Website Impact! 4 Hours after the Report, MCC Repairs Pipe which was Leaking Water for 4 Days!

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Website Impact! 4 Hours after the Report, MCC Repairs Pipe which was Leaking Water for 4 Days!

Mangaluru: Talk about the power of media, especially Electronic media where we highlight the civic issues and within few hours or few days the concerned authorities who can’t bear the criticism about their negligence, quickly get into action and rectify the civic issues. In the past has highlighted various civic issues through our website, and there has been a tremendous effect with most of the problems being fixed in no time, from rectifying dilapidated roads, open drainage, non-friendly footpaths, dog menace etc etc

Following the report published in (Ref: Gallons of Water Lost since 4 Days near Gerosa High School-Is MCC Aware of It or Just Ignoring? )highlighting the water leakage from a broken pipe in front of Gerosa School, opposite Jeppu Church on Father Muller’s road, Mangaluru, and it was surprising to note that within four hours of the report published, Team Mangalorean noticed that Mangaluru City Corporation official along with two labourers, during the late morning hours, had already started the work to repair the broken pipe, which has been leaking gallons of water, since four days, starting last Saturday.


While Mangaluru City Corporation Commissioner, MCC Mayor and other top honchos at MCC are urging citizens of Mangaluru to consume water responsibly and not to waste it unnecessary for not needed purpose-but sadly, on their part, they always turn a blind eye to such issues, and it has been the case for years, and still continue. And here was the water pipe losing gallons and gallons of water 24X7 since 4 days (Saturday-according to a street vendor), but it could be more than four days, but the civic body had not taken any action to fix it, until Team Mangalorean highlighted the civic issue in our web. Looking at the amount of water in gallons being lost unnecessary, it seems like no MCC officials nor the area corporator who lives right on that road, (who might have passed this spot quite a few times) has taken any action to fix this problem.


While MCC claims that it has to collect payment of water bills in crores – and on the other hand MCC is losing gallons of water due to faulty leakages, like this one. While most of the City is dying of thirst during certain summer months due to low water supply, and here we have water being lost due to human error and negligence. Water leaks are becoming a bigger cause for concern with corporations/municipalities desperately trying to conserve more water, while trying to decrease the amount of clean water that is being wasted through burst water pipes.

Old water infrastructure has been a problem for MCC with old metal pipes rusting, loose bolts giving way, and clean water gushing onto the street or into drains, costing a fortune in revenue. So how much water does the city actually lose because of this? A LOT! The City’s creaking water system is leaking thousands of litres every day in regions currently facing usage restrictions as reservoirs run perilously low during hot weather. Many times MCC warns residents to limit their water usage during summer, but don’t bother to fix leaky or faulty pipes that leak out gallons of water. Bah humbug!

It’s sad to note that there are many faulty/leaky water pipes that lose gallons of water, which is a waste? We are happy that our report woke up the concerned MCC officials to sprung into action, and fix this leaking water pipe, with quick time, since gallons of water has already been lost in the last four days. The workers were seen still working this morning, and the supervisor at the site said that the issue will be rectified soon. Yet another civic issue solved by the timely intervention of Team Mangalorean- and we feel proud of it.


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Shameer Mohammed
4 years ago

Hats off to you Team Mangalorean. Very impressive and you guys are doing a great job.