai bags 15th rank in All India CA Examination

    Best Wishes
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    2015/08/18 at 3:57 pm
  • From Vinayak on Mangaluru: It's History! State's Largest 305m National Flag Unfurled First Time in City

    Hey common.. its cant be History of karnataka done by mangalore guys..Longest flag being carried @ Hubli. Longest 1500feet.. That means 457meter.
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    2015/08/18 at 12:03 pm
  • From Original R.Pai on Dubai: Modi takes veiled swipe at Pakistan over terrorism

    Every little village and town in Bharatha has mosque and church. Still, rest of the world tries to lecture India on tolerance and minority rights. On the other hand, UAE finally decides to give a small piece of land to build a Hindu temple and it is seen as biggest progressive move by fake secular groups and media. As Bill Maher puts it, this is the soft bigotry of low expectations!!!! On a separate note, I have to give five stars to our Pradhaana Sevaka for his sincere efforts to promote brand India. I can only wish we had more leaders with so much passion and love towards Bharatha. Unfortunately, religious bigots can not appreciate anything beyond their own religion. For proof, read posts from Sharia, Roy, Manga etc.
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    2015/08/18 at 8:54 am
    • From B. N. Pai. on Dubai: Modi takes veiled swipe at Pakistan over terrorism

      Original R.Pai: “On the other hand, UAE finally decides to give a small piece of land to build a Hindu temple and it is seen as biggest progressive move by fake secular groups and media.” You say giving a small piece of land to build a Hindu temple is seen as biggest progressive move by fake secular groups and media. BUT YOUR MODI MADE IT A BIG ISSUE IN HIS LIVE TELECAST SPEECH. HE TOO IS FAKE SECULAR, ACCORDING TO YOUR ABOVE COMMENT! PAIMAAM, IF MODI DOES SOMETHING, IT IS MOST APPLAUDABLE, IF THE SAME THING IS DONE BY OTHERS, IT IS DEPLORABLE! WHAT HAS HAPPENED TO YOU, SIR. YOU REQUIRE TREATMENT AT ONCE!
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      2015/08/20 at 11:43 am
  • From Rosh on Dubai: Modi takes veiled swipe at Pakistan over terrorism

    We expected him to speak like a statesman, he spoke like a politician by blaming the previous govts.,. We expected him to speak direct, he was instead circastic by taunting at neigbours and political opponents. We expected him to speak the truth, instead he spoke lies by claiming 65 years of progress as if it is his achievement. End of the day, it will be foolish on our part to expect a DNA change in him. He will never change.
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    2015/08/18 at 12:20 am
  • From Original R.Pai on Mangaluru : KSRTC 'Flybus' from City to B'lore International Airport starts August 20

    This is really a great news.
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    2015/08/18 at 12:01 am
  • From Max and Jessie Rasquinha on Abu Dhabi: Narendra Modi arrives in UAE

    What a fantastic way to create a long lasting Treaty of Friendship with a neighboring country such as Abu Dhabi. What a timely gesture on the part of Mr. Narendra Modi to think of a visit to the prosperous Sheikhdom that can join hands with India for a long term strategic friendship. Both India and Abu Dhabi will gain in all sectors, whether it is political, economic, social or even Educational. India has so much to give and take with Abu Dhabi. Best of luck
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    2015/08/17 at 5:15 pm
  • From dawnrichard on Abu Dhabi: Narendra Modi arrives in UAE

    This is the one of the best moment for India. Hope this will take India some more step ahead.
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    2015/08/17 at 5:12 pm
  • From Max and Jessie Rasquinha on Mangaluru : KSRTC 'Flybus' from City to B'lore International Airport starts August 20

    Fantastic idea indeed. The more comfort in travel within India will enable people to travel and enjoy the scenic beauty of India. People have money to travel hence give them the very best and they will pay for it. That’s part of the business and part of the economy. In the bargain everyone wins. Good luck
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    2015/08/17 at 5:09 pm
  • From drona on Mangaluru : KSRTC 'Flybus' from City to B'lore International Airport starts August 20

    Good news for the passengers who need to connect to the international airport at Bangalore. This is especially useful for the students who can save money by avoiding going to Mangalore airport by taxi and then taking a flight to Bangalore which is not that cheap. Perhaps they should consider revising the time to 5 PM so that the passengers reach Bangalore airport by 1 or 2 am and connect to the early morning flights. Again they need to have a bus leaving Bangalore by 7 AM which can reach Manipal by 4 PM. This can be in addition to the night service which can be a sleeper. I welcome this initiative from KSRTC. Cheers to Ramalinga Reddy.
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    2015/08/17 at 4:23 pm
  • From Mangal on Abu Dhabi: Narendra Modi arrives in UAE

    Every press release from the globetrotter announces “the first Indian pm to visit UAE in 34 maha-yugas”. Much has happened in the last 34 years. We need to forgive the globetrotter if he does not know much about it. It is not entirely his fault. Parents in the trader community want their wards to learn about how to turn one rupee into a crore. Other things are not that important. In the last 34 years, there was the great rise of the Taliban in Afghanistan – helped along by a few who wanted USSR out. UAE was one of them. Only three countries in the world recognised the Taliban government in Afghanistan: Pakistan, Saudi Arabia and UAE. India was among rare countries fighting on the opposition. For India’s good fortune, the opposition ultimately won. The sacrifice made by India was enormous. This was the main reason why the relationship between India and Saudi/UAE went downhill. We need to forgive the globetrotter if he does not know much about it. It is not entirely his fault. Over the years though India wanted oil, and Saudi/UAE wanted a better-disciplined workforce. So a fortunate parallel relationship continued. Over the last 12 months – for Saudi/UAE’s great discomfort, the crude has crashed from US$110 a barrel to $42 a barrel. Saudi/UAE will be looking for friends.
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    2015/08/17 at 6:49 am
  • From Original R.Pai on 68 Indians detained in Washington for crossing into US illegally

    I have to admit – there are three communities from India who are known for their notorious ways of reaching West and how they conduct themselves here – Punjab, Gujarath and Andhra Pradesha. The folks from first state do this in good old way of crossing the border and ocean (greek islands and italian coast) while the folks from third state abused the visa system beyond recognition. As a Bharateeya, I am truly embarrassed of these illegal activities. For those who are curious, watch some of the recent reports and documentaries on illegal immigrants crossing over from Turkey coast to Greek island of Kos. Almost every south asian in the group comes from Punjab (Indian side or Pakistaani side).
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    2015/08/16 at 10:32 pm
  • From Anil D.G. on Subrahmanya: Pics of Smoking, Drinking on Social Media - Two College Girls Debarred

    How does it become the college management’s problem if someone is indulging in activities outside the college premises? How?? To warn the sudents or to take strict action would have been the ideal solution.. Debar them?? Crazy management.
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    2015/08/16 at 4:32 pm
  • From jerardin dsouza on Mangaluru: With Zest and their Best, Seniors Acts Thrill Audience at KMC-Nava Chaitanya I-day Bash

    Great Celebrations at KMC Nava Chaitanya–Great Report by Dear Alfie & mangalorean.com .Proprietor Violet Madam always supports worthy causes.. JAI HIND
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    2015/08/16 at 10:57 am
  • From Ramesh Rao on Udupi: Bannanje Raja brought to city for further investigation

    Fixed match! Fully pre-planned arrest drama Pseudo proceedings Lucky ….. becomes millionaire overnight Obviously lack of ANY evidence (everything erased or silenced) and swift bail … Finally ………… “smiling don” of ALL the crimes (remember Muttappa Rai?) Free from all the charges, Politics/Social service starts…YES! Another Kannada Sene? Threaten industries, real estate and people Rule & mine Karnataka & SK? Or Mumbai too? While a dodo yet most-corrupt CM laughs..along with our shameless, selfish SK politicians 🙁 Jai Ho!
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    2015/08/15 at 11:33 pm
  • From Original R.Pai on Udupi: Bannanje Raja brought to city for further investigation

    It’s hard not to see the level of incompetence shown by our authorities here. Our govt clearly knows that this guy is a notorious criminal involved in many cases. If so, why allow him dress like a college student? I can’t tell if he is going to attend a party or Udupi police station. Also, why parade him in a such an open, public view when he has so many potential allies and enemies ? Don’t we all know the incident when a guy tried to kill Muthappa Rai near Madikeri Court back in 90s? And, finally, in this DNA age, do they really have to take this high-price catch from town to town in order to continue the investigation? Can’t they hold him in a high security prison and get officials from different towns to complete the investigation?
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    2015/08/15 at 11:29 pm
  • From Thomas DMello on Mangaluru: Prestigious Membership of the Royal College-UK Conferred on Dr US Krishna Nayak

    Congrats to Dr. Krishna Nayak. With so many awards and memberships, it is NOT wrong to say that ‘YOU ARE GOING ONLY VERTICAL’. THOMAS D’MELLO Kundapura
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    2015/08/15 at 9:42 pm
  • From Max E Rasquinha on Mangaluru: You've Come A Long Way, Baby! Friends Cheer 'Golden Girl' Dr Olinda Pereira at her 90th B-day Bash

    Ninety years of dedication to the beautiful world is a blessing to us all. We have been influenced by the virtues of leadership of Dr. Olinda Pereira for which we are grateful to God. Dr. Olinda perhaps known to our family for almost 85 years because she was a classmate of our nun sister, Sr. Joan all the time. I still remember Dr. Olinda Pereira coming all the way to Mumbai when Sr. Joan completed her Golden Anniversary as a nun. Thank God, last year we had the opportunity of selecting Dr. Olinda to be the recipient of I.I.P.P Award as “Outstanding Community Leader”. May she enjoy continued good health and happiness always.
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    2015/08/15 at 8:30 pm
  • From Alban D Souza on Mangaluru: 69th I-day Celebrated in DK with Spirit of Patriotism

    Wish all a Happy Independence Day ! Good Photographs . Thanks Mangalorean.com. Feel being there. Sweet memories of Independence Celebration spent in Nehru Maidan during the school days. Wish all the best for future.
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    2015/08/15 at 6:50 pm
  • From Max E Rasquinha on If Pakistan is Destroyed, Indian Muslims Will Unite with Hindus - Dr Kalladka Bhat

    Let Peace prevail on India’s Independence Day. Let “Shanti” be the highlight of the auspicious day. Let us live in peace with our neighbors, specially peace within. That is what Mahatma Gandhi taught us. That’s what we need to follow in these changing times. “Dhanyawadh”
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    2015/08/15 at 5:27 pm
  • From Max E Rasquinha on Mangaluru: 69th I-day Celebrated in DK with Spirit of Patriotism

    What a wonderful place to witness from a distance. What a wonderful occasion to be alive for India’s 69th Independence Day. The Nehru Maidan was known as Central Maidan in 1947. I was there to listen to the All India Radion live broadcast from New Delhi when none of us had a radio or even power supply. Bear footed we walked to the Central Maidan and joined in the happiness of the people of Mangalore. God bless Mangalore, and God bless India. We have come a long way to make good things happen.
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    2015/08/15 at 5:21 pm
  • From drona on Udupi: Bannanje Raja brought to city for further investigation

    The name Bannanje is associated with scholars like Bannanje Govindacharya. This rogue character should not have the privilege of such a name. Just call him B Raja if you will. Don’t spoil the dignity of the name Bannanje. Finish the investigations quickly and sentence him. Disgrace to our twin districts.
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    2015/08/15 at 4:28 pm
  • From Original R.Pai on Mangaluru: Youth Congress Demands Arrest of Blog Admin for Posting Derogatory Remarks on Mithun Rai

    “posting derogatory comments against a person in social media is a crime” – report quoting some unknown. RIP Free-speech in India !!
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    2015/08/15 at 8:33 am
  • From Max and Jessie Rasquinha on Mangaluru: Jesuit Educationist, Nonagenarian Social Worker and Academician turned Social Activist, Awarded Outstanding Community Leaders

    Congratulations and best wishes to you, dear Fr. Ronnie, Sachita and Joe, on your being selected as the “Outstanding Community Leaders” for the year 2014/15. You all deserve this exemplary recognition. Please accept the same with our best wishes. It is amazing how effectively the communication network becomes applicable in this world of Technology. Before we officially informed you of the selection for this auspicious Reward the profile already appeared in the newspapers. You all have given so much for our Society, and therefore we wish to thank you and honor you. Let us have a nice gathering some time during the latter part of this year to greet all of you and honor you. God bless
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    2015/08/15 at 8:17 am
  • From Original R.Pai on Bengaluru: Karnataka mafia don Bannanje Raja brought from Morocco

    Good news! All he deserves is a permanent tiny room with no windows in Parappana agrahaara. If he complains about ‘chest pain’, ignore him for a few days and see how quickly he would get better!! LOL
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    2015/08/15 at 4:33 am
  • From drona on Bengaluru: Karnataka mafia don Bannanje Raja brought from Morocco

    Jail mein zaroor kuch chakki peeso bhayya. Taakat ke liye achcha hai.
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    2015/08/15 at 2:14 am
  • From Mark Denis D'souza on ಶಮಿನ ಆಳ್ವರ ಮಡಿಲಿಗೆ ಪ್ರತಿಷ್ಠಿತ ಅಂತರಾಷ್ಟ್ರೀಯ ಆರ್ಯಭಟ ಪ್ರಶಸ್ತಿ

    Congratulatoons to Shamina Alva, wish you many more accolades for your hard work and selfless service.I have had the privilege to sit next to this great personality on Sunday 9th August 2015. God bless you and Good luck in your future endeavors. Mark Denis D’souza Sharjah-U.A.E.
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    2015/08/14 at 12:37 pm
  • From Dr Praveen Shenoy M on Manjunath Pai-Owner of Popular 'Giri Manja' Restaurant Passes Away at age 40

    I remember the days we used to play cricket together. .RIP my friend
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    2015/08/14 at 7:57 am
  • From Vinit D on Mangaluru: CPI(M) Stages Protest Demanding Flyover at Nanthur Junction

    Land has been acquired for an underpass at this junction. This will double the problems that are present now. When people just protest without knowing the ground reality such a thing will happen. With the underpass commuters will not be able to cross the road for a 1km stretch. In the rainy season the underpass will be cesspool. People on either side will suffer for no reason. Nothing will be solved and more problems will be created. Why cant they create a bypass for the highway that avoids the city?.
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    2015/08/13 at 5:14 pm
  • From Vinit D on Mangaluru: Chettiar's and Vasudev Adiga's Eateries 'Closed for Renovation' or 'Closed for Good'?

    I visited Chettinad’s with a visitor. They served us stale food. If this was the state of affairs, they were bound to close sooner than later.
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    2015/08/13 at 4:49 pm
  • From Original R.Pai on Holy cow! India is the World's Largest Beef Exporter

    “the animals are needed to keep India’s huge domestic dairy industry going” – Report. This is exactly what I wrote a few months ago on this forum. The over population of cows and water buffaloes is a direct result of ‘ksheera kraanti’ whose main architect was one Kurien from Kerala. In the name of ‘ksheera kraanti’, we started inflating the demand for dairy products by telling people to consume more and more. The poor cows and water buffaloes are the poor victims of this senseless, unsustainable growth in consumption. We need to encourage less dairy consumption to keep it at sustainable levels.
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    2015/08/13 at 3:29 pm
  • From Drona on Manjunath Pai-Owner of Popular 'Giri Manja' Restaurant Passes Away at age 40

    Sorry to hear this news. May his soul rest in peace.
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    2015/08/13 at 2:43 pm
  • From ruchir agarwal on Mangaluru: Chettiar's and Vasudev Adiga's Eateries 'Closed for Renovation' or 'Closed for Good'?

    It looks like Mangaloreans like only Mangalore cuisine or Chinese. Chetinad hotel was good but v spicy which must have turned off the customers
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    2015/08/13 at 2:13 pm
  • From Vinayak on Manjunath Pai-Owner of Popular 'Giri Manja' Restaurant Passes Away at age 40

    A down-to-earth person and a humble human being was manjanna. Just cant believe that he is nomore. He ensured that all his customers who visited his hotel left on a happy note. He shall be surely missed by all the community. I have no words to say, but only to pray in god to rest his soul in peace.
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    2015/08/13 at 2:07 pm
  • From Arthur Ronald D'Souza on Puttur: Fishing in Troubled Times - It's Mackerel Festival for Residents of Golitottu

    Jab Bagwhan detha hai tab chappar padke detha hai. Kao pio aur …….. Have a nice week.
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    2015/08/13 at 10:39 am
  • From Arthur Ronald D'Souza on Puttur: Fishing in Troubled Times - It's Mackerel Festival for Residents of Golitottu

    Jab Baghwan detha hai tho Chappal padki ke detha hai. Have a nice week..
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    2015/08/13 at 10:06 am
  • From Suresh Bhat on Kasaragod: Ambalattare Resident Sudhakar Pai Arrested on Charge of Embezzlement of Rs 70 Crore

    Yet another instance of how the faithful are being taken for a ride by institutionalized religion.
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    2015/08/13 at 5:13 am
  • From Sudesh on Kasaragod: Ambalattare Resident Sudhakar Pai Arrested on Charge of Embezzlement of Rs 70 Crore

    It is not pais fault the swami is also inovled as clear cut not received the pandora box opens
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    2015/08/12 at 10:29 pm
  • From Robert Pais on Mangaluru: Students Act of Ignorance- Defacing Public Walls with Election Posters

    WONDERFUL COVERAGE by MANGALOREAN.COM and the volunteerism. In developed countries ( check their city websites) there are fines for defacing public places and road signs . Spitting is a crime ( fined) . It is also responsibility of the school authorities that they have strict guidelines for students disqualification in their elections to student bodies. As the students are supposed to be on the path to be in the educated group, their irresponsible behavior – is indeed shameful .
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    2015/08/12 at 3:28 pm
  • From Arthur Ronald D'Souza on Bengaluru: HC refuses to allow Owaisi to conduct poll campaign

    A wise and bold decision by HC. Similar decision expected for other also of similar nature.
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    2015/08/12 at 2:22 pm
  • From Nelson Lewis on Mumbai: Couples picked up from hotel rooms, charged with 'public indecency'

    Mr. A.S. Mathew, One has to realize that most cops in Mumbai police force hail mostly from vilages and small towns of Maharashtra and they have joined the force because it is an easy way to make money by forcing people to give or acceptig bribes. They have a blinkered outlook and a narrow mind and many of them do not know the progress that has taken place. Take it from me that in India, most politicians and public servants are corrupt and they do not have any shame or qualms. They intentionally do all sorts of wrong things and go to houses-of-worship and pay for custom-made poojas, masses, other rituals (depending on their religion) for washing their sins and continue with their nefarious activities. The police acted very rashly without doing their homework and basing their raids on sound intelligence. Whatever the consenting couples have done has been in the four walls. These couples should have filed court cases against the police and seek damages.
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    2015/08/12 at 1:42 pm
  • From Edward D'souza/ Saudi Arabia on Mangaluru: Kadri Inspector Nagaraj Re-instated

    Good step taken by commissioner bringing back our GEM the honest and sincere officer MR TD Nagaraj, God is always there. This is a fact and guys, Please do something good. Doing all this protest in front of the station and court is not a solution other than waste of time, Truth will come out one or the other day. Example what happened to the inspector he just took a short break and resumed his duty. So guys THINK BEFORE YOU ACT.
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    2015/08/12 at 1:02 pm
  • From ruchir agarwal on Mangaluru: Students Act of Ignorance- Defacing Public Walls with Election Posters

    Students should their own college buildings to post posters if they need, another option would be to use the electronic media or wats up and face book
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    2015/08/12 at 12:26 pm
  • From shAIkH moHd rizwan on Mangaluru: Awareness Lesson on Drug Menace should be Included in School Syllabus - DGP Om Prakash

    You can’t turn around and lecture people on other drugs. -Mr.Original Sir, Why don’t you and your crony BJP apply the same rule for blanket ban on ‘Beef Ban’ who are already suffering from 70% price hike in vegetables? Your party of difference can reverse the ban on ‘porn’ citing freedom of expression/ Why don’t BJP respect the “freedom of food choice” in the same way? Jai hind
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    2015/08/12 at 1:13 am
    • From Original R.Pai on Mangaluru: Awareness Lesson on Drug Menace should be Included in School Syllabus - DGP Om Prakash

      Dear black-flag-worshiping Sharia Shaikh, I understand that your madrasa background makes it almost impossible for you to follow logic. Still, let me try as it is very important to educate political illiterates. The ‘freedom of food choice’ doesn’t mean that you can kill and eat whatever you want. What about the freedom of those animals and birds? Also, you refuse to respect Hindu’s religious sentiments. On the other hand, you want everyone to respect your religious sentiments even though it means refusing to sing ‘vande pataram’ and imposing sharia laws on cartoons!! Grow up, dude!
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      2015/08/13 at 3:33 pm
  • From shAIkH moHd rizwan on Panaji: Two Keralites smuggling gold from Dubai arrested at Goa airport

    Dear readers, Is our bean counter Mr.Original can provide audit of Gold haul with this latest seizure? Does he have any clue about the record haul of smuggled gold at Ahmedabad airport? 60 kg gold seized at Ahmedabad airport http://www.thehindu.com/news/60-kg-gold-seized-at-ahmedabad-airport/article6932431.ece Jai Hind
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    2015/08/12 at 12:37 am
  • From ruchir agarwal on Mangaluru: Students Act of Ignorance- Defacing Public Walls with Election Posters

    Of all the places they have pasted posters on the traffic signs as well which is a offense!! why cant they use EMAIL, FACE BOOK, and wats up or even news paper advts for their publicity?
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    2015/08/11 at 9:43 pm
  • From CA on UAE: Woman Drowns in Dubai After Father Blocks Rescue to Save 'Honour'

    What a piece of work!!! No words to describe this moron father. If a child, no matter what age, cannot trust one’s parents to come to their rescue by any means, these parents do not deserve to have kids. I just hope he has no other daughters to ‘rescue” or no sons to transfer his stupid irrational thoughts to. Please leave him in jail where he can rot away.
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    2015/08/11 at 8:54 pm
  • From Original R.Pai on Mangaluru: Awareness Lesson on Drug Menace should be Included in School Syllabus - DGP Om Prakash

    This is the paradoxical nature of human society. We sell and glamorize smoking and alcoholic drinks. One can find shops selling these products in any corner of the city or any town in our state. In fact, our CM openly brags about cheap liquor for poor people. You can’t turn around and lecture people on other drugs. Similar to smoking and liquor, other drugs can also be very addictive and destroy your life if you are not in control. Instead of banning these products, state needs to regulate it. If these students and other can buy the same drugs from a licensed medical shop, it would be much safer. It will also bring in revenue to state exchequer. Agreed – there has to be an effort to educate people on the dangers of drug usage (including alcohol) if it spins out of control. Many of these students are simply aping the popular, western culture and destroying their health and future in the process.
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    2015/08/11 at 10:45 am
  • From Original R.Pai on Mangaluru: Students Act of Ignorance- Defacing Public Walls with Election Posters

    Good reporting! Also, great work by all those volunteers! We need millions of these folks to achieve ‘swachcha bhaaratha’.
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    2015/08/11 at 9:43 am
  • From sam on UAE: Woman Drowns in Dubai After Father Blocks Rescue to Save 'Honour'

    god save these ignorant people mentality of 7 th century l;iving standards of 21 st century
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    2015/08/11 at 6:47 am
  • From drona on Udupi: 14-year-old Student Prajwal Acharya Ends Life by Hanging Self

    This is so sad. One like Rahul has a bright future. Why not this boy? He could have waited for few years and joined Cong I.
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    2015/08/11 at 12:55 am
  • From Original R.Pai on Mangaluru: Rs 20 Lakh Stolen from Scooter Parked near RTO Premises

    Rs.20 lakhs left in scooter compartment? Really? I think this Raghunaatha dude just broke the world record on stupidity!!
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    2015/08/10 at 5:43 pm
    • From Praveen on Mangaluru: Rs 20 Lakh Stolen from Scooter Parked near RTO Premises

      Rs.20 lakhs left in scooter compartment? Really? I think this Raghunaatha dude just broke the world record on stupidity!! – Rampa on some Dhoompa A Rs.10 lakhs monogrammed suit on a 56 inch waist body? I think this Monogrammed dude just broke the world record for _____________ (ದಯಮಾಡಿ ಬಿಟ್ಟ ಶಬ್ಧ ತುಂಬಿಸಿ). :):)
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      2015/08/10 at 10:47 pm
  • From Original R.Pai on Udupi: DK Politicians are Slaves of Landlords, Malekudiya Leader Shekar

    ” EVERY OUT LAW IN THE WORLD, HAS A SAFE SANCTUARY IN RSS INDIA” screams Pincode Pai from his room with no windows. Every outlaw ? Sigh…Well, I am very worried about our Kumbla friend who seems to be spinning out of control. He refuses to comment on cartoons or those who chopped off Kerala Lecturer’s hands. Instead, he blurts out most insane comments!! One of the most notorious outlaws was hunted down and killed by Doddanna’s special forces in our ‘peace-loving’ neighbor. Did RSS provide him a safe sanctuary? Well, no point in asking Pincode Pai as I already know his answer!! smiles…
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    2015/08/10 at 5:41 pm
  • From Mango Man on Kasaragod: Veteran Freedom Fighter Centenarian Kayyar Kinhanna Rai Passes Away

    BNP Sir ..I understand your pain. Karavali Karnataka was never given its due by the powers in the capital. So sad we lost Kasargod. We cannot do anything else but pay tearful homage to Nadoja Kayyara Kinhanna Rai and of course rue the loss of Kasaragodu.
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    2015/08/10 at 5:31 pm
  • From Raghavendra on Mangaluru: Missing ISKCON Member Ravikumar Found Dead - Murder Suspected

    Yes I think its murder.
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    2015/08/10 at 5:10 pm
  • From Rani on Pune: Monster mom beats 13-year-old to death with a cricket bat - Arrested

    Even if he tried to make sexual advances , a mother tries to correct a child thats what mothers are for, and not beat him to death… RIP young boy, my heart bleeds reading this .. Hope you’r at peace ! the mother definitely needs psychiatric treatment
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    2015/08/10 at 1:10 pm
  • From Lawrence on Mangaluru: Kadri Crematorium Becomes Ganja House - Corporator Ashok

    Why take trouble arresting drug edicts from Rudraboomi. They belong to Rudraboomi and pretty soon, they will be cremated there.
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    2015/08/10 at 9:32 am
  • From A. S. Mathew on Mumbai: Couples picked up from hotel rooms, charged with 'public indecency'

    Original R. Pai, since you are a deity worshipper of Modiji, everything you read is hitting on your brain like ‘ ” anti-Modi” or BJP. When some people are over immersed in certain psychology or religion or hero worship, they will be turning totally clueless as you have indicated. Indeed, you are speaking for yourself as clueless. I am a very strong conservative in my ethical view point in life. The Western nations were terribly faced with a moral crisis in which, pornography and the rest have played key roles in the total deterioration of the society; so I am against that. If the police happened to see public indecency in an open area like beaches or parks, they must be arrested for public indecency. But, if the police is taking the rule of law to enter the hotels and trying to catch everybody inside, and demanding their proof as married couples, even the married couples don’t have much proof in India now. The police won’t dare to enter into a 5 or 4 star or even 3 star hotels to enforce their own invented indecency law. Why? The police may lose their uniform or be trapped in an indecency chamber. This action undertaken by the Mumbai police or in any other city in India is total insanity. How the police is dealing with the red light districts like karmarthipura in Mumbai? If some social and religious organizations are trying to rescue those totally helpless women being engaged in the business of prostitution, those kind-hearted people are harassed for kickbacks by the morally elevated police force. What kind of decency of the police is that? The ethical and corruption-free police found a new avenue to get some easy money through harassing and slapping on the defenseless people.
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    2015/08/10 at 12:50 am
  • From B. N. Pai. on Kasaragod: Veteran Freedom Fighter Centenarian Kayyar Kinhanna Rai Passes Away

    balanna: “Great loss. Sad that his dream of unification of Kasargod with Karnataka and creation of Tulunadu could not be realized.” Kasaragod is the original wife of Karnataka. But Karnataka is entangled into extra marital affairs with Belgaum, of Maharashtra. When wife (Kasaragod) begged for “Ekikarana”, Karnataka refused to oblige. Karnataka is infatuated with its paramar, Maharashtrian Belgaum! Mahajan Commission Report said Kasaragod must go to Karnataka. But Karnataka never asked for Kasaragod on stand alone basis. Only when Maharashtra demands Belgaum, Karnataka sheds crocodile tears for Kasaragod! This is not to get Kasaragod, but just to prevent Belgaum going to Maharashtra, by complicating and widening the issue. I, AS A KANNADIGA, WISH THAT KARNATAKA MUST BE FRAGMENTED AND KODAGU, TULU NADU OF SOUTH CANARA AND KASARAGOD DISTRICTS MUST BE UNITED TO FORM A SEPARATE STATE. THE HYDERABAD KARNATAKA AND THE BOMBAY KARNATAKA MUST ALSO BE CUT OFF FROM KARNATAKA TO HAVE TWO MORE STATES. WHENEVER I HEAR THE KANNADA ANTHEM, “UDAYAVAGALI NAMMA CHELUVA KANNADA NAADU, …RAJANYA RIPU PARASHU DHARANA JANANIYA BEEDU …”; WHICH I WAS SINGING WITH FERVOUR AND INTENSE FEELING AND PRIDE, I WEEP NOW. IT MAKES ME HATE KARNATAKA. THAT IS MY REVENGE. I MAY FAIL, BUT “PARASANGADA KARNATAKA MUST PERISH FOR THE CRIME IT COMMITTED TO KASARAGOD. NOW , AFTER 60 YEARS, THE DEMOGRAPHY OF KASARAGOD HAS CHANGED BEYOND REDEMPTION DUE TO MALAYALI AGGRESSION. KANNADIGAS OF KASARAGOD ARE UNDONE. BUT, GOD WILL PUNISH DEBAUCHEROUS KARNATAKA BY CHANGING ITS GEOGRAPH ALTOGETHER AND FOR EVER!
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    2015/08/09 at 10:44 pm
  • From Drona on Kasaragod: Veteran Freedom Fighter Centenarian Kayyar Kinhanna Rai Passes Away

    Salute to the departed soul. I trust Mr B N Pai might have met him.
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    2015/08/09 at 9:53 pm
  • From Original R.Pai on Kasaragod: Veteran Freedom Fighter Centenarian Kayyar Kinhanna Rai Passes Away

    Great loss! He never gave up his fight on kasaragodu unification with Karnataka. RIP.
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    2015/08/09 at 9:47 pm
  • From Original R.Pai on Mangaluru: Missing ISKCON Member Ravikumar Found Dead - Murder Suspected

    Stones inside mouth? Very disturbing. This is a clear case of murder!!
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    2015/08/09 at 9:45 pm
  • From Original R.Pai on Mumbai: Couples picked up from hotel rooms, charged with 'public indecency'

    It’s hilarious to see two clueless characters, AS mathew and Sharia Shaikh, blaming this all Sri Modiji. Didn’t we have Karnataka police raiding hotels for ‘indecent’ dances ? By the way, I would like to know if Sharia Shaikh and Mathews support watching Porn and premarital sex with consenting adults (same or opposite sex)? LOL For the record, I fully support adults doing whatever they want in their privacy with other consenting adults. State has no business in our personal life. As a libertarian, I cringe every time I read about police raids on what they call ‘indecent’ behavior!!! My views are very clear, consistent and honest unlike other partisan hacks and religious bigots on this forum.
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    2015/08/09 at 9:43 pm
    • From Praveen on Mumbai: Couples picked up from hotel rooms, charged with 'public indecency'

      It’s hilarious to see two clueless characters.. Rampa it is EVEN more hilarious to read our Original cartoon play the role of Khap Panchayat day in & amd; day out – on EVERY topic under the sun! But then, I don’t want to change our Rampa! Who will keep me entertained ESPECIALLY after I have sold off all my entertainment systems? God bless you ya Rampa. And hey, please let us know when the outpost next to yours sells off their TV’s and Radios.
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      2015/08/10 at 11:09 pm
    • From B. N. Pai on Mumbai: Couples picked up from hotel rooms, charged with 'public indecency'

      Original Duplicate claims, “As a libertarian, I cringe every time I read about police raids on what they call ‘indecent’ behavior!!! My views are very clear, consistent and honest unlike other partisan hacks and religious bigots on this forum.” But, his guilty feeling prompts him to conclude his post by a self certification, “My views are very clear, consistent and honest”. Yes, his libertarianism ends where Hindu Moral Policing begins!
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      2015/08/09 at 10:52 pm
      • From Original R.Pai on Mumbai: Couples picked up from hotel rooms, charged with 'public indecency'

        Where did my libertarian views end when I have clearly opposed any attempt by state to control our actions in our own privacy? Didn’t you read my post above? Or, did the madrasa teacher force you to respond even before you could finish reading my post? smiles…
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        2015/08/10 at 6:19 am
        • From B. N. Pai on Mumbai: Couples picked up from hotel rooms, charged with 'public indecency'

          Original R.Pai – I have clearly opposed any attempt by state to control our actions in our own privacy? When I registered my exception to Original R.Pai not finding fault with “Hindu Moral Policing”, he says that he “opposed any attempt by state”! Paimaam I did not say “Hindu State”, I said “Hindu Policing!” ಊಟವಾಯಿತೋ ಎಂದು ಕೇಳಿದಾಗ ಮುಂಡಾಸು ಮೂವತ್ತು ಮೊಳ ಎಂದಂತೆ ಆಯಿತಲ್ಲಾ, ಪೈಮಾಂಮ್ !
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          2015/08/11 at 10:22 pm
        • From Praveen on Mumbai: Couples picked up from hotel rooms, charged with 'public indecency'

          Where did my libertarian views end when I have clearly opposed any attempt by state to control our actions in our own privacy? – Rampa to Mr. Shaikh Sigh! I ONLY wish your GoalaMaalaKara had the SAME “libertarian” views when he expressed his bigoted and megalomaniac views. 🙁 Sigh again! Our Rampa – the ONLY next best thing to happen to — AFTER sliced bread! If ONLY we had more Rampas around! 🙁 🙁
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          2015/08/10 at 11:02 pm
  • From B. Dinesh on Bengaluru: Don Bannanje Raja to be extradited

    Very good news but the police should makes sure he does not escape from custody and the prosecution should mount fool-proof cases so that he goes behind bars for the rest of his life. This should send a strong message to organized crime.
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    2015/08/09 at 8:42 pm
  • From balanna on Kasaragod: Veteran Freedom Fighter Centenarian Kayyar Kinhanna Rai Passes Away

    Great loss. Sad that his dream of unification of Kasargod with Karnakata and creation of Tulunadu could not be realized.
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    2015/08/09 at 7:47 pm
  • From shaiKH MOhd Rizwan on Mumbai: Couples picked up from hotel rooms, charged with 'public indecency'

    Dear readers, This youngsters looking for privacy overwhelmingly voted RSS political wing BJP to power with big hopes and modern India copying the west.Now just more than year in office by PM Modi and his state cronies acting to implement Taliban rule every they step. Earlier they reverse the porn ban due to young public outcry. This Sabka saath sabka vikas government will only act where there is political interest and vote bank. The BJP can reverse its stand citing freedom of expression but at the same time the state is infringing on the freedom of communities to consume food of their choice. As per the BJP claims on beef eating can enrage anger and challenge the modesty.But the party seems relaxed to the rule when its own Lawmakers caught porn watching in the middle of session. How does PM Modi’s government will assure the women of India ‘rape don’t occur in Bharat but in India’ ? By lifting the ban on porn what is the message it want to give to the women empowerment? How does safety of women is ensured if porn can be avilable to any age limit? Jai Hind
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    2015/08/09 at 7:05 pm
  • From Max and Jessie Rasquinha on Mangaluru: NABH Grants Accreditation for Father Muller Medical College Hospital

    Accredition in favor of Fr. Muller’s Hospital was a long awaited desire. Finally the day has arrived. Congratulations to Fr. Patrick and all the rest of the team who have strived so hard to maintain the standard as well as the quality of the well deserving Institution such as Fr. Mullers for all that they have dedicated. The legacy of Fr. Mullers and all Directors and the workforce deserve this auspicious award. The Diocese of Mangalore is the ultimate beneficiary of this recognition. Bishop Aloysius has strived so long to make this Institution a world class Medical Institution. Thru his leadership and determination Fr. Mullers were also privileged to have the Medical College that has progressed so well with hundreds of students Graduated. The learning process in the field of Medicine also gets a share of the dedication for the patients and the rest of the staff. Congratulations once again, and God bless
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    2015/08/09 at 5:48 pm
  • From Drona on Mangaluru: Dance Guru Master Vithal Passes away at 89

    He used to live close to Besant school. I remember seeing him almost every day while attending primary school in the sixties. If I remember right he also had trained UK Arun Kumar who was the son of UK Krishna Rao. U K Arun Kumar was a talented actor who tried his hand in Kannada movies but did not succeed there. It is sad to hear about the passing of Master Vittal who has trained so many. The old generation of Mangalore is slowly fading. May his soul rest in eternal peace.
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    2015/08/09 at 6:10 am
  • From A. S. Mathew on Mumbai: Couples picked up from hotel rooms, charged with 'public indecency'

    Now India is turning exactly to the forest culture.
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    2015/08/09 at 4:58 am
  • From CGS Mangaluru on Complexity and not Stereotype should be the Approach

    Wonderful write up, Sam! Keep it up!
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    2015/08/08 at 11:09 pm
  • From drona on Mangaluru: Rs 20 Lakh Stolen from Scooter Parked near RTO Premises

    This Raghunath guy needs to be questioned by the police. That simpleton who handed over the money also may not be a simpleton after all. Both of them might have teamed up to spin a yarn and blow up the cash saying ‘soombe’ to the poor father. Mangalore police have some work to do now. Radd bottunda maata sari aapundu. Daala pododchi.
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    2015/08/08 at 4:35 pm
  • From Original R.Pai on Udupi: DK Politicians are Slaves of Landlords, Malekudiya Leader Shekar

    Very disturbing! This reminds me of a Christian teacher in Kerala who lost his hands for breaking the unofficial sharia imposed all over India. I’m glad to see that Malekudiya community coming together to fight for justice. Unfortunately the Kerala lecturer was fired from his job and abandoned by his own community. This is the India in 2015!! How sad!
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    2015/08/08 at 5:25 am
    • From B. N. Pai. on Udupi: DK Politicians are Slaves of Landlords, Malekudiya Leader Shekar

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      2015/08/09 at 8:43 am
  • From Original R.Pai on Pune: Monster mom beats 13-year-old to death with a cricket bat - Arrested

    Broken home and dead teenager. What a tragedy!! If the allegations are true, she should rot in jail for rest of her life for putting a teenager to death.
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    2015/08/08 at 5:16 am
  • From Original R.Pai on Mangaluru : MCC Water is Finally here-How Good it is to get it when you're Really Thirsty

    Glad to see that the water service is being restored. Now the real question is – Would they ever find the real culprits and punish them? Would they learn lessons from this incident and do more inspection of supply lines on regular basis? Kannur being one of the ‘vote bank’ locations, I doubt if Congress will ever find the real culprits. Also, if past is any indication, our officials never learn from past mistakes. In other words, nothing will change!!
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    2015/08/07 at 7:05 am
    • From Praveen on Mangaluru : MCC Water is Finally here-How Good it is to get it when you're Really Thirsty

      Glad to see that the water service is being restored. – Rampa Say Rampa, do you think that the water service was restored because you JUST happened to “look-up” both Nalina Kumara and Lobo regarding the issue of potholes on Mangy roads? Or, did you put in a word with Kim Kardashian, Kayne West and Caitlyn Jenner (the CREAM of Yumreeki ‘culture’ – if Rampa is to be believed) and hey presto – water services were restored? Over to you ya RampaNNA.
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      2015/08/07 at 3:05 pm
  • From Original R.Pai on Wife and 3 kids of Gulf-based Indian expat found burnt to death

    What a tragedy!! No family has to go thru this kind of tragic events.
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    2015/08/07 at 7:03 am
  • From Joe D'Souza on Mangaluru: What a Rip-Off? Private Water Tanker Owners charging Rs 600/1000 for Water Supply

    A Elected Official of the City is also a Water tanker man charging big bucks. You folks find out who it is and also ask his tanker driver how they charge. And then take action.
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    2015/08/06 at 10:57 pm
  • From Joe D'Souza on Mangaluru: Service Tax Commissionerate Arrests A Rent-A-Cab Service Provider For Evasion Of Rs 1 Crore

    Why this persons name is not Published? Must be wealthy with connection around. If poor man steals one egg,will be declared thief,with name published in media. Wealthy man steals the Chicken that laid the stolen egg goes freelance because He stole the chicken for sukka to entertain His friends with drinks. This is law of the land.W3AE
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    2015/08/06 at 10:48 pm
  • From Avinash on Udupi: MLA Madhwaraj Holds Review Meeting on Upgradation of Bus Stations in CMC limits

    Good work sir . For safety it’s very important.Also we need cameras for controlling speed
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    2015/08/06 at 8:47 am
  • From Original R.Pai on Karachi: Akram escapes unhurt in road rage gun attack

    Road rage? Sure!!
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    2015/08/06 at 8:18 am
  • From drona on Karachi: Akram escapes unhurt in road rage gun attack

    Akram Bhai, you are living in a rogue country. All you have to do is to sell your property in that goddamn country and apply for refugee status in a more civilised country. Don’t look too far. You will find one. Kya bolta hai man?
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    2015/08/06 at 2:09 am
  • From Max E Rasquinha on KSA: Toastmaster Mohammed Al Qahtani to Compete in Public Speaking at Las Vegas

    What a joy and pride to learn that Mohamed Al-Qahttani is going to represent District 79 at the Toastmasters International Convention at Las Vegas during August 12 thru 15. A warm welcome awaits Mohamed Alqahtani, and we wish him best of success. Saudi Arabia has lot to offer in this world of leadership. Mohamed Alqahttani also represent a vast and reputable family of Al-Qahanis who are entrepreneurial and forward looking in all their undertakings in the Kingdom and beyond. Congratulations to you, Mr. Mohamed Alqahtani. May you shine not only in Las Vegas but also far and beyond the realm of leadership that will benefit the world thru your continued leadership.
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    2015/08/05 at 8:07 pm
  • From James Fernandes on Mangaluru: What a Rip-Off? Private Water Tanker Owners charging Rs 600/1000 for Water Supply

    Pretty soon they will start selling ‘Diet water’ in bottles, Like Diet coke or Diet Peps! Good for diabetic lethargic ones.
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    2015/08/05 at 6:08 pm
  • From Henry James on Udupi: Fishermen hold Massive Protest Rally against Transfer of Diesel Subsidy to Bank Accounts

    Even though I have nothing against the fishermen community, I have little empathy for their cause. Whether they are forced to do it or not, all the good catch gets exported to big cities, restaurants and foreign countries, and the ordinary people in the coastal region are forced to be content with ನಂಗ್, ಕುರ್ಚಿ, ಅಡೆ ಮೀನ್,ಕಲ್ಲರ್, ಬೊಂಜಿಲ್, red-eyed ಬೂತೈ etc. No slice-able fish for the common folks. If ever there is any pomfret, ಕಾಣೆ or some “upper-class” fish on the day, one Pereira aunty with her red-lips and half blouse will swoop in out of nowhere and throw a couple of Gandhi notes and price out the rest of the customers. So, in all fairness, please ask those Pereira aunties to come and fight for your cause. I am sure they are on their toes eager to help you out.
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    2015/08/05 at 5:23 pm
  • From drona on Sonam Kapoor calls Modi govt 'idiot', seeks a ban on govt for banning porn

    May be loss of revenue for her. Who knows?
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    2015/08/05 at 4:06 am
    • From Praveen on Sonam Kapoor calls Modi govt 'idiot', seeks a ban on govt for banning porn

      May be loss of revenue for her. Who knows? – Dronappa DID she come from the WEST? Anyway, except for YOU, nobody knows anything at all about Sonu Kappu! So go on… spill the WHOLE can of beans ya Dronu. Don’t go on and on like a broken record, ya Dronappa. You see how badly our Rampu is stuck on my allegedly “rejected” US Visa? He HAS proof about people caught smuggling Gold at MIA. He says his ‘get-well’ postcards are the best aka …very superior… (JOKES) thereby implying that HE is THE BEST thing to happen to the world after/before sliced bread and/or RSS(akka). I ask him for 1 shred of proof about his allegations (about my “rejected” Yumreeki Visa, and he does his usual Paalayana Vaadya. Prod him some, and he bangs on his Mridangam singing paeans for his Pradhana Sevaka. He goes off on an ENTIRE plane – ALTOGETHER! 🙂 SOP for ORP! Use some neurons ya Dronu. please don’t be like our Original Rampu’ji.
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      2015/08/05 at 10:28 pm
  • From Vinit D on MP Nalin appeals to Minister of Road Transport for upgradation of SH and Development of NH in DK

    Good thought by Mr.Kateel. If this plan gets approval then most of the vehicles can bypass Mangalore reducing the congestion at Nanthoor .
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    2015/08/04 at 7:26 pm
  • From Melroy C.F.Fernandes on Mangaluru: 'Get the Junk Vehicles Out of the Premises'-DC Ibrahim tells Govt Officials

    Excellent report by Alfie and team. This is a good example of journalistic reporting . Instead of the run-of -the- mill “breaking news” syndrome suffered by most present day journalists who are looking for instant fame, instead of researching and presenting their articles on their own steam!
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    2015/08/04 at 7:24 pm
  • From Sudesh on Bengaluru: Don Bannanje Raja's Extradition to India Appears Imminent

    Great indian what will hapeen next
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    2015/08/03 at 11:39 pm
  • From Original R.Pai on Thulla effect: Plaint against Aamir over 'PK'

    “…tells the story of an alien who comes to Earth. He befriends a television journalist and questions religious dogmas and superstitions” – Report on some movie ‘PK’. Can someone tell me if the same alien asks television journalist on cartoon controversy? Or, even the alien, similar to our media and secular groups, had no courage to ask this question? Just curious! smiles…
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    2015/08/03 at 8:18 am
    • From Praveen on Thulla effect: Plaint against Aamir over 'PK'

      Can someone tell me if the same alien asks television journalist on cartoon controversy? Or, even the alien, similar to our media and secular groups, had no courage to ask this question? Just curious! smiles… – Rampa [1] Did you file a RTI? I mean, CAN you file an RTI in the 1st place? Tsk pusk pask.. tsk…. 🙂 [2] OK Rampa. 1 down! 🙁 If you can’t do it, can’t you ask that FEARLESS Arnaba to ask that Q? He is EVEN more quiet than a Church mouse when questioning people about Hindu Terror! As though the NATION does NOT need to KNOW that hidden part of India. Hello! Please remember that all people living S of somewhere are called Hindus? As he keeps harping, the COUNTRY wants to know! As an Indian, sure as the flare on your ridiculous chaddi, I WANT to know about Hindu Terror. [3] You can’t do 1 and 2, right? Well then – make a sequel to PK. After all, you have a febrile ….. I mean.. FERTILE imagination. Ask whatever questions you want so that you get some answers and you can sleep well at night (for a change). Your RSS chaddis from Naagapoora would definitely finance your adventurism. Come on…. you could even win an Oscar’aNNA from your BoddaNNA. 🙂 Your movie could make it’s way into Indian textbooks. FINALLY, you could MAKE (something meaningful) in India besides your decennial Trips. 🙂 So many BRIGHT avenues for you in India. AKHANDA BHARATHA MATA NEEDS YOU. Man.. Rampa… what are you waiting for? Xmas 2015?Blink.. blink.. 🙂
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      2015/08/04 at 10:47 pm
    • From B. N. Pai on Thulla effect: Plaint against Aamir over 'PK'

      “even the alien, similar to our media and secular groups, had no courage to ask this question? Just curious! smiles…” – REALLY A BOLD CHALLENGE THROWN TO SECULAR INDIANS, RATHER TO VERY SECULARISM AS SUCH! Dear RSS Paimaam, till the victory of Modi, whenever I alleged that you are a RSS man, you denied it and went to the extent of claiming that you even do not believe in Hindu Religion and Gods and do not practice the religion. BUT, NOW YOU GLADLY ACCEPT MY ABOVE COMMENT AS A COMPLIMENT! YOU, CHALLENGING THE SECULAR FORCES, IS LAUGHABLE.
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      2015/08/04 at 8:28 am
  • From drona on Mangaluru: Face to face with Dr Arunachalam Kumar

    I have seen the video of Prof Arunachalam Kumar drawing with both hands at the same time. He is ambi dextrous. I hope he will respond to the treatments. Non small cell carcinoma of lung [NSCCL] treatment has come a long way now and molecular target therapy has helped many to achieve better quality of life and better survival. His medical oncologist will be able to discuss and offer those options. I trust he has already discussed those options and has his management optimised. Good luck Prof.
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    2015/08/03 at 8:04 am
  • From ravi on Fish Shortage-High Prices! Inclement Weather and Fishermen's Protest Delays Fishing Venture

    It might be time for more extensive Fish farming
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    2015/08/03 at 8:02 am
  • From Drona on Thulla effect: Plaint against Aamir over 'PK'

    It was very interesting to watch Arnab Goswamy having a debate or trying to have a debate with a panel which consisted of Indian and Pakistani sides. The Pakistani side was very noisy from the word go. They down right rejected allegations on them even though it was mentioned that there was GPS proof. I wonder why bother having debate or dialogue with that rogue nation or the army chiefs of that rogue nation. I doubt if they have any government by the way. What emerged out of the meeting is that some organisations such as Babbar Khallsa and other such organisations ran into Pakistan during operation blue star in 1984. They are still hiding there. Pakistan tries to play proxy war by sending[b] mercenaries through the border. The aim seems to be to disturb peace and create confusion. These Pakistani thullas will never succeed in their motives. The Sardarji panelist told them that Punjab police is enough to topple Pakistani infiltrators. They even refuse to acknowledge that the super scum aka Kasa[b] is from that God Forsaken cursed land. Only milk shaikers and movers may support such a pathetic excuse for a nation.
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    2015/08/03 at 3:25 am
    • From B. N. Pai. on Thulla effect: Plaint against Aamir over 'PK'

      These Pakistani thullas will never succeed in their motives. Nobody can believe that Pakistani thullas will never succeed, as long as our government thigas Mufti and his daughter in Kashmir and Khalistani agents of Punjab!
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      2015/08/03 at 4:27 pm
  • From Original R.Pai on Mangaluru: Face to face with Dr Arunachalam Kumar

    First of all, I wish him a full recovery against all odds. Just curious – Did you guys record (audio or video) this event? If so, could you guys please upload it to internet? Questioning religious beliefs and claims on morality are very important to spread humanist, progressive ideas in our society. I’m glad to see that the Rationalist Association is well and thriving in Mangaluru since 1976!! Nobody has charged this group for blasphemy!! smiles… This still gives me a hope that India will not turn into another member of tribal belt where any form of religious or intellectual dissent is met with capital punishment!!
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    2015/08/03 at 2:09 am
  • From shaiKH mOHd rizwan on Mangaluru: Ornamental Flower Prevents Train Mishap, Saves Hundreds of Lives

    Dear readers, I appreciate Mr.Franklin Fernandes for his greate consciousness averting major disaster and saving valuable lives. God bless him and his family. I wish railway board to carry pre run check prior to any scheduled run. Also it should be made practice recognise this service with reward. Jai hind
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    2015/08/03 at 12:46 am
  • From Roy on Do Medicos Really Need to Wear White Coats and Stethoscopes in Public?

    After reading this a thing struck to mind is how many people have lost their life because of this habit?? Which are those micro organisms that might be present in the white coat? Are they harmful? If yes to what an extent? If it is like that I guess even the doctors pants shirts must be infected so will you ask him not to wear pants also??
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    2015/08/02 at 9:55 pm
  • From Anand Dsilva on Abolish The Death Penalty!

    For strange reason I am not convinced that Yakub Memon was hanged. While I am not completely against death penalty for eg: Kasab or perhaps Nirbhaya Delhi rapists I will not have any remorse for them. For Yakub Memon I think based on his interview that he voluntarily surrendered or perhaps contemplating surrender in the hope that law would be lenient and ultimately he will be able to clear his name and live a free life. Perhaps he was indirectly involved in some logistical work but may have did it half heartedly.
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    2015/08/02 at 9:23 pm
  • From pk on Mangaluru: Ornamental Flower Prevents Train Mishap, Saves Hundreds of Lives

    Thank you Franklin Fernandes, your quick thinking saved so many lives, indeed you are a real hero …god bless you and your family..Thanks mangalorean.com for pubishing it.
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    2015/08/02 at 8:28 pm
  • From A. S. Mathew on Why is buying a house a bad investment today?

    The world ” real estate” made the customers to think that land and houses are infallible reality of the market, but it is quite contrary to that assumption. When the recession was hit on the U.S., it was hit straight at reality market at first, then its domino effect began to spread across. While watching the plunged property values in some States of the U.S. like Nevada, Arizona, Florida, Georgia, South Carolina, Michigan etc, it will surprise us all; and the mere false confidence in the real estate market is now openly challenged. In the State of Georgia alone, 72 major and minor bags went under, which was the highest in the nation. The great depression of 1929 was caused basically upon the extreme saving mentality of the people. But, the recession which was started by the end of 2007 end in the U.S., then began to spread to the Eurozone countries, then to China and now affected every nook and corner of the world was through another misguided trend of the consumers all over the world. Since 1980, the consumers began to live beyond their income; thus began to live in debt and the financial industries began to loan money to millions of unworthy lenders. The wealth of the world began to shift from the middle class to the rich corporations and the rich people, thus the extreme polarization of the wealth was taking place which was not noticed by anybody. 85 richest billionaires of the world have more material assets than half of the world population at the lower level, that is 3.6 billion people. 1% of the richest people in the U.S. is holding 95% of the wealth. How this formula can work out for long? Now the world economy is moving like a rudderless ship in a wild ocean. The plunging of the oil price, commodity prices, gold etc are finally going to hit the skyrocketed real estate price all over the world, especially in India. And its aftermath will be hitting the Banking industry very severely. The oil producing countries, due to the very high inflated oil price became too rich, the consumer countries lost trillions of dollars. Now, that scenario will be rapidly changing. Expatriates working in Saudi Arabia is 9.1 million, Bharain .7 million, Kuwait 2.4, Qatar 1.9, UAE 8 million. The foreign remittance by the people working in those countries is follows. India $ 36.2 billion, Egypt 13 billion, Philillians 10.3, Pakistan 8.7 b, Bangadesh 7.3 bill. Those countries mainly depending upon the foreign remittance in their nation budget are Yemon 86%, Egypt 73%, Jordan 66%, Sudan 63%, Pakistan 59%, Nepal 57% and Bengaldesh 53%. As the oil and commodity prices are plunging, the real estate value plunging in the Asian countries would be very critical, and that will repeat another Wall St. drama of 2008 in the Asian countries.
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    2015/08/02 at 4:47 pm
    • From Stephen on Why is buying a house a bad investment today?

      A. S. Mathew, your comments to certain extent are correct but some figures are incorrect. For example the total UAE population is under 7 million and expatriates are roughly 80%, so you have the figures. What do you mean by 72 major and minor bags went under, you mean banks, well US had far too many banks than required, hence it was a good correction I suppose. Oil prices are currently low and expected to touch $40 per BBL in the short term and eventually expected to climb to $65 to $85 range, currently economies are at lower end of the bell curve and change is expected. At the current Oil prices Indian property rate are holding, when Oil prices start climbing, prices will climb, India is stage animal as every Indian wants to buy at least one house unlike other parts of the world. So those who have cautiously invested in realty and specially in land will have no cause to worry.
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      2015/08/16 at 3:21 pm
  • From Stany Monteiro on Mangalore: Amateur Cyclist Meets a Pro! Abhishek S from UP Interacts with 'Nobbie' D'Souza from DK

    Excellent article, well narrated-compliments to the author. Norbert D’souza was indeed a pro-cyclist then-nice that someone has highlighted Nobbie’s achievements. Best of luck to abhishek in his mission to promote “Clean India”.
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    2015/08/02 at 12:45 pm
  • From Praveen on Mangaluru: Kadri Inspector Nagaraj Should be arrested within 3 days - President MBC Chengappa

    Please note that you are not qualified to comment on IQ points as you consistently score in single digits!! smiles…Why don’t you focus on your anganwaadi homework ? – RampaNNA Since the forum’s most honorable Justice Originaalige RampaNNA -Judge, Jury, Executioner AND Poojari (to conduct the last rites of the deceased) has passed verdict, WHAT else is left to say? But then, I have absolutely no issues with it because I have some company. AND some pretty “distinguished & eminent’ company in the single digit IQ club – YOU! 🙂 Or else, who else BUT a naturalized Yumreeki RampaNNA would “LOOK FOR” Mr. Lobo and Mr. Nalin Kumar when there are some potholes in Mangalooru? AND that too SITTING in Yumreeka? You know ya Rampa, you gotta submit that Joke (“Look For Lobo & Nalina) for the top joke of the year competition. Chaddis …., you would win it. Jai Rampa Ki Jai “look for” Joke ki.
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    2015/08/02 at 10:24 am
    • From Original R.Pai on Mangaluru: Kadri Inspector Nagaraj Should be arrested within 3 days - President MBC Chengappa

      “I have absolutely no issues….” – Joker Praveena You are happy that your IQ is in single digits, not zero belonging to ‘kumbalakaayi’ club, aren’t you? smiles…Well, I’m glad for you. Now you need to stop crying about Lobo and focus on your homework!
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      2015/08/03 at 1:43 am
      • From Praveen on Mangaluru: Kadri Inspector Nagaraj Should be arrested within 3 days - President MBC Chengappa

        You are happy that your IQ is in single digits, not zero belonging to ‘kumbalakaayi’ club, aren’t you? – Rampa Arre Rampu, didn’t I state what I did VERY clearly? And the reason for it – because I have company – YOU? Anyway, that explains why I have to KEEP REPEATING stuff for you! And btw, which aatankavaadi paatashala did you study in – if at all you did? Now, pick your topi + laathi and do your drill! Once done – do your HW which is – KEEP LOOKING for Lobo and Nalina. Good luck ya Rampa because you need plenty of it. 🙂
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        2015/08/03 at 9:53 pm
  • From CGS Mangaluru on Mangalore: Amateur Cyclist Meets a Pro! Abhishek S from UP Interacts with 'Nobbie' D'Souza from DK

    Its very sad and unfortunate that we have forgotten Mr.Norbert D’Souza,Nanthur, the former cycle champion and the founder of Kala Sampat Cycling Association.Thanks to Abhishek for meeting our dear Nobbie and interacting with him
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    2015/08/02 at 9:33 am
  • From A. S. Mathew on Udupi: Bishop Gerald Isaac Lobo condoles Kalam's Death

    Dear Mr. Nelson Lewis: You are very correct. Dr. Abudl Kalam was loved and respected by all religious people and all political parties because of his greatness in all level. India and the world lost a great personality.
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    2015/08/02 at 4:20 am
  • From drona on Abolish The Death Penalty!

    ‘Legal Murder’ Fr Cedric Prakash seems to be an expert in coining new words. Rajnath Singh, please take note. I would like to hear from Fr Cedric Praksh, what the government of the day in 1993 should have done. Why did Sharad Pawar let the opportunity slip? Was he afraid that some skeletons will fall from his cup board too? Finger pointing is rampant and Fr Cedric Praksh is no exception to this unfortunately. I dare Fr Cedric Prakash to avail a Cong I ticket from Mehsaana and contest the elections next time around. He will lose the deposit.
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    2015/08/01 at 11:34 pm
    • From Praveen on Abolish The Death Penalty!

      I would like to hear from Fr Cedric Praksh, what the government of the day in 1993 should have done. – Dronu Sugam – beloved bro of Sonu Nigam Dronu saaru, Please contact him at the foll address instead of hollering out into the ether and getting no responses. – PRASHANT:A Centre for Human Rights, Justice and Peace, – Near Kamdhenu Hall. Drive-in Road, – Ahmedabad 380 052, Gujarat, India Tel: 79 66522333 /27455913 Fax: 79 27489018 ——————————————————————– You can ALSO ask your Original chaddi balaga bandhu from Yumreeka to “LOOK UP” Fr. Cedric first before he send him a ‘Hello, How dya do?’ postcard.
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      2015/08/02 at 3:17 pm
      • From Original R.Pai on Abolish The Death Penalty!

        I wonder why our Joker Praveena Pinto is too quick to respond when someone comments on Fr.Prakaasha. However, when I ask him about ‘cartoon’ controversy, he runs away and hides in the same place with our friend Pincode Pai!! smiles…
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        2015/08/02 at 9:37 pm
  • From Original R.Pai on Mangaluru: Kadri Inspector Nagaraj Should be arrested within 3 days - President MBC Chengappa

    “Kadri Inspector Nagaraj Should be arrested within 3 days” some unknown in black robe. Here is my question – If Kadri Inspector had assaulted an young advocate, why can’t you press charges and settle this in court of law? Why demand instant justice? On the other hand, don’t they have security cameras in Police stations these days? Why can’t police make the video footage public and take appropriate action on whoever was on wrong side? The whole situation stinks!!
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    2015/08/01 at 9:41 pm
    • From B. N. Pai on Mangaluru: Kadri Inspector Nagaraj Should be arrested within 3 days - President MBC Chengappa

      Dear Original R Paimaam of US, the questions raised by you need response to alley the misunderstanding on the points involved. I do not hold any brief for that unknown person, but the demands made by the advocates are not improper. What the advocates want is not “instant justice” as you made it out to be. They wanted the police to be arrested, pending investigation, as is done by the police to the common man. What is wrong in it? You asked why the police do not make public the video footage of the incident. If the police are the wrong doers they would not make it public. And not making it public is the prima facie evidence that the police are the wrong doers! Sir, you said, “The whole situation stinks!!” I hope now you are in a better position to locate where the stink is.
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      2015/08/04 at 6:10 pm
  • From Original R.Pai on Mangalore: Amateur Cyclist Meets a Pro! Abhishek S from UP Interacts with 'Nobbie' D'Souza from DK

    Great reporting! It’s such a shame that our news papers and media dedicate so much time covering politicians and ‘udhghaatanaa samaarambha’ while these real talented people with so much passion are being ignored. We need more and more coverage on these talented individuals to encourage our youth.
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    2015/08/01 at 9:24 pm
  • From Original R.Pai on Abolish The Death Penalty!

    I have to commend ‘R J’ for laying out a strong case in favor of death penalty. He/She has done a great job of addressing each argument by the opponents without any exaggeration, insults or ‘oggarane’. However, I am not convinced by his/her case for the following reasons. 1. I guess I belong to the second category who oppose death penalty mainly because of its irreversible nature. Now, one can argue that any form of punishment is irreversible. In a way, it is true. Time lost is lost. However, there is something profoundly irreversible when it comes to death in human experience. It’s final and end. Plus, the chances of innocent guys getting punished is not one of those ‘rarest of rare’ thing as studies have shown over and over again. Let’s take the most recent examples from India – Afzhal Guru, Kasab and Yakub Menon. Out of these three cases, only one case (Kasab) was very solid. Other two were not so clear and that’s precisely why it took years and years before they were hanged. Also, one has to consider other factors like political pressure and nationalistic jingoism. In other words, ‘rarest of rare’ can also be misused and it can come under serious questioning as we witnessed in Guru and Menon cases. 2. It doesn’t make sense to keep death penalty because some of the criminals happen to ‘suicide bombers’. The behavior of criminals or their values shouldn’t influence what judiciary does. 3. The notion that people are law abiding in advanced countries is also flawed one. It changes from location to location. For example, Chicago has some of the best suburban communities within 15 mins of drive from some of the notorious neighborhoods known for daily shootings and murders! But, the bigger point is – you don’t come up with a punishment based on overall bad behavior of a society. The main purpose of punishment is to deter/discourage people from committing crimes. However, this has to be done in a fair and balanced way so the public trust the system, not suspect it. Death penalty doesn’t deter the real criminals, instead it creates a huge fear in the minds of law abiding folks.
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    2015/08/01 at 9:09 pm
  • From Original R.Pai on 'Death by Hanging'- a 53rd Birthday Gift for Yakub Memon at the Cost of Rs 22 Lakh

    “So you are ok to kill people who have the intent to harm others before they commit the crime but you do not agree with it after they commit it and cause misery to hundreds?” – H.James, Dear friend, You are misrepresenting my views. In doing so, you have made it clear that you do not understand the difference between self-defense and judiciary sanctioned punishment. Let me explain again – Police or a soldier will shoot and kill a person when he is seen as a threat. For example, if a person charges at police wielding a knife or gun, they will have to use lethal force to neutralize him. Same way, when you are engaged in a war with enemy forces, you assume that every person you come in contact is a potential threat to your life and you try to kill him. HOWEVER, if you clearly know the person is not a threat (unarmed, injured, subdued or surrendered), you don’t kill him. He will be handed over to appropriate authorities and face the justice system. This is why I never supported police encounters (euphemism for illegal executions by Police) as I find them totally illegal and immoral. So, there is no debate when it comes to self-defense. The real debate starts after judiciary takes over the process and the question is – Do we have the right to put an individual to death ? Well, you know my answer.
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    2015/08/01 at 8:28 pm
  • From Samuel Sequeira on Udupi: 'Salaam' to Kalam! School in Kunjibettu Sets Example by Remaining Open on Sunday

    President Kalam was an epitome of Indian spirit where people of multiple religious backgrounds acquire the best from one another and grow into a unique people. Except for the fundamentalist religious groups claiming exclusive value for themselves, majority of the Indians exhibit the spirit of India everywhere. The world appreciates it and values it. To celebrate this spirit it would be great if an extra day dedicated to work according to Dr Kalam’s wish. Whoever proposes it has seen the value of it and the kind of secular person Kalam was. Hence, all should join this call and celebrate his spirit of Indianness. By doing so we give a serious message to the feudal minds of the political pygmies that they are mere insignificant opportunists who do not deserve the respect that they claim and force upon people to accept it. And this holiday culture to celebrate death is a national loss which the politicians think a cheap give away to people whom they think are idiots. Such attitude needs defying. This is the opportunity.
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    2015/08/01 at 2:35 pm
  • From CGS Mangaluru on Udupi: 'Salaam' to Kalam! School in Kunjibettu Sets Example by Remaining Open on Sunday

    The Management of T.A.Pai English Medium School in Kunjibettu deserves a big salam for setting an example by remaining open on Sunday as a mark of respect to the People’s President Dr.A.P.J.Abdul Kalam. Thanks to Mr.Richard Lasrado for his unique write up.
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    2015/08/01 at 12:27 pm
  • From Ivan Walder on Abolish The Death Penalty!

    The Other Side of Yakub Hanging Saga…I do not support terror in any way however the 1993 bomb blast did not happen in few seconds . What the police and intelligence authorities were doing ? Why the Government or Judiciary did not punish them for not doing their duty ? Did any of the state or ministers from center owned up responsibility ? The investigating and intelligence agencies say they induced Yakub so he may believe them and could be hanged …? Without any inducement Dawood Ibrahim himself gave offer to Sharad Power to surrender why did Mr.Pawar did not do the same thing which was did with Yakub ? We celebrate Karigil Vijay Diwas every year ? Kargil is undoubtedly ours…why did we allow pakistan army chief and army to come there and settle down ? …..then spend crores of rupees to flush them out and call it as a Vijay ? recent terror activity in Punjab …We are qucik to blame Palistan …but How did they came inside India ? What our Army…intelligence ….BSF were doing ? Yesterday a lady from pakistan traveled till Jalandhar without any travel documents just to see Salman Khaan….. Death Penalty is a debatable issue ..having said this what’s the point in keeping alive rapists of Nirbhaya ? who dont have any remorse even after committing such a heinous crime .
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    2015/08/01 at 10:35 am
  • From Henry James on 'Death by Hanging'- a 53rd Birthday Gift for Yakub Memon at the Cost of Rs 22 Lakh

    Dear R.Pai, So you are ok to kill people who have the intent to harm others before they commit the crime but you do not agree with it after they commit it and cause misery to hundreds? If the mumbai police had encountered (shot at sight) Memon before the Mumbai blasts back in 1993 (as long as they were convinced) you would have been OK with it but today, after 22 years, when so many hundreds of families have lost their bread-winners, so many people have lost their loved ones, hundreds of people were permanently disabled you want the Indian government to allow that rat to live? When are you planning to land back on planet earth mate?
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    2015/08/01 at 9:48 am
    • From Praveen on 'Death by Hanging'- a 53rd Birthday Gift for Yakub Memon at the Cost of Rs 22 Lakh

      When are you planning to land back on planet earth mate? – Mr. James to our Rampa Hahahaha! :):) A great one mate! But then, I wonder what’s his fear to land back on good-ole Terra Firma. As things are, his Jhomblass chaddis are in power and then again, his Jhomblass chaddi can always serve as a great parachute and soften his hard-landing on Bharatha Matha. 🙂
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      2015/08/01 at 8:19 pm
  • From Original R.Pai on Abolish The Death Penalty!

    Finally, I have something in common with Fr. Cedrick Prakasha!! I guess we agree on the topic of banning death penalty. Even though we have different reasons (God Vs reason) to support a ban on death penalty, we both agree that the practice is not something to be continued in a modern society. Now, I should also point out how he has continued his old habit of bad mouthing Modiji in every possible opportunity. See his repeated references to ‘gujaraath genocide’ while maintaining a clever silence on Sikh massacre following Indira assassination!! smiles…
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    2015/08/01 at 9:36 am
    • From B. N. Pai on Abolish The Death Penalty!

      “Well, it takes courage to do it. Do you know what it is?”, claims Original RSS, Duplicate Pai pointing at Congress. “RSS” and “Courage” are antonyms! If they had any courage, why they do not implement the promises they made to the Hindus since the last sixty years promising that 1. they would build the Rama Temple at Ayodhya, 2. they would bring uniform civil code, 3. they would remove Article 370 and remove all special status given to Kashmir when it acceded to India as offered by Raja Hari Singh of Kashmir, 4. that it would punish Pakistan for border violations, 5. that it would bring back the black money, 6. that it would make public the mysterious disappearance of Subhas Chandra Bose, 7. they would prosecute those who were responsible for Nehru murdering Dr. Shyama Prasad Mukherji by administering slow poison through Sheik Abdull, 8. they would take action against Congress for the murder of Pandit Deendayal Upadhyaya at the Moghal Sarai Railway Shunting Yard, 9. that they would take action against Indira Gandhi and other conspirators for poisoning Lal Bahadur Shastri at Tashkent, 10. that they would recapture the territories occupied by China 11. that they would liberate occupied Kashmir from Pakistani etc, etc! If Modi or RSS has any manliness in them, leave alone courage, they must now take military action against Pakistan or, alternately, buy b…… for themselves.
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      2015/08/05 at 8:07 am
  • From R J on Abolish The Death Penalty!

    The hanging of Yakub Memon gives us a good reason to start the debate over the death penalty. I would like to make out a case in favour of retaining the death penalty. The main arguments trotted out in favour of the abolition of capital punishment are these. First, we should not be party to taking precious human life. Second, sentencing someone to death when facts may later prove him or her innocent means irreparable injustice will be done. Third, death is never a deterrent. And, a fourth, that retribution should never be the aim of capital punishment. It is primitive and barbaric to seek death even for the worst crimes. Let me agree that none of these arguments are invalid in toto. But they are not as strong as they appear to be at first glance. Let’s take the first argument. Every human life is precious, no doubt. The right to life is the most fundamental of rights. No state should be allowed to take it away easily. But no fundamental right is without riders either. Free speech, property and faith, all these are rights subject to reasonable restrictions. Sure, the right to life is even more fundamental, but this only means that the right to take it away has to be foolproof and not amenable to subjective readings. When someone is a terrorist, killing people at will, or a serial murderer or rapist, is this person’s right to life all that sacrosanct all the time? Also, we need to evaluate the death sentence compared to the alternative: a life sentence. Is living life in a dingy cell somehow more humane than sending the killer to the hangman? When suicide bombers voluntarily kill themselves for psychic gains, why is the right to life somehow so sacrosanct? They want to die anyway – and they don’t believe in other people’s right to live. Let me add two more elements to this argument. Why is only human life so valuable, and not that of animals or other fauna? Why is it so unethical to hang a human being, but perfectly all right to murder animals by the million when this causes global warming, makes our diets excessively fatty and cholesterol-laden, and also leads to needless suffering to creatures whom we dominate? Moreover, what if keeping a person alive can cause even more deaths? Keeping Maqbool Butt alive led Kashmiri separatists to the kidnap and murder of an Indian diplomat in Birmingham in the early 1980s. Boko Haram, Al-Qaeda, Indian Mujahideen, Al Shabaab, and ISIS will do anything to get the release of their jailed comrades. Keeping Maulana Masood Azhar and Sheikh Omar in jail caused the Kandahar Indian Airlines hijack and may even have contributed to the 9/11 mass murders at the Twin Towers. When keeping deadly killers alive in jail can tempt their compatriots to indulge in more killings, how is this justified? When it comes to demented people who kill or rape for pleasure and revenge, and when they do so out of mental sickness, is it better to keep them rotting in jail or end their suffering and potential threats to society – including other jailbirds? Sometimes, the greater good is more important than the life of one individual. Hence the death penalty is not something we should reject out of sheer emotion. Let’s take the next argument – that sending someone to the gallows when he may be innocent is the worst form of injustice. This is a reasonably good argument, but we need to examine it closely for its implications. There are two kinds of states – malevolent ones, that are run by dictatorships and hence outside the rule of law, and democratic ones, which do give the accused a chance to prove their innocence. In the first case, there is no point arguing against the death sentence since that kind of regime is against any argument that is not in favour of it. In democratic regimes, where the rule of law is reasonably expected to operate, the accused have a chance to prove their innocence. Let’s remember, Yakub Memon got 21 years to prove his innocence, and failed. However, the real issue here is whether he (and others on death row) got reasonable support from the law so that they don’t end up on the gallows for want of an adequate defence. In big cases, the courts themselves provide legal support; the real problem lies with the poor and weak in criminal cases that do not catch the public eye. It is a travesty that the bulk of the people languishing on death row are from these segments of society. This problem needs remedying by strengthening the law – a law which provides state legal support for the poor. Maybe, a group of concerned citizens can serve as watchdog to ensure that this gets done. That still leaves the question of the non-guilty facing a death rap because of poor evidence gathering by the criminal investigation teams. This is a valid argument, but not an overpowering one. Reason: the fact that mistakes will be made occasionally should not be used to kill the idea of death penalty in the rarest of rare cases. Once we create a basic list of crimes that fits this “rarest of rare” category, the rules for applying the death sentence can be tightened suitably so that convictions based on weak evidence should automatically attract nothing more than lifers. This is a reasonable safeguard to have – and it can be codified into law. The third argument, that capital punishment is never a deterrent, is actually the weakest of them all. If death is no deterrence, is a jail term (even a lifer) a better deterrent? Ask yourself: if you intend to kill, not out of some degree of temporary insanity or driven by extreme emotion, nothing is a deterrent. If you kill after plotting assiduously for it, you are prepared for any consequences. So death or jail will be no deterrent anyway. I believe that punishment itself does not deter too many crimes involving the killing of people, but it is still needed to send out a message to society. Punishment is how we educate ourselves on what is acceptable or unacceptable to a society. This is the prime purpose of any punishment, death or jail, regardless of whether it deters or not. The last argument, that death penalty cannot become a form of retribution, I personally disagree with. States punish crimes with punishment, including death, so that people don’t take law into their own hands and seek retribution directly. Punishment by the state is vital to keep ordinary citizens from taking the law into their own hands – some form of retribution is vital for closure, for righting wrongs. Of course, an occasional Gandhi or a Buddha may not want retribution, but most societies are held in place by the promise of retribution for wrongs inflicted, and not by the forgiving nature of the wronged. Retribution is a human emotion that needs to be acknowledged – just as love, anger and hate are – and punishment is vital if society is not to sink into wanton lawlessness. These are some of the reasons why I think the death sentence should be retained. But it cannot be wayward and arbitrary. We need a specific set of crimes which are defined as rarest of rare and not leave it to the imagination of all-to-human judges to decide this. This is what the debate on capital punishment needs to focus on, not whether it should be abolished. It may be possible to abolish death penalties in extremely advanced countries where people are normally law abiding and the state is strong enough and has enough resources to even attempt to correct the behaviour patterns of deadly criminals. But India is not anywhere near that stage. We need the death penalty for our own reasons at this stage in our development as a civilised society. Let’s not fool ourselves into thinking that we must do what the Joneses do to their killers in Scandinavia or Europe. That way lies chaos and disaster.
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    2015/08/01 at 9:26 am
  • From vas on Abolish The Death Penalty!

    Valid point. Should be reserved only for terrorists. Terrorists are not human beings.
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    2015/08/01 at 4:15 am
  • From shaiKH moHd rizwan on 'Death by Hanging'- a 53rd Birthday Gift for Yakub Memon at the Cost of Rs 22 Lakh

    Dear readers, ‘Article 21 (right to life and liberty) inheres a right in every prisoner till his last breath and this court will protect that right even if the noose is being tied on the condemned prisoner’s neck.’ — Supreme Court judgment in Shatrughan Chauhan vs Union of India, January 2014. Though very late yet welcoming. Supreme Court verdict in the 1993 Mumbai bomb blast case must relieve the families who lost their dear ones. But the verdict has not relieved the pain of those families whose dear ones were killed by rioters and Police during the two-month long bloody riots that preceded the serial blasts in the commercial capital of India. The riot victims ask: When the government rightly pursued, got prosecuted and ultimately punished the bombers, why it let free the rioters, rather promoted many indicted police officers and politicians? Is killing by bombs more painful than killing by mob? The Muslims and everyone must welcome and respect the verdict of the apex court on the Mumbai serial blasts of March 1993 in which nearly 257 people were killed,713 injured and properties worth Rs 27 crore were damaged. But what about the Mumbai riots victims of December 1992 and January 1993 in which more than 900 Muslims were killed and properties worth more than Rs 10000 crore were damaged by Hindu rioters and police? Not only have the riot victims failed to get the justice so far, but shamefully a whole lot of police officers who were indicted by Sri Krishna Commission kept on getting promotions in the last 20 years. Undoubtedly the Mumbai serial blasts were the ‘reaction’ to the anti-Muslim riots that happened in a planned way soon after the demolition of Babri Masjid on December 6, 1992. The culprits of ‘reaction’ were pursued to even foreign locations, brought to book and now ultimately have been punished but the culprits of ‘action’ who are roaming freely in Mumbai localities were not touched, they are still at large. Why is the BJP led Maharashtra government in such a hurry to see 1993 Mumbai blasts accused Yakub Memon hang? The unprecedented hearing held at the Supreme Court past 3 a.m. on Thursday, in which 1993 Mumbai blasts convict Yakub Memon’s last ditch attempt to avert his execution was rejected, was the first of its kind in the apex court’s history and has been generally appreciated by the legal fraternity — though there were some discordant notes also. Before the Supreme Court’s final verdict in those cases, politicians launched campaigns on behalf of the convicts. Tamil Nadu’s legislative assembly passed a resolution against hanging Gandhi’s assassins, while the Akali Dal adopted Bhullar’s cause. The Akalis have also demanded mercy for for Balwant Singh Rajaona, one of Beant Singh’s assassins. Astonishingly, Rajaona has been elevated to the status of Living Martyr (Zinda Shaheed) by the high Sikh religious authority, the Akal Takht. In fact, little is known about this former chartered accountant except that he is the brother of Tiger Memon, mastermind of the March 12, 1993 Mumbai bomb blasts. Some facts about Yakub Memon need to be stated here. There is no direct evidence against him. Only the statement of an approver, and confessions of co-accused who later retracted them, accuse him of being party to the plan to execute multiple bomb blasts in Mumbai. Such statements and retracted confessions have not been considered sufficient by trial courts to convict terror accused. Tiger Memon made sure his entire family was in Dubai when the blasts took place on March 12, 1993. From there, they were shifted to Pakistan by the ISI. Yakub could have stayed on in Pakistan, living a life of luxury under the ISI’s protective cover. Instead, he chose to return to India in July 1994 to clear his name, and convinced some of his family to do so too. Explaining his decision in a letter written from jail to the Chief Justice of India in July 1999 (a copy of which is with this writer), Yakub said he felt confident his innocence would be established in Indian courts, and that he could bring up his children as Indians. The Indian government was party to his surrender. It also knew that he was bringing crucial proof of Pakistan’s hand in the blasts, proof they could not have got otherwise. The government betrayed his trust by tom-tomming in Parliament that he had been arrested, charging him and his family members under the Terrorist & Disruptive Activities (Prevention) Act, and opposing their bail. By now, Yakub has spent 23 years in jail, 13 as an undertrial, most of them in solitary confinement. Yakub is the only 1993 blasts accused whose death sentence has not been commuted to life imprisonment. Those granted this reprieve by the Supreme Court include persons who planted the bombs. The bomb blasts were masterminded by smugglers and criminals but it’s called ‘terrorism’ while the genocide of Muslims was masterminded by politicians, police and administration but it’s called ‘communal riots’. Killing by bombs is ‘terrorism’ but killing by trishul and bullets of police is called ‘violence’. It can now be said with certainty that Muslims, both criminals and falsely accused, are more likely to be arrested, more likely to charged, more likely to be proved guilty, more likely to be sentenced to death and more likely to be executed. This points not only to the discrimination prevailing in the legal machinery, Police being the major culprit, but also to the inability of Muslims, due to their lower socioeconomic conditions to fight the costly legal battles. Of course, when politics gets involved, their chances of avoiding punishment become considerably low. The government finds it harder to accept the mercy appeals of Muslim convicts because the media had already done its job in building mass opinion in favour of their hanging. I am a strong believer of death sentence to all those who are involved in murders irrespective of the identity of the killers and the victims. If violence has to be stopped, the perpetrators of violence need to be given their own medicine. I have therefore no sympathy for Memon. What is however necessary is the absence of bias in all respects – in rewards as well as punishments What pains me, and should pain every right thinking human being, is the increasingly partisan attitude of Indian system (Government, Politicians, Police and Judiciary) against Muslims. This gives weight to the ever increasing feeling of discrimination against Muslims in the country. Thanks to the various systems put in place by successive governments, including that of reservations of various kinds, Muslims are neither an adequate part of governance and administration nor of justice and execution. And when the biases in minds are becoming the order of the day, Muslims will of course have the higher representation in all the categories of oppression, suppression, victimisation and exploitation. Will this ever to come to end? Perhaps, not in near future. In last 10 years there are 1,303 death sentences and only 3 executions all are carried with identity of Muslims.Is the message is clear: The BJP is against terrorists only if those terrorists are Muslim?Can our President Mukherjee being merciless for the remaining penalties?Can our highest Judiciary will once again work early hours of the darkness of night and reward the death penalties regardless of their identity? Are we (Muslims) only to be hanged? http://muslimmirror.com/eng/63235/ Is Indian Judiciary system ever be again balance the scales of Lady of justice and offset the balance only to be used against the oppressed using her double-edged sword in her right hand, symbolizing the power of Reason and Justice?? Jai Hind
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    2015/07/31 at 10:39 pm
  • From Robert Pais on Mangaluru: Commotion, Assault between Police and Advocate - Kadri Inspector Nagaraj Suspended

    The CCTV footage can tell a clear story. As the altercation has occurred inside the station – the video should be considered as evidence and this should set a precedent for any future incidences. Both the lawyers and the police should look at evidence and that is CCTV coverage. If cell phone or mobile recording was done even that can serve as the evidence. Indian Police have a long way to go. The whole system allows for this archaic way of dealing .
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    2015/07/31 at 8:17 pm
  • From Original R.Pai on 'Death by Hanging'- a 53rd Birthday Gift for Yakub Memon at the Cost of Rs 22 Lakh

    Mr.Henry, I don’t oppose Indian army killing those rats during encounters. I never opposed killing in self-defense or war. However, if we catch some terrorists at the border, we don’t take them to a corner and execute them. The fundamental difference here is of self-defense and judicial sanctioned execution.
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    2015/07/31 at 9:28 am
  • From Original R.Pai on Mangaluru: Cyclist Abhishek from UP on his Nationwide 'Swachh Bharat' Yatra makes Pit Stop in City

    Kudos to Mangalorean team for supporting this young man with a positive message. Swatchcha Bhaaratha campaign tries to address many challenges we face as a society. Swachcha Bhaaratha is not possible until we address the evil of corruption, poverty, lack of public awareness and leadership, accountability etc. Cleanliness and orderliness in a society reflect much deeper values the society cherishes. As we all know, we as a society have a long way to go!
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    2015/07/30 at 10:29 pm
  • From Henry James on 'Death by Hanging'- a 53rd Birthday Gift for Yakub Memon at the Cost of Rs 22 Lakh

    as a matter of principle I oppose and reject capital punishment by state. – R.Pai Mr.Pai, Do you also oppose the Indian army (on the orders of the State) killing those Pakistani terrorists who infiltrate into our borders with the intention of killing our own people? Fundamentally, what’s the difference between those terrorists and our own home grown rats like Memon?
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    2015/07/30 at 5:14 pm
    • From B. N. Pai. on 'Death by Hanging'- a 53rd Birthday Gift for Yakub Memon at the Cost of Rs 22 Lakh

      Henry James asks, “Fundamentally, what’s the difference between those terrorists and our own home grown rats like Memon?” Dear Henry James, the “Home Grown” terrorists sprouted in 1993, for the first time, and this first of its kind episode of the millennium was singularly due to the 1992 demolition of Babri Masjid Disputed Structure, violating the law of the land. The demolition took place with utter disregard of Indian Judiciary. They took the Supreme Court for a ride then, by filing false affidavit saying that it would be a “peaceful Kar Seva” and they demolished the disputed structure, forcibly and violently. The majority’s religious frenzy was let loose to trample the minority value system. The complex at Ayodhya was raised to the ground by the followers of Advani and Hindutva extremists, also resulting in the 1992 mass killings at Bombay, as reported in the Justice Srikrishna Commission Report! Thousands of innocent people were killed in India due to the demolition. The end result, the BJP is in power now! BJP has grown from a two seat party in the Parliament, to the majority party since then and due to that. Demolition at Ayodhya re-germinated the discredited Jana Sangh and the RSS to rule the roost today! Again, due to that cause, the “Home-grown terrorism” too germinated in the ashes of Ayodhya and resulting in the 1993 serial blasts in Bombay. The effect is punished by the judiciary on 31st July, 2015, but not the cause of it! Hanged Memon was a law-abiding citizen and a proud Indian Muslim till then. He was a Chartered Accountant. Nevertheless, when his religious sentiments were shattered, he pounced back, albeit irresponsibly. He is not a Jesus Christ to say, “Don’t harm him who has harmed, for he does not know what he does.” Dear Henry James, think over the matter dispassionately, applying ’cause and effect’ logic. Think why Modi became the PM today, over taking all the leaders of BJP and why RSS had para dropped Modi, heads and shoulders above that party? Is it not the post Godhra ashes from which he has sprouted? Vajpayee rightly felt that his “Shining India” was defeated in the 2004 general elections because of the misdemeanour of Modi . At the bottom of every greatness there is a sin, they say. Stop asking questions about the origins, for origins are stinking. This is epitomised by a Kannada saying: “ನದೀ ಮೂಲ, ಸ್ತ್ರೀ ಮೂಲ ಮತ್ತು ಗುರು ಮೂಲಗಳನ್ನು ಹುಡುಕಬಾರದು, ಕೆದಕಬಾರದು.” For, they stink. Ashes of violence can do anything to the country! Our present Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, Justice Dattu, had praised Modi AFTER HE BECAME THE P.M; albeit, in a different context. However, praise remains a praise, you know! Sir, make yourself bold, to call a spade a spade.
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      2015/07/31 at 9:33 am
  • From Original R.Pai on 'Death by Hanging'- a 53rd Birthday Gift for Yakub Memon at the Cost of Rs 22 Lakh

    Again, as a matter of principle I oppose and reject capital punishment by state. There is nothing really to celebrate or cheer when a state puts an individual to death.
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    2015/07/30 at 9:54 am
  • From Vinayak on India to field biggest ever team at World Badminton C'ship

    Good luck to the indian team and hope they shall come out in flying colors and being the champions.. All the best ..
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    2015/07/30 at 9:13 am
  • From Original R.Pai on Mangaluru: Need TV Channel to Raise Voice Against Atrocities on Hindus  - Ramanand Gowda 

    He is right. India needs a tv channel to voice and support Hindu conservatives. Here in US, we have talk radio and Fox news exclusively promoting Conservative Christian views. In India, the balance is missing.
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    2015/07/30 at 6:36 am
    • From Praveen on Mangaluru: Need TV Channel to Raise Voice Against Atrocities on Hindus  - Ramanand Gowda 

      He is right. India needs a tv channel to voice and support Hindu conservatives…..In India, the balance is missing….. – Yumreeki RampaNNA voicing support to some unknown Rampanna Gowda Oh God, No! ANOTHER channel? What for ya Rampu? Don’t we have YOU? Are you saying that your falsetto voice is not enough? By the way, WHAT exactly are the atrocities AGAINST the Hindus as that Rampanna claims? Since you are THE CHANNEL which solely addresses such issues and THE COUNTRY WANTS TO KNOW (like Arnaba Goswami keeps parroting 24 x 7 x 365), could you list out a few dozen “atrocities” for us, please? Thanks in advance ya Rampa.
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      2015/07/31 at 12:30 pm
    • From B. N. Pai. on Mangaluru: Need TV Channel to Raise Voice Against Atrocities on Hindus  - Ramanand Gowda 

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      2015/07/30 at 9:33 am
  • From Ramachandra on Palakkad: Jack Seed Cake Getting Popular in Kerala, Set to Conquer Markets Elsewhere

    The big credit should go to the relentless pursuit or enlightenment of jackfruit products by Mr Sri Padre .He has done a huge research oriented study on this along with others. I am Reallly happy the fruits real potential is coming to the light and the people will benefit from it.
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    2015/07/30 at 5:10 am
  • From Original R.Pai on Palakkad: Jack Seed Cake Getting Popular in Kerala, Set to Conquer Markets Elsewhere

    Glad to see innovative ideas with our own Pelakkaayi!! This could be good for agricultural communities and bring in some additional revenue. By the way, Roy is referring to his own communal hatred. For him, a missed opportunity to innovate on Pelakkaaayi seeds is a sign of communal hatred while chopping off a christian lecturer’s hands is a sign of peaceful coexistence!! Moreover, I don’t remember seeing a single word on kaasaragodu gang and their adventures at MIA. I guess his secular credentials stop him from commenting on these trivial things!! smiles…
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    2015/07/30 at 4:59 am
  • From Roy on Palakkad: Jack Seed Cake Getting Popular in Kerala, Set to Conquer Markets Elsewhere

    One would expect the people of South Kanara, who are always bragging about their intelligence and education, to create a product like jack seed cake. Instead the people of South Kanara, waste their intelligence and education promoting communal hatred.
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    2015/07/29 at 10:08 pm
    • From drona on Palakkad: Jack Seed Cake Getting Popular in Kerala, Set to Conquer Markets Elsewhere

      Jack fruit seed cakes and Roy’s opinion. Have you heard of Jack fruit saat which is nothing but cake? Similarly you can get mango saat. You get it in Mangalore. It is usually made in Karkala. Similarly jack fruit happala is also available. We use jack fruit seeds in several GSB curries such as koddel and ghashi. So you will hardly find any seeds left for making cake. So relax brother. All is not lost. Enjoy the delicacies of South Kanara, be it Sorpotel and Sanna, Biryani and chicken curry or daalitoy and kadgi chackko. Happy eating. No tension. Least of all communal.
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      2015/07/30 at 12:45 am
  • From A. S. Mathew on Palakkad: Jack Seed Cake Getting Popular in Kerala, Set to Conquer Markets Elsewhere

    In my younger days, my mother used to cook four different dishes using jackfruit seeds which I greatly enjoyed. Glad that there is a new cake invention out of jackfruit seeds which has created greater demand; that will create jobs as well as avoiding a lot of wasting of jackfruit and its seeds.
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    2015/07/29 at 9:43 pm
  • From Anand Dsilva on London: Return 'Koh-i-Noor' to India, says UK MP Keith Vaz

    Yes, we will get Kohinoor. But not diamond only ………
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    2015/07/29 at 9:15 pm
    • From Praveen on London: Return 'Koh-i-Noor' to India, says UK MP Keith Vaz

      Yes, we will get Kohinoor. But not diamond only ……… – Mr. Silva What? We get back our Kohinoor called Original Rampa – the one and ONLY chap who “looks up” Mr. Lobo and Nalina when there are potholes in M’lore every monsoon? AND that too from Yumreeka? Hahahahaha. :):)
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      2015/07/29 at 10:15 pm
  • From G R Padukone on Palakkad: Jack Seed Cake Getting Popular in Kerala, Set to Conquer Markets Elsewhere

    Very interesting enterprising activity . Value addition to something that we have neglected for a long time. Shall be interested to know the process of manufacturing jack seed flour ( not for commercial purpose) for use at home. Best wishes. Dr. G R Padukone
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    2015/07/29 at 8:46 pm
  • From Srikala Prabhu on UAE: Srikala Prabhu from Dubai bags 15th rank in All India CA Examination

    Dear CA Hanif, thank you for your good wishes and motivational words. It truly means a lot to me.
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    2015/07/29 at 8:39 pm
  • From A. S. Mathew on Udupi: Bishop Gerald Isaac Lobo condoles Kalam's Death

    Dr. Abdul Kalam was a high ranking personality of Indian origin; a world citizen-genius with extreme humility, born poor and never forgotten those days of suffering and connected with them in the glorious days, that shows his greatness. India and the world lost a great soul. While he worked in Trivandrum for 21 years, he used to eat from a restaurant named “Sree Guruvarappa hotel”. (That name is a very well known Hindu Temple in Kerala). When Dr. Abdul Kalam became the President, the owner of the restaurant showed interest to meet him, and when Dr. Abdul Kalam came to Cochin, the District collector contacted the owners and they were taken by the State car to Cochin to meet the President. When Dr. Kalam met them said in Tamil ” Guruvayurappan is in Cochin too”. Dr. Kalam met them many other times. Dr. Kalam was greatly helped by the Catholic Church in the days of his education, so he had a special love for the Catholic Church and the Christians, he loved the Hindus; so he was a great peace-maker and the young generation will have learn a lot from him. President Richard Nixon said ” the greatness of a person depends upon his meekness”. Dr. Abdul Kalam was a true example of greatness and love for humanity. We lost a very great asset of the world.
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    2015/07/29 at 5:54 pm
    • From Nelson Lewis on Udupi: Bishop Gerald Isaac Lobo condoles Kalam's Death

      Mr. A.S. Mathew, I have great admiration for Dr. Abdul Kalam. He was extremely intelligent, very humble and down-to-earth considering his stature, secular, had read holy books of more than one religion and even when he was in the Rashtrapati Bhawan, he ate dal, bhat, roti and vegetable for his meals. He was the best and most popular President and I do not think anyone can find any fault with him, except for Dr. Abdul Qadar, the ex-Pakistani nuclear head, who termed Dr. Kalam as an ordinary scientist. Dr. Kalam was a man of integrity, honesty, transparency and candidness and, unlike Dr. Abdul Kadar, did not sell nuclear secrets to Stalinist North Koreea and other countries. Regards, Nelson Lewis
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      2015/07/31 at 5:29 pm
  • From rita anand on Palakkad: Jack Seed Cake Getting Popular in Kerala, Set to Conquer Markets Elsewhere

    Very happy to note the rising popularity of jackfruit. It is proving to be very versatile. Its remarkable how people have invented so many products with it without any capital or assistance. Just shows how inventive Indians are. And how they are making full use of the opportunity that jackfruit, a nutritious food, provides.
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    2015/07/29 at 5:28 pm
  • From Amiya M on Palakkad: Jack Seed Cake Getting Popular in Kerala, Set to Conquer Markets Elsewhere

    Need more entrepreneurs like PSSP to tap the potential of jack. Congrats and keep going !
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    2015/07/29 at 4:12 pm
  • From Original R.Pai on London: Return 'Koh-i-Noor' to India, says UK MP Keith Vaz

    I doubt if British would ever return the diamond as it would open up the door for many more such claims by former British colonies!! Remember, most of the western European countries built their wealth by looting resources from Asia, Africa and American continent. Some are visible like this diamond while others (enormous amount of commodities and labor) are not easily visible. In addition to looting, they also did tremendous amount of damage to cultural and religious fabric of these continents.
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    2015/07/29 at 10:18 am
  • From Vinayak on London: Return 'Koh-i-Noor' to India, says UK MP Keith Vaz

    British are now scared of their reputation, which they have built at the cost of other countries wealth. If they start returning, just imagine what would they have in hand left. Hence its a NO for return.
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    2015/07/29 at 9:20 am
  • From Original R.Pai on Udupi: Devotees Hold Tapta Mudra Dharana ritual in Shri Krishna Temple

    @sas – Religions thrive on the absence of any rational thinking and scientific evidence. Faith and logic are mutually exclusive. Question is – Why are we picking on ‘mudra dhaarana’ or ‘made snaana’ while showing shameless silence over ‘cartoon’ controversy? Well, we all know the answer. It’s very easy to be tough on some ‘braahmana’ or sanaathana sampradaayas as they practice peace in true sense unlike the religion of ‘peace’!!! smiles…
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    2015/07/29 at 6:23 am
  • From vas on London: Return 'Koh-i-Noor' to India, says UK MP Keith Vaz

    It is historical. Morally should be returned to India. We would not fight over it.
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    2015/07/29 at 3:53 am
  • From Original R.Pai on Mangaluru: Kerala Catholic Nun Disallowed from writing AIPMT Exam for Wearing Veil, Cross

    Mr.Mathew, I’ve already stated my opinion on the supreme court ruling. For the record, I don’t agree with the decision. I am all for religious freedom as long as it doesn’t hide your identity and doesn’t intimidate others. In my opinion, people wearing cross, bindi, veil, saree, dhoti or whatever should be allowed to write exams. Now, the only exception is with private property rules. I support the rights of private institutions to enforce their own rules. There is no proof to show that the recent Supreme Court decision was dictated by BJP!! This is where religious bigots like you are spreading the false information giving a bad name to India at international level. You and your group are taking isolated incidents and blame it all on RSS/BJP. Recently, a white man shot and killed 6 blacks in a church here in US. It’s an isolated incident. There are also a number of incidents involving white police officers killing unarmed blacks. It doesn’t mean that entire US is hunting down blacks here. Only a moron would blow these things out of proportion and blacklist US!! Also, how come you are very silent on recent remarks by Fraklin Graham? Would you have supported if a RSS leader made a similar remarks in India? Show some intellectual honesty and have an open mind.
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    2015/07/28 at 9:48 am
    • From B. N. Pai. on Mangaluru: Kerala Catholic Nun Disallowed from writing AIPMT Exam for Wearing Veil, Cross

      Original RSS Duplicate Paimaam pontificates to others, “There is no proof to show that the recent Supreme Court decision was dictated by BJP!! This is where religious bigots like you are spreading the false information giving a bad name to India at international level.” This tall ideal does not apply to him, his RSS and his Modi. Modi can go to foreign countries AS THE PRIME MINISTER OF INDIA and declare there that “till a year ago Indian youths were feeling ashamed that they were born in India, but now since the last one year they are proud that they are Indians”! Dear Paimaam, India wants to know if this political meanness can be tolerated by any patriot, other than you, your RSS and your Modi?
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      2015/07/29 at 7:35 am
    • From B. N. Pai. on Mangaluru: Kerala Catholic Nun Disallowed from writing AIPMT Exam for Wearing Veil, Cross

      ORIGINAL RSS DUPLICATE PAIMAAM OF USA SAYS, “There is no proof to show that the recent Supreme Court decision was dictated by BJP!! This is where religious bigots like you are spreading the false information giving a bad name to India at international level. WHEN MODI WENT TO FOREIGN COUNTRIES HE UNASHAMEDLY PROCLAIMED THERE THAT TILL LAST YEAR THE iNDIANS ABROAD WERE ASHAMED TO HAVE BEEN BORN IN iNDIA! WHAT IS THIS “INFORMATION” BY MODI, DEAR PAIMAAM?
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      2015/07/28 at 10:20 pm
  • From Original R.Pai on Shillong: Former President Abdul Kalam passes away

    Really a sad, sad, sad day for India. RIP
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    2015/07/28 at 9:08 am
  • From Praveen on Shillong: Former President Abdul Kalam passes away

    A truly great and humble man. RIP!
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    2015/07/28 at 6:26 am
  • From Drona on Mangaluru: Kerala Catholic Nun Disallowed from writing AIPMT Exam for Wearing Veil, Cross

    My humble respects to the great departed soul of our beloved ex President of India Dr APJ Abdul Kalaam saab. May his soul rest in peace. My heartfelt condolences also to the martyrs who sacrificed their lives at the senseless act of terrorism that rocked Gurudaspur. I trust the perpetrators will not be allowed to do such a heinous act again.
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    2015/07/28 at 6:15 am
    • From B. N. Pai. on Mangaluru: Kerala Catholic Nun Disallowed from writing AIPMT Exam for Wearing Veil, Cross

      Dronaachaaryaa hopes that terrorists would not be allowed to indulge in their acts. Not to allow such things, Modi has drafted to the protection of the RSS Chief, Mohan Bhagwat, with Z Plus security by 60 Black Cats, round the clock! The Swayamsevaks and their toll claims of protecting the Hindus by twirling lathis is belied, for even to protect their chief, their lathis would not suffice!
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      2015/07/30 at 8:12 am
  • From vas on Udupi: Hang Salman Khan along with Yakub Memon - SRS leader Gangadhar Kulkarni

    srs leader kulkarni You are delusional. You need psychiatric assessment. You first watch ” Bajaranga Bai Jahn”= great movie. Message is simple = Love is more important than Hatred. You will learn something from salman’s movie. Then you will realise what cheap shot you are?.
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    2015/07/28 at 5:38 am
  • From vas on Shillong: Former President Abdul Kalam passes away

    Great man with vision. RIP
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    2015/07/28 at 5:32 am
  • From shaiKH mOHd rizwan on Kuwait: 'Stop the Rule, Lift the Ban on Hijab Wearing by Minority Communities'- IKFS

    In their imaginary world, rapes can be stopped by covering your hair and not showing your armpit!! -Atheist Mr.Original pai Sir,The hijab is often displayed in the media as an object of oppression towards Muslim women; this stereotype is the base foundation for many misconceptions within the media and society. Misconceptions such as Muslim women being limited or backwards. But these statements are false; Hijab does not hinder women from attaining what they want. At times media portrays the hijab as something that suppresses the Muslim women but the hijab through the understanding of Islam is a commandment by God. Muslim women believe that the hijab protects their chastity and leads them to achieve respect through their character rather than their appearance. Because of the lack of knowledge known by many people it leads to these false misconceptions of the hijab. One study done at the University of California, found that media photographs emphasize the faces of men but the bodies of women. In the average picture of women, less than half the photo (45%) was devoted to the woman’s face. In the pictures of men, nearly two-thirds (65%) of the photograph featured the man’s face. Stereotypes of hijab is indeed prevalent today in modern societies. What some women experience are unbelievable or sometimes common. The main source of all stereotypes today in our world is media. It plays a big role in the essence of giving a certain thing or people an identity based on either factual or fictional depictions. Often these media portrayals have a negative impact on people’s lives, I am also aware that we as humans have a natural disposition of being judgemental towards a thing or each other. Sometimes we learn how to step out of that disposition and try to understand what it is that we don’t really know about someone or something. There will always be stereotypes no matter how hard we try, but we can however educate people about hijab to at least reduce some negative stereotypes. Educating would not completely diminish all stereotypes or prejudices, but it will certainly let people aware of what hijab really is. They shall not reveal any parts of their bodies, except that which is necessary.[Quran 24:31] “They shall not strike their feet when they walk in order to shake and reveal certain details of their bodies.”-(24:31) Indeed it is unique creation of Almighty in pairs which natually attracts without the magnetism.It is not necessary to admire the beauty of women in bare body alone. I would request Mr.orginal to come out of the wildest guazing of imagination through his detailed X-ray vision and respect the women kind with dignity. Jai hind
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    2015/07/28 at 1:10 am
    • From Mango Man on Kuwait: 'Stop the Rule, Lift the Ban on Hijab Wearing by Minority Communities'- IKFS

      Shaken Shake, “They shall not reveal any parts of their bodies, except that which is necessary.[Quran 24:31]” Well it shows that the civilization was still in development stage. But Why the creator must take so much trouble to such minor things in a religious book .. any one will wonder. “They shall not strike their feet when they walk in order to shake and reveal certain details of their bodies.”-(24:31) Again– Well it shows that the civilization was still in development stage. But Why the creator must take so much trouble to such minor things in a religious book .. any one will wonder. Why no comments were made about body revealing by males? If a woman is raped she needs to produce 4 witness to this effect why this ? So she keep witness beforehand to fight the case?
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      2015/07/29 at 6:13 pm
  • From A. S. Mathew on Mangaluru: Kerala Catholic Nun Disallowed from writing AIPMT Exam for Wearing Veil, Cross

    Mr. Pai, which has more authority, the Indian Constitution or the Supreme court’s verdict of head covering? The Judges have failed to specify, as long as the head covering won’t hide the identity of a person, the ruling is not applicable. Do you justify the action taken against the Nun, prohibiting her from writing the medical examination because she had one hair covering and a cross? These are pre-calculated attacks on the fundamental liberty of the citizens of India. Who is now ruling in India? If a Bishop is passing through the TSA counter in the U.S., the Inspector may ask the Bishop to take off the headgear for security check, but the Bishop can fly while keeping the headgear on his head. If the Bishop is asked to fly bareheaded, how far illogical is that? If the Nun was asked to take off the hair covering for a minute, that is fine, but when she is not allowed to write the examination without her hair covering and cross, what kind of an illogical harassment is that? You are a BJP fan, that is your fundamental right. Perhaps you are not aware of the village level harassment of the minority Christians all over India now. You have already stated your fair opinion about the head covering of the Nuns and cross bearing. Why the Judges of the Supreme Court had such an open sense, instead of hurting the feelings and undermining the fundamental right of every individual of any religion in India? What is your logical explanation for that? Are you harassed in the U.S.? Be fair. The U.S. Supreme court by a majority of one vote, 5/9 redefined marriage for the first time in the U.S. history. The U.S., is a nation, the very foundation was on the Bible teachings, the forefathers cried and prayed to GOD for guidance. Now, the Supreme Court is challenging what is written about marriage in the sacred books of all the religions. Do I need to agree with the Supreme court’s decision? You may question me, if I ask openly, why Mr. Modi is keeping quite while national issues affecting the minorities are in headlines? If you criticize the Congress party for their slothfulness or corruption, I am not at all bothered about that. This Nun harassment news will be spreading around the world. What kind of an impression about India will be forming in the minds of the readers around the world? Please explain my friend. You can go to the search engine and what Mr. Sanjay Kirloskar has stated after attending the Hanover international business Industrial fair along with Modji . “Growing Attacks on Christians in India Dissuade Investors”. I didn’t tell him to say that, neither the Church leaders of India. The richest countries are Christian-dominant and the very high percentage of the richest people 56.2% are Christians, 6.5% Muslims, 3.9% Hindus, 1.7% Jewish and the rest 31.7% are of other religion or no religion(New World Wealth) We are now living at the internet age, these bad news about India will be affecting the economy of India. The religious fanatics of India can’t see that, thus pushing the nation into economic troubles. That is the main reason, I am speaking against the use of religious card by the BJP and her sisters parties.
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    2015/07/27 at 7:47 pm
    • From Mango Man on Mangaluru: Kerala Catholic Nun Disallowed from writing AIPMT Exam for Wearing Veil, Cross

      Dear AS Mathew, Please note the below news too. “The Principal told her that she was also a Christian and understood her plight, but as per CBSE guidelines, veil and Holy cross cannot be permitted inside the examination hall, PTI reported.” Further please note that there is stringent religion control in China – Christians and Muslims are not allowed to freely practice their religion. However foreign investment flow to China never stopped. Most of the investment is from Europe and USA. As far as as you can make money religion is secondary to western nations. It is very much apparent now that there was no any religious angle to any attacks on churches or nuns. It was all either robbery or personal vendetta. Media is hiliting the issue to its advantage for more viewership. You Sanjay Kirloskar may have cooked up some news and published it and you have been it for granted!!
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      2015/07/28 at 2:16 pm
  • From swathi on Udupi: Two Die on Spot as Truck Hits Bike at Muloor

    Its really tragedy scene.
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    2015/07/27 at 6:06 pm
  • From sas on Udupi: Devotees Hold Tapta Mudra Dharana ritual in Shri Krishna Temple

    “Mudra dharana helps to build resistances to diseases” say the religious heads. Is there any scientific evidence or any statistical evidence to prove such stone-age belief? if someone desires a free tattooing to look like Western jerks, he/she could have it without expecting immunity from diseases.
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    2015/07/27 at 5:54 pm
  • From Ravi on Udupi: Pramod Muthalik Demands Government to Treat all Religious Minority Groups Equally

    From when Muthalik started to fight for Christians, Buddhists, Jain, Parsi….? or is he at last ENlightedned or no taker for his PRO hindu Activities….SORRY SORRY attackes on PUBs
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    2015/07/27 at 4:54 pm
  • From Abhimanyu on Bengaluru: Extortion racket: SIT arrests Karnataka Lokayukta's son Ashwin Rao

    It is time to act by Indian Citizens. Enough is enough, Earlier it was thought that Judiciary was so clean. But we can find more rowdies in the so Called Judiciary. Indians have to wake up soon.
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    2015/07/27 at 1:47 pm
  • From Original R.Pai on Kuwait: 'Stop the Rule, Lift the Ban on Hijab Wearing by Minority Communities'- IKFS

    @ Lawrence – As usual, your religious bigotry has blinded you from seeing the reality. These people are not the biggest fans of our constitution. They want sharia. They might fool you, not me. Look at the reasons they cited for wearing head scarf. In their imaginary world, rapes can be stopped by covering your hair and not showing your armpit!! Oh god! You think they will support free speech and individual freedom? Give me a break!
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    2015/07/27 at 8:31 am
  • From Lawrence on Kuwait: 'Stop the Rule, Lift the Ban on Hijab Wearing by Minority Communities'- IKFS

    Original, we are talking about the Indian Constitution not Kuwait’s Constitution. These people are perhaps Indian citizens living in Kuwait. We are not challenging Kuwait’s constitution, rather Indian constitution. Got it?
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    2015/07/27 at 3:49 am
  • From Original R.Pai on Mangaluru: Kerala Catholic Nun Disallowed from writing AIPMT Exam for Wearing Veil, Cross

    I wonder why AS Mathew is ‘challenged’ in so many areas!! The very first line of the report clearly refers to a Supreme Court ruling. This was not a conspiracy by BJP govt!! Still, our friend AS Mathew continues to embarrass himself by blaming BJP for this ruling! I guess religious hatred coupled with over consumption of beef has certainly turned him into another genius!! LOL
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    2015/07/27 at 1:54 am
  • From Original R.Pai on Kuwait: 'Stop the Rule, Lift the Ban on Hijab Wearing by Minority Communities'- IKFS

    Look who is talking!! By the way, how are minority rights in Kuwait? LOL How many temples are allowed to operate in Kuwait? Can anyone preach other than Islam in Kuwait? What about agnostics and atheists ? Are we allowed to speak openly in Kuwait? Yea, right!! What a bunch…….. trying to lecture India on minority rights.
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    2015/07/26 at 9:30 pm
  • From A. S. Mathew on Mangaluru: Kerala Catholic Nun Disallowed from writing AIPMT Exam for Wearing Veil, Cross

    The BJP Government will be turning as a big headache to the peaceful life of the people of India. As Mr. original Pai has indicated, neither the cross nor the veil will cover the identity, but taking off those things through creating laws is a terrible sign that India is advancing to some very serious troubles in the days ahead; through the deliberate infringement of personal liberty and pre-calculated attacks on the minority religions of India. Wait for the Bihar result like the Delhi miracle!
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    2015/07/26 at 9:20 pm
  • From Original R.Pai on Udupi: Pramod Muthalik Demands Government to Treat all Religious Minority Groups Equally

    As much as we find it uncomfortable, this is precisely why we need right-wing groups in a vibrant democracy. In politically correct world of clueless secular society, truth can be seen as a ‘hate speech’!! Other minorities in India are clearly bullied into silence by ‘peaceful’ group. I remember one astute author pointing this out with an example of ‘chicken biriyaani’ which ended up confusing political illiterates on this forum!! In fact, the author was attacked by members of his own community for pointing out the truth!!! How sad and ironic!! Our minority groups are very good in attacking their own members or sanaatha groups. However, they are full of fear for saying any critical things on ‘peaceful’ community. Show me a single soul from minority community who had enough courage to stand up and comment on ‘cartoon’ controversy!! Good luck finding them!!
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    2015/07/26 at 8:59 pm
  • From CA Mahamad Hanif on UAE: Srikala Prabhu from Dubai bags 15th rank in All India CA Examination

    Congratulations on all that you have accomplished! Congratulations to your parents also who guided you in all possible ways to achieve this. Wish you all the best in your future endeavours. You set an example to others that the self confidence, determination and hard work will definitely pay back.
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    2015/07/26 at 12:53 am
  • From Max and Jessie Rasquinha on Mangaluru: 'Vanamahotsava'- The Festival of Tree Planting Celebrated at Mount Carmel School

    The feast of “Vanamahotsava” was prevalent even during our school days. The planting of trees is a reminder for all of us to realize how important it is to plan a tree each year and make the world lush green wherever possible. Country like India with monsoons lasting for four months is a true blessing to not only plan a tree but nurture it throughout the year with preservation and utilization of water. Let there be a tree named after each one of us so that the tree will remain around much after we are gone. Let there be a tree every corner of the road so that our city is beautified throughout the year. Let the tree provide a fruit so that we can eat at the breakfast or lunch and save the rest of the food for others. Let India remain ever green with crops for each season so that we can have sufficient food throughout the year
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    2015/07/25 at 10:46 pm
  • From Original R.Pai on Mangaluru: Kerala Catholic Nun Disallowed from writing AIPMT Exam for Wearing Veil, Cross

    Wearing cross and veil are not allowed? I guess I disagree with this decision. However, I am against covering your face and hiding your identity.
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    2015/07/25 at 8:33 pm
  • From Original R.Pai on Mangaluru: Got Potholes? It's a Nightmare for Motorists Driving/Riding on Road adjacent to Padua School

    It’s funny how joker Praveena Pinto engages in his usual ‘anganawaadi’ level gibberish when confronted and outsmarted!! smiles…First, he tries to blame me for calling out his leader Lobo. When I point out how my post was fair and balanced, he writes something in kannada only to prove that he is a joker and the joke!! What does my India trips have to do with incompetence of elected leaders? Then again, logic hardly works with these……….
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    2015/07/25 at 8:21 pm
  • From shaikH MOhD rizwan on Udupi: Uttar Pradesh youth spreads nationwide Swachh Bharat Abhiyan awareness through Cycle Yatra

    Dear readers, Indians gained freedom under the leadership of Gandhiji, but his dream of a clean India is still unfulfilled. Mahatma Gandhi said “Sanitation is more important than independence”. He made cleanliness and sanitation an integral part of the Gandhian way of living. His dream was total sanitation for all. Cleanliness is most important for physical well-being and a healthy environment. It has bearing on public and personal hygiene. It is essential for everyone to learn about cleanliness, hygiene, sanitation and the various diseases that are caused due to poor hygienic conditions. The habits learnt at a young age get embedded into one’s personality. Even if we inculcate certain habits like washing hands before meals, regular brushing of teeth, and bathing from a young age, we are not bothered about cleanliness of public places. Mahatma Gandhi said, “I will not let anyone walk through my mind with their dirty feet.” Gandhiji dwelt on cleanliness and good habits and pointed out its close relationship to good health. No one should spit or clean his nose on the streets. In some cases the sputum is so harmful that the germs infect others. In some countries spitting on the road is a criminal offence. Those who spit after chewing betel leaves and tobacco have no consideration for the feelings of others. Spittle, mucus from the nose, etc, should also be covered with earth. (Navajivan dated 2 November, 1919). http://www.gandhi-manibhavan.org/gandhiphilosophy/philosophy_environment_sanitation.htm On 2nd October, 2014, the Indian Prime Minister, Narendra Modi, launched a nation-wide cleanliness campaign on the occasion of Mahatma Gandhi’s birth anniversary.Though BJP succeeded in stealing Mahatma ‘goggle’ for this cause under new brand of ‘Swachh Bharat’ neither toilets came nor temple got its sanity left. Only some potshot exposing themselves with brand new ‘Jaddu’ in pre dumped garbage. Everyone must be his own scavenger. – M. K. Gandhi Is PM Modi with his 10 crores of party cadres of world largest national party who showed extra ordinary skills of bringing down the ‘Babri Masjid’ in less than 24Hrs;can show the same labour cleaning the ‘Ganges’ and manual scavenges? Can we expect Mr.Abhishek to get down from bicycle to be joined by Mr.Original from US and clean the dumps of Mahanagarpalika of Bangalore? Joined by ‘Karsevaks’ of the demolition squard to give makeover in to ‘Garden city’ from getting ‘garbage city’? Jai Hind
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    2015/07/25 at 7:00 pm
  • From Max and Jessie Rasquinha on Mangaluru: Renovation of Town Hall will be Completed by November - Mayor Jacintha

    Town Hall of Mangalore is nothing different from the White House in Washington DC. We look upon the Town Hall as the Capital Building where the Mayor and the Members of the Mangalore meet often and discuss policies and philosophies that pertain to the people of Mangalore. We should be proud to admit the following characteristics of Mangalooru:- 1) We are an Intellectual City of Karnataka. 2) We are a Port City that brings economic growth to our State by allowing cargo ships and cruises to enter our State 3) We have a full fledged Refinery that caters most of our domestic Energy needs 4) We have some of the finest Education Institutes that cater for our Medical, Engineering & Business disciplines 5) We have some of the best industries that support our Coffee, Tea, Fisheries, Fertiliser, Granite and other industries 6) We have some of the best Shopping Centers in Mangalore 7) We have an ideal Secular community that creates peace and harmony in the society 8) We have some of the best Tourist centers such as Temples, Mosques & Churches that can attract global community 9) We have a dynamic multi=cultural and multi-linguistic community bringing charm to our ever changing Society 10) Most importantly, we have the people with a vision, people with a forward looking attitude. All the above features should not be forgotten while we seek more developments to the City that brings progress and prosperity to Mangalore that brings more economic, social, educational and cultural benefits to India as a whole. Thank you, Mayor Jacinta, for your leadership and entrepreneurship. As and when we visit Mangalore next we look forward to the pleasure of meeting with you.
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    2015/07/25 at 6:39 pm
  • From shaikH MOhD rizwan on Mangaluru: Minister Khader Travels by Auto to Hold Press Meet at Eden Club

    There is nothing great in using a normal mode of transportation by an elected official whose primary job is to represent people. -Atheist Mr.Original Pai Sir,What about Narendra Modi ditching ‘Make in India’ Mahindra Scorpio and opting for a specially designed ‘Made in Germany’ BWM armoured 7 Series? Did Modi didn’t trust the word of Anand Mahindra, chairman and managing director, Mahindra & Mahindra, was reported saying that it would be a moment of pride for every Indian if Mr. Modi chooses the indigenous Scorpio as his official mode of transport? Is India’s national security challenges in the hands of our soliders riding M&M’s (Mahindra’s) Axe is the Indian answer to the American Hummer is safe bet if PM hesistant to ride? Why can’t PM Modi take metro ride like Chancellor of Germany Angela Merkel and save public spending?Show me one BJP leader opted for public transport opted like Former union minister Veerapa Moily? Jai Hind
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    2015/07/25 at 6:38 pm
  • From shaikH MOhD rizwan on Chikkamagaluru: Hic! 'Alcohol a Must as Fatigue-reliever' - Women from Villages Tell DC

    Dear readers, It seems Siddu’s ‘Sarai’ not an choice for BJP constituency of CT Ravi. The Union Minister Radha Mohan singh blaming farmer suicide and linking them love affairs and impotency. Now BJP should better find out the way delivering ‘Brandy shop’ to their step. So that a shot can give them soothing pleasure to keep the minds busy from ‘Love affairs and impotent’ husbands. Jai hind
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    2015/07/25 at 6:21 pm
  • From Ajoy D'silva on Mangaluru: 'Vanamahotsava'- The Festival of Tree Planting Celebrated at Mount Carmel School

    nice work !!! good snaps !!! go green !!!
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    2015/07/25 at 6:05 pm
  • From drona on Mangaluru: Five People Severely Injured After Bus Brakes Fail

    Fled from the spot? Were they guilty? Or were they scared that they will be beaten up? Must be another case of reckless driving.
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    2015/07/25 at 1:37 pm
  • From Original R.Pai on Chikkamagaluru: Hic! 'Alcohol a Must as Fatigue-reliever' - Women from Villages Tell DC

    Pincode Pai continues to embarrass himself by posting irrational things!! He doesn’t seem to understand the difference between ‘Individual Choices’ and ‘Public Policies’!! There is no secret in Vajapayee’s drinking habits. It is very different from promoting ‘cheap liquor’ for poor!! One is individual choice while the second one is a matter of public policy! Let me give another example – As we all know, our Jannana is very actively involved in Kudroli temple management and activities. He is also an active member of Congres party. It doesn’t make Congress party a ‘Hindu nationalist’ party!! LOL Pincode Pai refuses to acknowledge the ‘cultural mindset’ that I was referring to. Instead, he chooses to post embarrassing things to fool equally illiterates like Praveena and Mathew. How sad!
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    2015/07/24 at 11:29 pm
    • From B. N. Pai. on Chikkamagaluru: Hic! 'Alcohol a Must as Fatigue-reliever' - Women from Villages Tell DC

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      2015/07/25 at 9:51 pm
  • From Original R.Pai on Mangaluru: Got Potholes? It's a Nightmare for Motorists Driving/Riding on Road adjacent to Padua School

    “When there are potholes on Mangalorean roads, our simple-minded Rampa looks for Mr. Lobo” writes political illiterate Praveena Pinto. Dear Joker, Let me correct you – When there are potholes on Mangaluru roads, I look for both Lobo and Kumaara. Again, you have to read the entire post before embarrassing yourself. Moreover, what’s wrong in holding these guys responsible for pathetic state of mangaluru infrastructure ? Unlike you, I don’t target people purely based on religious and party affiliations. My focus is on doing right things and this is why my posts and views are far superior while your posts register as immature jokes from an anganawadi student!! smiles…
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    2015/07/24 at 11:11 pm
    • From Praveen on Mangaluru: Got Potholes? It's a Nightmare for Motorists Driving/Riding on Road adjacent to Padua School

      Let me correct you – When there are potholes on Mangaluru roads, I look for both Lobo and Kumaara. – Original RampaNNA But Rampa saar, Rampa Saaru, ನೀವು ಇರುವುದು ಅಮೆರಿಕದ ಶಾಂತ ವಾತಾವರಣದಲ್ಲಿ. ಪಾಟ್‌ಹೋಲ್ಸ್ ಇರುವುದು ಮಂಗಳೂರಿನ Third-world ರಸ್ತೆಗಳಲ್ಲಿ. ಭಯಂಕರ ಕಷ್ಟಪಟ್ಟು ನೀವು ಗಂಟು ಮೂಟೆ ಕಟ್ಟಿ ಊರಿಗೆ (ಮಂಗಳೂರಿಗೆ) ಬರುವುದು ಹತ್ತು ವಾರ್ಷದಲ್ಲಿ ಕೇವಲ ಒಮ್ಮೆ. ವಿಷಯ ಹೀಗೆ ಇದ್ದಾಗ, ಹತ್ತು ವಾರ್ಷದಲ್ಲಿ ಒಮ್ಮೆ ನೀವು ಮಿಸ್ಟರ್ ಲೋಬೊ ಮತ್ತೆ ಮಿಸ್ಟೆರ್ ಕುಮಾರ ಅವರಿಗೆ ಕೇವಲ “LOOK” ಮಾಡಿದ್ರೆ ಏನು ಪ್ರಯೋಜನ? ಇದ್ದ ರಸ್ತೆ ಗದ್ಧೆ ಆಗಿ ಹೋದೀತು. ಪರವಾಗಿಲ್ಲ.. ಬಿಡ್ರೀ! ಬಟ್, ಸೂಪರ್ ಜೋಕ್. ಜೈ ರಾಂಪ ಕಿ. 🙂
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      2015/07/25 at 10:26 am
  • From A. S. Mathew on Wrong development priority in spite of Socio-Economic Census and National Sample Survey findings

    Like the rest of the nations of the world, an emerging country with great fanfare slogans created by Mr. Modi to transform India into the 22nd century with all the Himalayan promises of prosperity will be turning in reality as a mere fantasy dream for the lowest sector of the society, which is 33% of the nation living with less than $ 1.25/day. The rich are getting richer, the middle class keeping the status quo, and the poor are getting poorer. The national Indian budget for the Health care was reduced 20% by Arun Jaitly who is constantly boasting and predicting the GDP of India like a whim and fancy, even surprising the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank. If he has such a confidence in the sky rocketing growth of India while the rest of the world is faced with a sinking economical trend, why did he reduce the budgeting of the Healthcare to 20%, which will be hurting the poorest sections of the society too severely. “Unchecked capitalism will make the rich richer and the poor poor” Pundit Nehru. For the last four decades, it was the parade of the whole world in that march; so the rich got richer and the poor got poorer. None of the Economists have learned anything about the current economic crisis faced with the world. Now the world is faced with the abundant supply of consumer goods, raw materials, commodities etc with far lower demand from the consumers due to their terribly declined purchasing power created due to the 7 years prolonged recession started in the U.S., which flew to European Zone, now finally landed in China. China, being the largest exporter and consuming nation of the world, the economic bubble bursting of China will be sending serious shock waves around the world, and will greatly affect the Asian countries, both directly and indirectly. The export of many raw materials to China from India has been declined; cotton export to China from India has declined 57% during the last year. How many people are going to be affected in India?
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    2015/07/24 at 8:03 pm
  • From Original R.Pai on Chikkamagaluru: Hic! 'Alcohol a Must as Fatigue-reliever' - Women from Villages Tell DC

    Isn’t what our ‘cheap liquor’ siddu wanted in our state? If I am right, his vision was to provide cheap liquor and free rice to all the poor families. This is the cultural mindset and product of Congress governance we had all these decades.
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    2015/07/24 at 8:10 am
    • From B. N. Pai. on Chikkamagaluru: Hic! 'Alcohol a Must as Fatigue-reliever' - Women from Villages Tell DC

      Dear Original RSS Duplicate Paimaam, you must first know your RSS folks, before making scathing and unfounded allegations against the Congress by saying, “This is the cultural mindset and product of Congress governance we had all these decades.” Do you know the cultural mindset of BJP stalwarts? The best example is Atal Bihari Vajpayee! He is well known for his insatiable craving for choicest brand of foreign liquor and daily servings of prawns and chicken curry with it. Even when he was visiting foreign countries, like the USA, he used to take best chaufs with him, specially recruited from Hotel Taj of Bombay etc! Go through the “Morarji Dairy” allegations by Subramanian Swamy, who accompanied him to Peking as his deputy, in 1978; wherein Subramanian Swamy is reported to have complained to Prime Minister Morarji Desai that our foreign minister had no time to do any worthwhile job in Peking because of preoccupation with dames and pegs! That is why Vajpayee did not make him a minister in his cabinet and an infuriated Swamy went out from BJP, became the president of Janata Party and at last sold the Party to Liquor Barren Vijay Mallya of Bangalore.
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      2015/07/24 at 5:51 pm
  • From Original R.Pai on Mangaluru: Got Potholes? It's a Nightmare for Motorists Driving/Riding on Road adjacent to Padua School

    Where is Lobo ? Oh never mind – he was busy lecturing some panchaayat level guys to fight corruption!! And, where is Nalina kumaara ? He must be attending some ‘udghaatanaa samaarambha’!!
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    2015/07/24 at 8:05 am
    • From Praveen on Mangaluru: Got Potholes? It's a Nightmare for Motorists Driving/Riding on Road adjacent to Padua School

      Where is Lobo ? Oh never mind – he was busy lecturing some panchaayat level guys to fight corruption!! And, where is Nalina kumaara ? He must be attending some ‘udghaatanaa samaarambha’!! – Mr. RampaNNA When there are potholes on Mangalorean roads, our simple-minded Rampa looks for Mr. Lobo. When there are so many scams unearthed states ruled by our Pradhana Sevaka’s Party, our beloved PM dons his fanciest set-of-threads and goes globetrotting to deliver some highly unwanted pep-talk. If he is in a magnanimous mood, he extends a line of credit to even the Mongolians. Nothing much – about 1 Billion USD or JUST about some 6,390 CRORES! You see, the Mongolians are going to set up shop in India and “make in India” some Satellites or Boeings or Airbuses or Ships or Choppers or Subs. And where is our beloved Amitha Shaha? Oh never mind! He must be busy directing the CBI to investigate Teesta Setalvad’s neighbors too? And that JetLee – beloved bro of Bruce Lee….. ಪರವಾಗಿಲ್ಲ. ಬಿಡ್ರೀ! He must be busy organizing the upcoming auctions of players from CSK and Rajasthan Royals. after all, he is the BIGGEST puppet-master of the IPL and BCCI. And our Sushma…….. Hahahahaha!
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      2015/07/24 at 10:38 am
  • From Original R.Pai on Udupi: Uttar Pradesh youth spreads nationwide Swachh Bharat Abhiyan awareness through Cycle Yatra

    We need these abhisheks in every family. The ‘swachcha bhaaratha’ campaign will succeed only when we change our approach towards cleanliness.
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    2015/07/24 at 7:36 am
  • From Max and Jessie Rasquinha on Mangaluru: Port Town Advanced Toastmasters Club Office-bearers Installed

    Congratulations to the Port Town Advanced Toastmasters Club who recently installed the new Club Officers for the new term. While the Port of Mangalore is contributing a great deal for the advancement of Mangalore in the sense of Economic growth as well as Industrial growth, it is a pride to note that the Toastmasters movement has brought a new awareness on the importance of social and philanthropic involvement that will strengthen the social roots of Mangalore. We spend a great deal of our time in North America in propagating the advancement of Mangalore not only in the Economic, Social and Philanthropic sense but also in the Educational, Cultural as well as Religious involvements that is taking Mangalore to a much higher pedestal because the community and society of Mangalore is moving forward in the right direction. Our Temples, Mosques and Churches have a history to boast. Our High Schools, Colleges, Universities have a tremendous impact on our younger generation who are proving themselves intellectually moving towards the World standards. Our Medical Colleges, Engineering Colleges as well as Nursing Colleges are producing some of the best candidates that can bring name and fame for Mangalore in every field of advancement. Adding to all the above glory, we have philanthropic groups such as Toastmasters providing a pathway for numerous Leaders and Communicators that are helping to transform the local community into a vibrant Society. We can be the spokesmen for our fast changing City, and our leadership can be a good role model for our young community. Mangalore Port is now on the world map. More and more Cruise Liners are now planning to touch Mangalore on a regular basis, and one of these days we would like to come to Mangalore on one of the Luxury Cruise Liners and spend some quality time with our talented Toastmasters so that they display some of the best Leadership talents to the outside world and help Mangalore to gain increased momentum. The charm of Mangalore rests on the dynamic personalities of the people, people of all cultures and religious backgrounds working together and making the World strong and more united than ever before. Congratulations once again, and God bless.
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    2015/07/23 at 11:22 pm
  • From Original R.Pai on Mangaluru: Work Hard to Eliminate Corruption - MLA J R Lobo

    This guy was elected with so much hype. However, he has failed to deliver in Mangaluru. Not sure if forces of corruption are that big to defeat or he is simply a pacifist who wants to get along with everyone. Either way, both MLA and MP have failed mangaluru.
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    2015/07/23 at 9:00 pm
  • From Ganesh on Mangaluru: Got Potholes? It's a Nightmare for Motorists Driving/Riding on Road adjacent to Padua School

    Mr. Lobo, Please make a trip from Car-street to Alake and just see the road condition and this not the first time this happens in every monsoon and the road find repair only when Dasara procession. After that none bothers about that road. All the elected MLA’s and corporators are seen only at the time of election giving big speaks and results are big Zero.
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    2015/07/23 at 6:17 pm
  • From Sudesh on Bengaluru: Abused by man claiming to be MLC for objecting to parking: Pai

    Pai mam we are fools to vote for any party this thugs boss us with dire consequences that is why we say mera bharat mahaan
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    2015/07/23 at 12:06 pm
  • From Francis on Belagavi: Worried Lovers Commit Suicide - Repenting Parents Conduct Marriage at Funeral!

    This happends only in India!
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    2015/07/23 at 10:20 am
  • From B DINESH on Mangaluru: Work Hard to Eliminate Corruption - MLA J R Lobo

    Mr. Lobo – this is wishful thinking. It will never happen unless capital punishment is imposed on both the givers and the receivers of bribe! Something that has taken deep roots over the last 50 years and something that is part of the culture today – may never change no matter how hard one tries. It won’t be too long before the government will have no money in its treasury to pay for the infrastructure as the new development with black money will surpass what the government can plan and fund. It is already happening to some extent – no water and no roads in newly developed areas!
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    2015/07/23 at 7:01 am